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<?php namespace MabeEnum; use ReflectionClass; use InvalidArgumentException; use LogicException; /** * Class to implement enumerations for PHP 5 (without SplEnum) * * @link http://github.com/marc-mabe/php-enum for the canonical source repository * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 Marc Bennewitz * @license http://github.com/marc-mabe/php-enum/blob/master/LICENSE.txt New BSD License */ abstract class Enum { /** * The selected value * * @var null|bool|int|float|string */ private $value; /** * The ordinal number of the value * * @var null|int */ private $ordinal; /** * An array of available constants by class * * @var array ["$class" => ["$const" => $value, ...], ...] */ private static $constants = array(); /** * Already instantiated enums * * @var array ["$class" => ["$const" => $instance, ...], ...] */ private static $instances = array(); /** * Constructor * * @param null|bool|int|float|string $value The value to select * @param int|null $ordinal The ordinal number of the value */ final private function __construct($value, $ordinal = null) { $this->value = $value; $this->ordinal = $ordinal; } /** * Get the current selected constant name * * @return string * @see getName() */ public function __toString() { return $this->getName(); } /** * @throws LogicException Enums are not cloneable * because instances are implemented as singletons */ final private function __clone() { throw new LogicException('Enums are not cloneable'); } /** * @throws LogicException Enums are not serializable * because instances are implemented as singletons */ final public function __sleep() { throw new LogicException('Enums are not serializable'); } /** * @throws LogicException Enums are not serializable * because instances are implemented as singletons */ final public function __wakeup() { throw new LogicException('Enums are not serializable'); } /** * Get the current selected value * * @return null|bool|int|float|string */ final public function getValue() { return $this->value; } /** * Get the current selected constant name * * @return string */ final public function getName() { return array_search($this->value, self::detectConstants(get_called_class()), true); } /** * Get the ordinal number of the selected value * * @return int */ final public function getOrdinal() { if ($this->ordinal !== null) { return $this->ordinal; } // detect ordinal $ordinal = 0; $value = $this->value; foreach (self::detectConstants(get_called_class()) as $constValue) { if ($value === $constValue) { break; } ++$ordinal; } $this->ordinal = $ordinal; return $ordinal; } /** * Compare this enum against another enum and check if it's the same * * @param mixed $enum * @return bool */ final public function is($enum) { return $this === $enum || $this->value === $enum; /* return $this->value === $enum || (($enum instanceof static || $this instanceof $enum) && $this->value === $enum->getValue()); */ } /** * Get an enum of the given value or instance * * On passing an extended instance the instance will be returned if the value * is inherited by the called class or if $tradeExtendedAsUnknown is disabled * else an InvalidArgumentException will be thrown. * * @param static|null|bool|int|float|string $value * @param bool $tradeExtendedAsUnknown * @return static * @throws InvalidArgumentException On an unknwon or invalid value * @throws LogicException On ambiguous constant values */ final public static function get($value, $tradeExtendedAsUnknown = true) { if ($value instanceof static) { if ($tradeExtendedAsUnknown && !defined('static::' . $value->getName())) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( "%s::%s is not inherited from %s", get_class($value), $value->getName(), get_called_class() )); } return $value; } $class = get_called_class(); $constants = self::detectConstants($class); $name = array_search($value, $constants, true); if ($name === false) { if (is_scalar($value)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown value ' . var_export($value, true)); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid value of type ' . gettype($value)); } } if (isset(self::$instances[$class][$name])) { return self::$instances[$class][$name]; } return self::$instances[$class][$name] = new $class($constants[$name]); } /** * Get an enum by the given name * * @param string $name The name to instantiate the enum by * @return static * @throws InvalidArgumentException On an invalid or unknown name * @throws LogicException On ambiguous constant values */ final public static function getByName($name) { $name = (string) $name; $class = get_called_class(); if (isset(self::$instances[$class][$name])) { return self::$instances[$class][$name]; } $const = $class . '::' . $name; if (!defined($const)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException($const . ' not defined'); } return self::$instances[$class][$name] = new $class(constant($const)); } /** * Get an enum by the given ordinal number * * @param int $ordinal The ordinal number to instantiate the enum by * @return static * @throws InvalidArgumentException On an invalid ordinal number * @throws LogicException On ambiguous constant values */ final public static function getByOrdinal($ordinal) { $ordinal = (int) $ordinal; $class = get_called_class(); $constants = self::detectConstants($class); $item = array_slice($constants, $ordinal, 1, true); if (!$item) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'Invalid ordinal number, must between 0 and %s', count($constants) - 1 )); } $name = key($item); if (isset(self::$instances[$class][$name])) { return self::$instances[$class][$name]; } return self::$instances[$class][$name] = new $class(current($item), $ordinal); } /** * Clears all instantiated enums * * NOTE: This can break singleton behavior ... use it with caution! * * @return void */ final public static function clear() { $class = get_called_class(); unset(self::$instances[$class], self::$constants[$class]); } /** * Get all available constants of the called class * * @return array * @throws LogicException On ambiguous constant values */ final public static function getConstants() { return self::detectConstants(get_called_class()); } /** * Detect constants available by given class * * @param string $class * @return array * @throws LogicException On ambiguous constant values */ private static function detectConstants($class) { if (!isset(self::$constants[$class])) { $reflection = new ReflectionClass($class); $constants = $reflection->getConstants(); // values needs to be unique $ambiguous = array(); foreach ($constants as $value) { $names = array_keys($constants, $value, true); if (count($names) > 1) { $ambiguous[var_export($value, true)] = $names; } } if ($ambiguous) { throw new LogicException( 'All possible values needs to be unique. The following are ambiguous: ' . implode(', ', array_map(function ($names) use ($constants) { return implode('/', $names) . '=' . var_export($constants[$names[0]], true); }, $ambiguous)) ); } // This is required to make sure that constants of base classes will be the first while (($reflection = $reflection->getParentClass()) && $reflection->name !== __CLASS__) { $constants = $reflection->getConstants() + $constants; } self::$constants[$class] = $constants; } return self::$constants[$class]; } /** * Instantiate an enum by a name of a constant. * * This will be called automatically on calling a method * with the same name of a defined constant. * * @param string $method The name to instantiate the enum by (called as method) * @param array $args There should be no arguments * @return static * @throws InvalidArgumentException On an invalid or unknown name * @throws LogicException On ambiguous constant values */ final public static function __callStatic($method, array $args) { return self::getByName($method); } } class A extends Enum { const UNDEFINED = 0; const ONE = 1; } class B extends A { const ONE = 'ONE'; } // Two enumerators of the same constant on inherited classes $enumAUndef = A::UNDEFINED(); $enumBUndef = B::UNDEFINED(); var_dump($enumAUndef === $enumBUndef); // FALSE - different instances var_dump($enumAUndef->getValue() === $enumBUndef->getValue()); // TRUE - the values will be the same var_dump($enumAUndef->getName() === $enumBUndef->getName()); // TRUE - the constant names will be the same var_dump($enumAUndef->is($enumBUndef)); // FALSE - different instances var_dump($enumBUndef->is($enumAUndef)); // FALSE - different instances var_dump($enumAUndef->is($enumBUndef->getValue())); // TRUE - the values will be the same var_dump($enumBUndef->is($enumAUndef->getValue())); // TRUE - the values will be the same // Two enumerators of the same named constant with different values on inherited classes $enumAOne = A::ONE(); $enumBOne = B::ONE(); var_dump($enumAOne === $enumBOne); // FALSE - different instances var_dump($enumAOne->getValue() === $enumBOne->getValue()); // FALSE - the values will be different var_dump($enumAOne->getName() === $enumBOne->getName()); // TRUE - the constant names will be the same var_dump($enumAOne->is($enumBOne)); // FALSE - different instances var_dump($enumBOne->is($enumAOne)); // FALSE - different instances var_dump($enumAOne->is($enumBOne->getValue())); // TRUE - the values will be different var_dump($enumBOne->is($enumAOne->getValue())); // TRUE - the values will be different

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