
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php session_start(); session_destroy(); session_start(); session_regenerate_id(); $sessionid = session_id(); include ("db/db_connect.php"); date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Calcutta'); $ipaddress = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $updatedatetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $todaydate = date('Y-m-d'); //Variable Declaration $errmsg = ''; $totalclosingcash = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST["frmflag1"])) { $frmflag1 = $_REQUEST["frmflag1"]; } else { $frmflag1 = ""; } //$frmflag1 = isset($_POST["frmflag1"]); if ($frmflag1 == 'frmflag1') { $username = $_POST["username"]; $password = $_POST["password"]; //$query1 = "select * from master_usercreation where username = '$username' and password = '$password'"; $query1 = "select * from master_employee where username = '$username' and password = '$password' and status = 'ACTIVE'"; $exec1 = mysql_query($query1) or die ("Error in Query1".mysql_error()); $rowcount1 = mysql_num_rows($exec1); if ($rowcount1 == 0) { header ("location:login1.php?st=1"); } else { $res1 = mysql_fetch_array($exec1); $_SESSION["userid"] = $res1['auto_number']; $_SESSION["username"] = $username; $_SESSION["logintime"] = $updatedatetime; $query2 = "insert into details_login (username, logintime, openingcash, lastupdate, lastupdateipaddress, lastupdateusername, sessionid) value ('$username', '$updatedatetime', '$totalclosingcash', '$updatedatetime', '$ipaddress', '$username', '$sessionid')"; $exec2 = mysql_query($query2) or die ("Error in Query2".mysql_error()); $query4 = "delete from login_restriction where username = '$username'"; $exec4 = mysql_query($query4) or die ("Error in Query4".mysql_error()); $query3 = "insert into login_restriction (username, logintime, lastupdate, lastupdateipaddress, lastupdateusername, sessionid) value ('$username', '$updatedatetime', '$updatedatetime', '$ipaddress', '$username', '$sessionid')"; $exec3 = mysql_query($query3) or die ("Error in Query3".mysql_error()); $query1 = "select count(auto_number) as countanum from login_restriction"; $exec1 = mysql_query($query1) or die ("Error in Query1".mysql_error()); $res1 = mysql_fetch_array($exec1); $logincount = $res1["countanum"]; $query2 = "select * from master_edition where status = 'ACTIVE'"; $exec2 = mysql_query($query2) or die ("Error in Query2".mysql_error()); $res2 = mysql_fetch_array($exec2); $res2usercount = $res2["users"]; if ($logincount > $res2usercount) { //echo 'inside if'; header ("location:login1restricted1.php"); exit; } //header ("location:mainmenu1.php?st=1"); header ("location:setactivecompany1.php"); } } if (isset($_REQUEST["st"])) { $st = $_REQUEST["st"]; } else { $st = ""; } //$st = isset($_REQUEST["st"]); if ($st == 1) { $errmsg = "Login Failed. Please Try Again With Proper User Id and Password."; } ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; } .bodytext3 { FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 11px; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma } .bodytext9 { FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 13px; COLOR: #942600; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma } --> </style> <link href="datepickerstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/adddate.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/adddate2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/disablebackenterkey.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> // to check browser compatibility. var nVer = navigator.appVersion; var nAgt = navigator.userAgent; var browserName = navigator.appName; var fullVersion = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); var majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10); var nameOffset,verOffset,ix; // In MSIE, the true version is after "MSIE" in userAgent if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("MSIE"))!=-1) { browserName = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+5); } // In Opera, the true version is after "Opera" else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Opera"))!=-1) { browserName = "Opera"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+6); } // In Chrome, the true version is after "Chrome" else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Chrome"))!=-1) { browserName = "Chrome"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+7); } // In Safari, the true version is after "Safari" else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Safari"))!=-1) { browserName = "Safari"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+7); } // In Firefox, the true version is after "Firefox" else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Firefox"))!=-1) { browserName = "Firefox"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+8); } // In most other browsers, "name/version" is at the end of userAgent else if ( (nameOffset=nAgt.lastIndexOf(' ')+1) < (verOffset=nAgt.lastIndexOf('/')) ) { browserName = nAgt.substring(nameOffset,verOffset); fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+1); if (browserName.toLowerCase()==browserName.toUpperCase()) { browserName = navigator.appName; } } // trim the fullVersion string at semicolon/space if present if ((ix=fullVersion.indexOf(";"))!=-1) fullVersion=fullVersion.substring(0,ix); if ((ix=fullVersion.indexOf(" "))!=-1) fullVersion=fullVersion.substring(0,ix); majorVersion = parseInt(''+fullVersion,10); if (isNaN(majorVersion)) { fullVersion = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10); } //document.write('Browser name = '+browserName+'<br>'); //document.write('Full version = '+fullVersion+'<br>'); //document.write('Major version = '+majorVersion+'<br>'); //document.write('navigator.appName = '+navigator.appName+'<br>'); //document.write('navigator.userAgent = '+navigator.userAgent+'<br>'); if (browserName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { //alert ("You Are Using MSIE."); //alert (fullVersion); if (fullVersion >= 6) { //alert ("You Are Using Version Greater Than / Equal To 6."); //window.location = "login1.php"; } else { //alert ("Version Is Less Than 6."); //alert ("This is not MSIE."); //window.location = "browserfailed.php?st=versionfailed"; } } else { //alert ("Version Is Less Than 6."); //alert ("This is not MSIE."); //window.location = "browserfailed.php?st=browserfailed"; } </script> <script language="javascript"> function process1login1() { if (document.form1.username.value == "") { alert ("Pleae Enter Your User Id."); document.form1.username.focus(); return false; } else if (document.form1.password.value == "") { alert ("Pleae Enter Your Password."); document.form1.password.focus(); return false; } } function setFocus() { document.getElementById("username").focus(); } </script> </head> <body onLoad="return setFocus()"> <table width="101%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td colspan="10" bgcolor="#942600"><?php include ("includes/alertmessages1.php"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10" bgcolor="#942600"><?php include ("includes/title1.php"); ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10" bgcolor="#942600"><?php //include ("includes/menu1.php"); ?>&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="1%">&nbsp;</td> <td width="2%" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td width="97%" valign="top"> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="login1.php" onKeyDown="return disableEnterKey()" onSubmit="return process1login1()"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tablebackgroundcolor1"> <tr> <td><table width="400" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#666666" id="AutoNumber3" style="border-collapse: collapse"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#942600" class="bodytext3"><div class="bodytext3"><b>User Login</b></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="<?php if ($errmsg == '') { echo '#FFFFFF'; } else { echo '#FF9900'; } ?>" class="bodytext3"> <div align="right">&nbsp; <?php echo $errmsg; ?> </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="37%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodytext9"><b>User ID</b> </td> <td width="63%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="username" type="text" id="username" style="border: 1px solid #001E6A" size="20" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="37%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodytext9"><b>Password</b></td> <td width="63%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="password" type="password" id="password" style="border: 1px solid #942600" size="20" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="middle" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</td> <td align="middle" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div align="left"> <input type="hidden" name="frmflag1" id="frmflag1" value="frmflag1" /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" style="border: 1px solid #942600" /> <input type="reset" name="Submit2" value="Reset" style="border: 1px solid #942600" /> </div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> </form> </table> <?php include ("includes/footer1.php"); ?> </body> </html>
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
Warning: include(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(db/db_connect.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/tmp:/in:/etc) in /in/s3aAg on line 7 Warning: include(db/db_connect.php): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /in/s3aAg on line 7 Warning: include(): Failed opening 'db/db_connect.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /in/s3aAg on line 7 Warning: Undefined array key "REMOTE_ADDR" in /in/s3aAg on line 9 <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; background-color: #ffffff; } .bodytext3 { FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 11px; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma } .bodytext9 { FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 13px; COLOR: #942600; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma } --> </style> <link href="datepickerstyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/adddate.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/adddate2.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/disablebackenterkey.js"></script> <script language="javascript"> // to check browser compatibility. var nVer = navigator.appVersion; var nAgt = navigator.userAgent; var browserName = navigator.appName; var fullVersion = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); var majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10); var nameOffset,verOffset,ix; // In MSIE, the true version is after "MSIE" in userAgent if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("MSIE"))!=-1) { browserName = "Microsoft Internet Explorer"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+5); } // In Opera, the true version is after "Opera" else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Opera"))!=-1) { browserName = "Opera"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+6); } // In Chrome, the true version is after "Chrome" else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Chrome"))!=-1) { browserName = "Chrome"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+7); } // In Safari, the true version is after "Safari" else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Safari"))!=-1) { browserName = "Safari"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+7); } // In Firefox, the true version is after "Firefox" else if ((verOffset=nAgt.indexOf("Firefox"))!=-1) { browserName = "Firefox"; fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+8); } // In most other browsers, "name/version" is at the end of userAgent else if ( (nameOffset=nAgt.lastIndexOf(' ')+1) < (verOffset=nAgt.lastIndexOf('/')) ) { browserName = nAgt.substring(nameOffset,verOffset); fullVersion = nAgt.substring(verOffset+1); if (browserName.toLowerCase()==browserName.toUpperCase()) { browserName = navigator.appName; } } // trim the fullVersion string at semicolon/space if present if ((ix=fullVersion.indexOf(";"))!=-1) fullVersion=fullVersion.substring(0,ix); if ((ix=fullVersion.indexOf(" "))!=-1) fullVersion=fullVersion.substring(0,ix); majorVersion = parseInt(''+fullVersion,10); if (isNaN(majorVersion)) { fullVersion = ''+parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); majorVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion,10); } //document.write('Browser name = '+browserName+'<br>'); //document.write('Full version = '+fullVersion+'<br>'); //document.write('Major version = '+majorVersion+'<br>'); //document.write('navigator.appName = '+navigator.appName+'<br>'); //document.write('navigator.userAgent = '+navigator.userAgent+'<br>'); if (browserName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { //alert ("You Are Using MSIE."); //alert (fullVersion); if (fullVersion >= 6) { //alert ("You Are Using Version Greater Than / Equal To 6."); //window.location = "login1.php"; } else { //alert ("Version Is Less Than 6."); //alert ("This is not MSIE."); //window.location = "browserfailed.php?st=versionfailed"; } } else { //alert ("Version Is Less Than 6."); //alert ("This is not MSIE."); //window.location = "browserfailed.php?st=browserfailed"; } </script> <script language="javascript"> function process1login1() { if (document.form1.username.value == "") { alert ("Pleae Enter Your User Id."); document.form1.username.focus(); return false; } else if (document.form1.password.value == "") { alert ("Pleae Enter Your Password."); document.form1.password.focus(); return false; } } function setFocus() { document.getElementById("username").focus(); } </script> </head> <body onLoad="return setFocus()"> <table width="101%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td colspan="10" bgcolor="#942600"> Warning: include(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(includes/alertmessages1.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/tmp:/in:/etc) in /in/s3aAg on line 221 Warning: include(includes/alertmessages1.php): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /in/s3aAg on line 221 Warning: include(): Failed opening 'includes/alertmessages1.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /in/s3aAg on line 221 </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10" bgcolor="#942600"> Warning: include(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(includes/title1.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/tmp:/in:/etc) in /in/s3aAg on line 224 Warning: include(includes/title1.php): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /in/s3aAg on line 224 Warning: include(): Failed opening 'includes/title1.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /in/s3aAg on line 224 </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10" bgcolor="#942600">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="10">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="1%">&nbsp;</td> <td width="2%" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td width="97%" valign="top"> <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="login1.php" onKeyDown="return disableEnterKey()" onSubmit="return process1login1()"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tablebackgroundcolor1"> <tr> <td><table width="400" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#666666" id="AutoNumber3" style="border-collapse: collapse"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#942600" class="bodytext3"><div class="bodytext3"><b>User Login</b></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodytext3"> <div align="right">&nbsp; </div></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="37%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodytext9"><b>User ID</b> </td> <td width="63%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="username" type="text" id="username" style="border: 1px solid #001E6A" size="20" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="37%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="bodytext9"><b>Password</b></td> <td width="63%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><input name="password" type="password" id="password" style="border: 1px solid #942600" size="20" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="middle" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">&nbsp;</td> <td align="middle" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div align="left"> <input type="hidden" name="frmflag1" id="frmflag1" value="frmflag1" /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" style="border: 1px solid #942600" /> <input type="reset" name="Submit2" value="Reset" style="border: 1px solid #942600" /> </div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> </form> </table> Warning: include(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(includes/footer1.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/tmp:/in:/etc) in /in/s3aAg on line 281 Warning: include(includes/footer1.php): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /in/s3aAg on line 281 Warning: include(): Failed opening 'includes/footer1.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /in/s3aAg on line 281 </body> </html>

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