- strpos: documentation ( source)
- ini_set: documentation ( source)
- session_start: documentation ( source)
- header: documentation ( source)
if (!isset($_SESSION["username"]) && !isset($_SESSION["s1"]) && !isset($_SESSION["s2"])) {
} else {
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
$greeting = "Welcome " .$_SESSION["username"]. ", let's string your strings " .$_SESSION["s1"]. " and " .$_SESSION["s2"]. "!";
if (!isset($_GET["conxy"])) {
$conxvar = "";
// function to conx+y with GET and append parameter to URL
} else {
$conxvar = "The strings x+y have been concatenated: ". $_SESSION["s1"].$_SESSION["s2"];
echo $conxvar;
if (!isset($_GET["conyx"])) {
$conyvar = "";
// function to conx+y with GET and append parameter to URL
} else {
$conyvar = "The strings y+x have been concatenated: ". $_SESSION["s2"].$_SESSION["s1"];
echo $conyvar;
if (!isset($_GET["conyx"])) {
$subvar = "";
// function to check substring with GET and append parameter to URL
} else {
$compareX = strpos($_SESSION["s2"], $_SESSION["s1"]);
$compareY = strpos($_SESSION["s1"], $_SESSION["s2"]);
if ($compareX !== false)
$subvar = "String ".$_SESSION["s1"]. " is a substring of " .$_SESSION["s2"];
} else {
$subvar = "String ".$_SESSION["s1"]. " is NOT a substring of " .$_SESSION["s2"];
if ($compareY !== false)
$subvar += " and string ".$_SESSION['s2']. " is a substring of " .$_SESSION['s1'];
} else {
$subvar += " and string ".$_SESSION['s2']. " is NOT a substring of " .$_SESSION['s1'];
echo $subvar;