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<?php /* XML Parser Class by Eric Rosebrock modified by Richard Bishop 30/05/2007 http://www.phpfreaks.com Class originated from: kris@h3x.com AT: http://www.devdump.com/phpxml.php Usage: <?php include 'clsParseXML.php'; $xmlparse = &new ParseXML; $xml = $xmlparse->GetXMLTree('/path/to/xmlfile.xml'); echo "<pre>"; print_r($xml); echo "</pre>"; ?> The path to the XML file may be a local file or a URL. Returns the elements of the XML file into an array with it's subelements as keys and subarrays. */ class clsParseXML{ function GetChildren($vals, &$i) { $children = array(); // Contains node data if (isset($vals[$i]['value'])){ $children['VALUE'] = $vals[$i]['value']; } while (++$i < count($vals)){ switch ($vals[$i]['type']){ case 'cdata': if (isset($children['VALUE'])){ $children['VALUE'] .= $vals[$i]['value']; } else { $children['VALUE'] = $vals[$i]['value']; } break; case 'complete': if (isset($vals[$i]['attributes'])) { $children[$vals[$i]['tag']][]['ATTRIBUTES'] = $vals[$i]['attributes']; $index = count($children[$vals[$i]['tag']])-1; if (isset($vals[$i]['value'])){ $children[$vals[$i]['tag']][$index]['VALUE'] = $vals[$i]['value']; } else { $children[$vals[$i]['tag']][$index]['VALUE'] = ''; } } else { if (isset($vals[$i]['value'])){ $children[$vals[$i]['tag']][]['VALUE'] = $vals[$i]['value']; } else { $children[$vals[$i]['tag']][]['VALUE'] = ''; } } break; case 'open': if (isset($vals[$i]['attributes'])) { $children[$vals[$i]['tag']][]['ATTRIBUTES'] = $vals[$i]['attributes']; $index = count($children[$vals[$i]['tag']])-1; $children[$vals[$i]['tag']][$index] = array_merge($children[$vals[$i]['tag']][$index],$this->GetChildren($vals, $i)); } else { $children[$vals[$i]['tag']][] = $this->GetChildren($vals, $i); } break; case 'close': return $children; } } } function GetXMLDataTree($data){ $parser = xml_parser_create('ISO-8859-1'); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($parser); $tree = array(); $i = 0; if (isset($vals[$i]['attributes'])) { $tree[$vals[$i]['tag']][]['ATTRIBUTES'] = $vals[$i]['attributes']; $index = count($tree[$vals[$i]['tag']])-1; $tree[$vals[$i]['tag']][$index] = array_merge($tree[$vals[$i]['tag']][$index], $this->GetChildren($vals, $i)); } else { $tree[$vals[$i]['tag']][] = $this->GetChildren($vals, $i); } return $tree; } function GetXMLTree($xmlloc){ if (file_exists($xmlloc)){ $data = implode('', file($xmlloc)); } else { $fp = fopen($xmlloc,'r'); while(!feof($fp)){ $data = $data . fread($fp, 1024); } fclose($fp); } $parser = xml_parser_create('ISO-8859-1'); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $data, $vals, $index); xml_parser_free($parser); $tree = array(); $i = 0; if (isset($vals[$i]['attributes'])) { $tree[$vals[$i]['tag']][]['ATTRIBUTES'] = $vals[$i]['attributes']; $index = count($tree[$vals[$i]['tag']])-1; $tree[$vals[$i]['tag']][$index] = array_merge($tree[$vals[$i]['tag']][$index], $this->GetChildren($vals, $i)); } else { $tree[$vals[$i]['tag']][] = $this->GetChildren($vals, $i); } return $tree; } } ?>

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