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<?php class Password { /** * @var integer desired length of password, default: null */ protected $length; /** * @var array $numbers available numbers (0-9), default: [] */ protected $numbers = []; /** * @var array $uppercase available uppercase characters (A-Z), default: [] */ protected $uppercase = []; /** * @var array available lowercase characters (a-z), default: [] */ protected $lowercase = []; /** * @var array available symbols (! @ # $ % ^ * - _ + = ?), default: [] */ protected $symbols = []; /** * @var array characters to exclude from available characters - supersedes include, default: [] */ protected $exclude = []; /** * @var array characters to include from available characters - overridden by exclude, default: [] */ protected $include = []; /** * @var int amount of times to repeat the specified characters, default: 1 */ protected $repeat = 1; /** * @var array list of characters to exclude when symbols is selected by default */ protected $extended = ['/', '\\', '(', ')', '<', '>', '\'', '"', '[', ']', '{', '}']; /** * @var array default values */ protected $options = [ 'numbers' => true, 'uppercase' => true, 'lowercase' => false, 'symbols' => false, 'extended' => false, 'exclude' => [], 'include' => [], 'repeat' => 1 ]; /** * @var bool generate as html, default: false */ protected $html = false; /** * generates a password of the specified length using desired options * attempts to prevent repeat characters unless repeat is greater than 1 or the specified length is greater than available characters * automatically adjusts repeat based on desired length and desired characters to ensure desired length is reached * @param integer $length desired length of password * @param bool $numbers include numbers (0-9) in available characters, default: true * @param bool $uppercase include uppercase characters (A-Z) in available characters, default: true * @param bool $lowercase include lowercase characters (a-z) in available characters, default: false * @param bool $symbols include symbols (! @ # $ % ^ * - _ + = ?) in available characters, default: false * @param bool $extended include obscure symbols (, ), <, >, /, \, ", ', in available characters default: false * @param array $exclude characters to exclude from available characters - supersedes include, default: array() * @param array $include characters to include from available characters - overridden by exclude, default: array() * @param integer $repeat how many times to repeat the specified characters, default: 1 * @return \ISEL\Auth\Password */ public function __construct($length, $numbers = null, $uppercase = null, $lowercase = null, $symbols = null, $extended = null, array $exclude = null, array $include = null, $repeat = null) { $this->setLength($length); $this->setOptions([ 'numbers' => $numbers, 'uppercase' => $uppercase, 'lowercase' => $lowercase, 'symbols' => $symbols, 'extended' => $extended, 'exclude' => $exclude, 'include' => $include, 'repeat' => $repeat ]); } /** * generates a password of the specified length using desired options * attempts to prevent repeat characters unless repeat is greater than 1 or the specified length is greater than available characters * automatically adjusts repeat based on desired length and desired characters to ensure desired length is reached * @param integer $length desired length of password * @param bool $numbers include numbers (0-9) in available characters, default: true * @param bool $uppercase include uppercase characters (A-Z) in available characters, default: true * @param bool $lowercase include lowercase characters (a-z) in available characters, default: false * @param bool $symbols include symbols (! @ # $ % ^ * - _ + = ?) in available characters, default: false * @param bool $extended include obscure symbols (, ), <, >, /, \, ", ', in available characters default: false * @param array $exclude characters to exclude from available characters - supersedes include, default: array() * @param array $include characters to include from available characters - overridden by exclude, default: array() * @param integer $repeat how many times to repeat the specified characters, default: 1 * @return string */ public static function factory($length, $numbers = null, $uppercase = null, $lowercase = null, $symbols = null, $extended = null, array $exclude = null, array $include = null, $repeat = null) { return new self($length, $numbers, $uppercase, $lowercase, $symbols, $extended, $exclude, $include, $repeat); } /** * @param array $options set options using an array of values, and use defaults */ public function setOptions(array $options) { foreach ($this->options as $option => $default) { $method = 'set' . ucfirst($option); $value = (true === isset($options[$option]) && null !== $options[$option] ? $options[$option] : $default); $this->$method($value); } } /** * convert password string to html friendly string * @param $password * @return string */ public static function passwordToHtml($password) { return htmlentities($password, ENT_HTML5 | ENT_QUOTES, false); } /** * convert html entity string to literal string * @param $password * @return string */ public static function passwordFromHtml($password) { return html_entity_decode($password, ENT_HTML5 | ENT_QUOTES); } /** * convert password string to html friendly string * @param null $password * @return string */ public function toHtml($password = null) { return self::passwordToHtml($password ? : $this->generate()); } /** * takes an html entity string and converts it to literal characters * @param $password * @return string */ public function fromHtml($password) { return self::passwordFromHtml($password); } /** * output the password based on specified settings * automatically adjusts based on supplied characters and desired length * @return string */ public function output() { $characters = $this->getAvailableCharacters(); $string = substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($characters, (ceil($this->length / strlen($characters)) * $this->repeat))), 0, $this->length); if (true === empty($string)) { throw new \RuntimeException('No string generated, check excluded characters.'); } if (true === $this->html) { $string = self::passwordToHtml($string); } return $string; } /** * @return string */ public function getAvailableCharacters() { return implode('', array_diff(array_merge($this->include, $this->lowercase, $this->uppercase, $this->numbers, $this->symbols), array_merge($this->exclude, $this->extended))); } /** * set Exclude * @param array $exclude * @return $this */ public function setExclude(array $exclude) { $this->exclude = $exclude; return $this; } /** * set Html * @param boolean $html * @return $this */ public function setHtml($html) { $this->html = $html; return $this; } /** * set Include * @param array $include * @return $this */ public function setInclude(array $include) { $this->include = $include; return $this; } /** * set Length * @param int $length * @return $this */ public function setLength($length) { $this->length = (int) $length; return $this; } /** * set Lowercase * @param boolean $lowercase * @return $this */ public function setLowercase($lowercase, $start = 'a', $end = 'z') { $this->lowercase = (true === (bool) $lowercase ? range(strtolower($start), strtolower($end)) : []); return $this; } /** * set Numbers * @param boolean $numbers * @return $this */ public function setNumbers($numbers, $start = 0, $end = 9) { $this->numbers = (true === (bool) $numbers ? range((int) $start, (int) $end) : []); return $this; } /** * set Repeat * @param int $repeat * @return $this */ public function setRepeat($repeat) { $this->repeat = (int) $repeat; return $this; } /** * set Symbols * @param boolean $symbols include symbols * @return $this */ public function setSymbols($symbols) { $this->symbols = (true === (bool) $symbols ? array_merge(range('!', '/'), range(':', '@'), range('[', '`')) : []); return $this; } /** * set Extended * @param bool $extended include extended symbols, default: false * @return $this */ public function setExtended($extended) { $this->extended = (false === (bool) $extended ? ['/', '\\', '(', ')', '<', '>', '\'', '"', '[', ']', '{', '}'] : []); return $this; } /** * set Uppercase * @param boolean $uppercase * @param string $start starting character, default: A * @param string $end ending character, default: Z * @return $this */ public function setUppercase($uppercase, $start = 'A', $end = 'Z') { $this->uppercase = (true === (bool) $uppercase ? range(strtoupper($start), strtoupper($end)) : []); return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function __toString() { return $this->output(); } } $temppasword = Password::factory(20490)->output(); echo $temppasword;

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