
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php // Start / End range $start = 1; $end = 100; // The two statements below allowed me to suggest which number to remove // I opted to use a file because I thought it was less obvious than passing // another argument. //$remove = is_readable(__DIR__ . '/remove') ? trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/remove')) : false; //$remove = isset($argv[2]) ? true : false; // Otherwise we simulate which number we have removed $remove = rand($start, $end); $random = isset($argv[1]) ? true : false; // Create the range $list = range($start, $end); // Determine whether the array should be random $random and shuffle($list); // Because $remove is optional (if user defined) we wrap this with an if if($remove) { $key = array_search($remove, $list); // Make sure the key exists otherwise php treat false == 0 // meaning the first element of the array would be removed if the key wasn't found if($key !== false) { unset($list[$key]); } } // Time to search for the number that was removed // I can't remeber whether I'm allowed to use the in_array method, but this loops through the range 1..100 // and determines whether that value exists. $found = false; for($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { if(!in_array($i, $list)) { $found = $i; print $i . " was removed\n"; break; } } if($found == $remove) { print "Successfuly found the missing number\n"; }

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