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<?php class IdentificationNumber { private const VALIDATION_EXPR = '/ ^ (?<part1> \d{1,2} | N | P?E | \d{1,2}PI ) - (?<part2> \d{1,5} ) - (?<part3> \d{1,6} ) $ /ix'; private $part1; private $part2; private $part3; public function __construct(string $input) { if (!\preg_match(self::VALIDATION_EXPR, $input, $match)) { throw new \DomainException('Invalid identification number: ' . $input); } $this->part1 = \strtoupper($match['part1']); $this->part2 = $match['part2']; $this->part3 = $match['part3']; } public function getPart1(): string { return $this->part1; } public function getPart2(): string { return $this->part2; } public function getPart3(): string { return $this->part3; } public function __toString(): string { return "{$this->part1}-{$this->part2}-{$this->part3}"; } } function procedure_that_needs_valid_id(IdentificationNumber $id) { echo "{$id} is valid\n"; } $tests = [ '3-728-2208', '1-728-2208', '22PI-55555-666666', 'PE-333-333', 'PÉ-1-4444', 'N-4444-55555', 'Ñ-22-22', 'E-1-1', ]; foreach ($tests as $test) { try { procedure_that_needs_valid_id(new IdentificationNumber($test)); } catch (\DomainException $e) { echo "{$e->getMessage()}\n"; } }
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
3-728-2208 is valid 1-728-2208 is valid 22PI-55555-666666 is valid PE-333-333 is valid Invalid identification number: PÉ-1-4444 N-4444-55555 is valid Invalid identification number: Ñ-22-22 E-1-1 is valid

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