
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php var_dump(firstWordPosition('Will company any do any job, (are there any)?', 'any')); var_dump(firstWordPosition('Will *any* company do *any* job, (are there any)?', 'any')); function firstWordPosition($str, $word) { // There are others, maybe also pass this in or array_merge() for more control. $nonchars = ["'",'"','.',',','!','?','(',')','^','$','#','\n','\r\n','\t',]; // You could also do a strpos() with an if and another argument passed in. // Note that we're padding the $str to with spaces to match begin/end. $pos = stripos(str_replace($nonchars, ' ', " $str "), " $word "); // Have to account for the for-space on " $str ". return $pos ? $pos - 1: false; }
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
int(12) int(43)

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