
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php if (!function_exists('interface_exists')) { die('PHP version too old'); } $throwables = listThrowableClasses(); $throwablesPerParent = splitInParents($throwables); printTree($throwablesPerParent); if (count($throwablesPerParent) !== 0) { die('ERROR!!!'); } function listThrowableClasses() { $result = array(); if (interface_exists('Throwable')) { foreach (get_declared_classes() as $cn) { $implements = class_implements($cn); if (isset($implements['Throwable'])) { $result[] = $cn; } } } else { foreach (get_declared_classes() as $cn) { if ($cn === 'Exception' || is_subclass_of($cn, 'Exception')) { $result[] = $cn; } } } return $result; } function splitInParents($classes) { $result = array(); foreach ($classes as $cn) { $parent = (string) get_parent_class($cn); if (isset($result[$parent])) { $result[$parent][] = $cn; } else { $result[$parent] = array($cn); } } return $result; } function printTree(&$tree) { if (!isset($tree[''])) { die('No root classes!!!'); } printLeaves($tree, '', 0); } function printLeaves(&$tree, $parent, $level) { if (isset($tree[$parent])) { $leaves = $tree[$parent]; unset($tree[$parent]); natcasesort($leaves); $leaves = array_values($leaves); $count = count($leaves); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $leaf = $leaves[$i]; echo str_repeat(' ', $level), $leaf, "\n"; printLeaves($tree, $leaf, $level + 1); } } }
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
Error ArithmeticError DivisionByZeroError AssertionError CompileError ParseError DateError DateObjectError DateRangeError FiberError Random\RandomError Random\BrokenRandomEngineError TypeError ArgumentCountError UnhandledMatchError ValueError Exception ClosedGeneratorException DateException DateInvalidOperationException DateInvalidTimeZoneException DateMalformedIntervalStringException DateMalformedPeriodStringException DateMalformedStringException DOMException dom\domexception ErrorException IntlException JsonException LogicException BadFunctionCallException BadMethodCallException DomainException InvalidArgumentException LengthException OutOfRangeException PharException Random\RandomException ReflectionException RequestParseBodyException RuntimeException OutOfBoundsException OverflowException PDOException RangeException UnderflowException UnexpectedValueException SQLite3Exception

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