
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php // Get your access id and secret key here: https://moz.com/products/api/keys $accessID = "mozscape-02c27682b8"; $secretKey = "23d89133205a7b46f944ea6ddb2fead2"; // Set your expires times for several minutes into the future. // An expires time excessively far in the future will not be honored by the Mozscape API. $expires = time() + 300; // Put each parameter on a new line. $stringToSign = $accessID."\n".$expires; // Get the "raw" or binary output of the hmac hash. $binarySignature = hash_hmac('sha1', $stringToSign, $secretKey, true); // Base64-encode it and then url-encode that. $urlSafeSignature = urlencode(base64_encode($binarySignature)); // Add up all the bit flags you want returned. // Learn more here: https://moz.com/help/guides/moz-api/mozscape/api-reference/url-metrics $cols = "34359738368"; // Put it all together and you get your request URL. $requestUrl = "http://lsapi.seomoz.com/linkscape/url-metrics/?Cols=".$cols."&AccessID=".$accessID."&Expires=".$expires."&Signature=".$urlSafeSignature; // Put your URLS into an array and json_encode them. $batchedDomains = array('www.moz.com', 'www.apple.com', 'www.pizza.com'); $encodedDomains = json_encode($batchedDomains); // Use Curl to send off your request. // Send your encoded list of domains through Curl's POSTFIELDS. $options = array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $encodedDomains ); $ch = curl_init($requestUrl); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); $content = curl_exec($ch); curl_close( $ch ); $contents = json_decode($content); print_r($contents); ?>

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