
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $html = '<div class="h1">2008 Honda Accord Coupe<small> — Wuse II</small></div>'; $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadHtml($html); $xpath = new DomXPath($dom); print $xpath->evaluate("string(//div[@class='h1']/text())");
Output for 5.1.0 - 5.1.6, 5.2.0 - 5.2.17, 5.3.0 - 5.3.29, 5.4.0 - 5.4.45, 5.5.24 - 5.5.35, 5.6.7 - 5.6.21, 7.0.0 - 7.0.20, 7.1.0 - 7.1.25, 7.2.0 - 7.2.33, 7.3.0 - 7.3.33, 7.4.0 - 7.4.33, 8.0.0 - 8.0.30, 8.1.0 - 8.1.29, 8.2.0 - 8.2.21, 8.3.0 - 8.3.9
2008 Honda Accord Coupe
Output for 5.0.0 - 5.0.5
Fatal error: Call to undefined method DOMXPath::evaluate() in /in/otuOK on line 7
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.3.2 - 4.3.11, 4.4.0 - 4.4.9
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: domdocument in /in/otuOK on line 4
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.3.0 - 4.3.1
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: domdocument in /in/otuOK on line 4

255.94 ms | 403 KiB | 335 Q