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<?php /* * CPMObjectEventHandler: BLCampaignsCreate * Package: RN * Objects: BLDialogue\BLCampaigns * Actions: Create,Update * Version: 1.2 */ // This object procedure binds to v1_1 of the Connect PHP API use RightNow\Connect\v1_2 as RNCPHP; // This object procedure binds to the v1 interface of the process // designer use \RightNow\CPM\v1 as RNCPM; /* Campaign create incident, when incident creating, will trigger this handler and send sms. */ /** * An Object Event Handler must provide two classes: * - One with the same name as the CPMObjectEventHandler tag * above that implements the ObjectEventHandler interface. * - And one of the same name with a "_TestHarness" suffix * that implements the ObjectEventHandler_TestHarness interface. * * Each method must have an implementation. */ class BLCampaignsCreate implements RNCPM\ObjectEventHandler { public static $apiUrl = 'https://dialogue.blueleap.com'; public static function apply($run_mode, $action, $obj, $n_cycles) { $actionToPerform = ''; date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); try { if (RNCPM\ActionCreate == $action) { if ($obj->StatusOrExceptionReason == 'SchedulePending') { self::scheduleCampaign($obj, 'schedule'); } else if ($obj->StatusOrExceptionReason == 'Executing') { self::executeCampaign($obj); } } else if (RNCPM\ActionUpdate == $action) { if ($obj->StatusOrExceptionReason == 'UpdatePending') { self::scheduleCampaign($obj, 'update'); } else if ($obj->StatusOrExceptionReason == 'CancelPending') { self::scheduleCampaign($obj, 'cancel'); } else if ($obj->StatusOrExceptionReason == 'Executing') { self::executeCampaign($obj); } } } catch (\Exception $ex) { $obj->StatusOrExceptionCode = 'ble1016'; $obj->StatusOrExceptionReason = 'Failed'; $obj->StatusOrExceptionDescription = 'General script failure - ' . $ex->getMessage(); $obj->save(); echo $ex->getMessage(); } return; } // apply() public static function scheduleCampaign($obj, $action) { $query = "select BLDialogue.BLAccount from BLDialogue.BLAccount"; $result = RNCPHP\ROQL::queryObject($query)->next(); $BLAccount = $result->next(); $tokenResponse = self::getToken($obj, $BLAccount->BLAccountSID, $BLAccount->BLAccountPWD); $tokenArr = json_decode($tokenResponse, true); $BLAccount->BLToken = $tokenArr['token']; $campaignResponse = self::scheduleCampaignServer($obj, $BLAccount, $action); if (strlen($campaignResponse)) { if (($campaignResult = json_decode($campaignResponse))) { $obj->StatusOrExceptionDescription = $campaignResult->StatusMessage; $obj->StatusOrExceptionReason = $campaignResult->RequestStatus; $obj->StatusOrExceptionCode = $campaignResult->RequestStatusCode; } else { // garbage response no json $obj->StatusOrExceptionCode = 'ble1014'; $obj->StatusOrExceptionReason = 'Failed'; $obj->StatusOrExceptionDescription = 'Garbage response from API not a json object.'; } } else { // no response from API $obj->StatusOrExceptionCode = 'ble1013'; $obj->StatusOrExceptionReason = 'Failed'; $obj->StatusOrExceptionDescription = 'No response from API.'; // sms send failed, set status failed and add proper reason } $obj->save(); } public static function executeCampaign($obj) { $obj->StartTime = time(); //$query = "select MarketingSettings.ContactLists.* from Contact limit 1"; $query = "SELECT Contact FROM Contact where MarketingSettings.ContactLists.NamedIDList=" . $obj->ContactListID; //$query = "SELECT Contact FROM Contact where MarketingSettings.ContactLists.NamedIDList=2408"; $result = RNCPHP\ROQL::queryObject($query)->next(); $obj->OptOutCount = 0; //$obj->SMSCreateCount = 0; //$obj->SMSFailedCount = 0; $obj->AudienceCount = 0; $campaign = RNCPHP\BLDialogue\BLCampaigns::fetch($obj->ID); while ($contact = $result->next()) { $campaign = RNCPHP\BLDialogue\BLCampaigns::fetch($obj->ID); if ($campaign->StatusOrExceptionReason == 'Executing') { if ($contact->CustomFields->BLDialogue->sms_opt_out) { $obj->OptOutCount++; } $optedOut = false; if ($contact->CustomFields->BLDialogue->sms_opt_out && $obj->OptOutOverride) $optedOut = false; else if ($contact->CustomFields->BLDialogue->sms_opt_out) $optedOut = true; if (self::saveBlOutboundMessage($contact, $obj, $optedOut)) { //$obj->SMSCreateCount++; } else { //$obj->SMSFailedCount++; } $obj->AudienceCount++; } else { break; } } if ($campaign->StatusOrExceptionReason == 'Executing') { $obj->StatusOrExceptionCode = 'bls1029'; $obj->StatusOrExceptionReason = 'Finished'; $obj->StatusOrExceptionDescription = 'Campaign has finished processing'; } $obj->FinishTime = time(); $obj->save(); } public static function saveBlOutboundMessage($contact, $BlCampaigns, $optedOut) { try { $messageBody = self::getMessageBody($BlCampaigns->MessageBody, $contact); $BlOutboundMessage = new RNCPHP\BLDialogue\BLOutboundMessage(); $BlOutboundMessage->MessageBody = $messageBody; $BlOutboundMessage->AlphaNumeric = $BlCampaigns->AlphaNumeric; $BlOutboundMessage->ContactID = $contact; //$BlOutboundMessage->MessageSID = $messageCount; $BlOutboundMessage->AgentID = $BlCampaigns->AgentID; $BlOutboundMessage->RunTime = $BlCampaigns->RunTime; $BlOutboundMessage->ContactGMToffset = $BlCampaigns->ContactGMToffset; $BlOutboundMessage->MessageType = $BlCampaigns->MessageType; $roql_result_set = RNCPHP\ROQL::query("SELECT Phones.Number from Contact where Phones.PhoneType.ID = 1 and ID=" . $contact->ID)->next()->next(); if (($number = self::formatNumber($roql_result_set['Number'])) === false) { $number = $roql_result_set['Number']; $BlOutboundMessage->StatusOrExceptionCode = 'ble1020'; $BlOutboundMessage->StatusOrExceptionReason = 'Failed'; $BlOutboundMessage->StatusOrExceptionDescription = 'You have attempted to send an SMS with a number that is not a valid mobile number'; // if(($number = self::formatNumber($contact->Phones[0]->Number))===false) // { // $number = $contact->Phones[1]->Number?$contact->Phones[1]->Number:$contact->Phones[0]->Number; // $BlOutboundMessage->StatusOrExceptionCode = 'ble1020'; // $BlOutboundMessage->StatusOrExceptionReason ='Failed'; // } } if ($number == "dnp") { $number = $roql_result_set['Number']; } $BlOutboundMessage->ContactToNumber = $number; //$BlOutboundMessage->ContactFirstName = $contact->Name->First; //$BlOutboundMessage->ContactLastName = $contact->Name->Last; //$BlOutboundMessage->ContactCountry = $contact->Address->Country->Name; //$BlOutboundMessage->ContactState = $contact->Address->StateOrProvince->LookupName; $BlOutboundMessage->CampaignID = $BlCampaigns->ID; $BlOutboundMessage->OptOutOverride = $BlCampaigns->OptOutOverride; //$BlOutboundMessage->MessageDirection = 'Outbound'; //print_r($BlOutboundMessage);exit; if ($optedOut) { $BlOutboundMessage->StatusOrExceptionCode = 'BLE1019'; $BlOutboundMessage->StatusOrExceptionReason = 'Failed'; $BlOutboundMessage->StatusOrExceptionDescription = 'Customer has opted out. SMS channel not available.'; } //echo 'code - '.$BlOutboundMessage->StatusOrExceptionCode.' Number - '.$BlOutboundMessage->ContactToNumber; $BlOutboundMessage->save(); return true; } catch (\Exception $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); return false; } } function scheduleCampaignServer($BLCampaign, $BLAccount, $action) { try { $url = self::$apiUrl . '/api/v1/campaigns/'; $headers = array( "Cache-Control: no-cache", "Pragma: no-cache", "Authorization: " . $BLAccount->BLToken ); $context = array( "BLAccountSID" => $BLAccount->BLAccountSID, "Action" => $action, "CustomerDomain" => $BLAccount->CustomerDomain1, "RunTime" => $BLCampaign->RunTime ? gmdate("m/d/Y h:i:s a", $BLCampaign->RunTime) : null, "CampaignID" => $BLCampaign->ID, ); $postargs = http_build_query($context); // Get the curl session object load_curl(); $session = curl_init(); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postargs); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // Do the POST and then close the session $response = curl_exec($session); $httpcode = curl_getinfo($session); curl_close($session); return $response; } catch (\Exception $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); self::apiRequestTimeout($BLCampaign); //throw new RNCPM\CPMException($ex->getMessage(), 500); } } function getToken($BLCampaign, $username, $password) { try { $headers = array( "Cache-Control: no-cache", "Pragma: no-cache", 'Accept: application/json', 'Content-Type: apploication/json', "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($username . ":" . $password) ); load_curl(); $session = curl_init(); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_URL, self::$apiUrl . '/api/v1/token'); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_POST, false); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); $response = curl_exec($session); curl_close($session); return $response; } catch (\Exception $ex) { echo $ex->getMessage(); self::apiRequestTimeout($BLCampaign); //throw new RNCPM\CPMException($ex->getMessage(), 500); } } function apiRequestTimeout($BLCampaign) { $BLCampaign->StatusOrExceptionCode = 'ble1015'; $BLCampaign->StatusOrExceptionReason = 'Failed'; $BLCampaign->StatusOrExceptionDescription = 'API request timeout.'; $BLCampaign->save(); } function getStatusReasonObj($type, $name) { $query = "select " . $type . " from " . $type . " where Name ='" . $name . "'"; $result = RNCPHP\ROQL::queryObject($query)->next(); return $result->next(); } function getMessageBody($messageBody, $contact) { // if($BlCampaigns->MergeFirstName) // { // $messageBody = str_replace('[FIRSTNAME]',$contact->Name->First,$messageBody); // } // if($BlCampaigns->MergeStudentID) // { // $messageBody = str_replace('[STUDENTID]',$data->CustomFields->c->student_id,$messageBody); // } $pattern = "!(?<=[[])[^]]+(?=[]])!"; preg_match_all($pattern, $messageBody, $match); $replace = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($match[0] as $field) { try { $query = 'select Contact.' . $field . ' from Contact where ID=' . $contact->ID; $result = RNCPHP\ROQL::query($query)->next()->next(); $replace[$i] = end($result); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $replace[$i] = ''; } $match[0][$i] = '[' . $field . ']'; $i++; } $messageBody = str_replace($match[0], $replace, $messageBody); return $messageBody; } function formatNumber($number) { $phoneNumber = preg_replace('/[^0-9+]/', '', $number); $query = "select BLDialogue.BLAccount from BLDialogue.BLAccount"; $result = RNCPHP\ROQL::queryObject($query)->next(); $BLAccount = $result->next(); if (substr($phoneNumber, 0, 1) == '+') { return $phoneNumber; } else if (substr($phoneNumber, 0, strlen($BLAccount->LocalCountryCode)) == $BLAccount->LocalCountryCode) { return '+' . $phoneNumber; } if ($BLAccount->LocalCountryCode == "61") { if (substr($phoneNumber, 0, 4) == "0011") { return str_replace("0011", '+', $phoneNumber); } // else if((strlen($phoneNumber)==11 || strlen($phoneNumber)==12) && substr($phoneNumber,0,1)!='+') // { // return '+'.$phoneNumber; // } else if (strlen($phoneNumber) == 8) { return false; } // else if((strlen($phoneNumber)==10 && (!in_array(substr($phoneNumber, 0, 2),["04","05"]))) || (strlen($phoneNumber)==9 && (!in_array(substr($phoneNumber, 0, 1),["4","5"]))) ) // { // return false; // } else if ((strlen($phoneNumber) == 10 && in_array(substr($phoneNumber, 0, 2), ["04", "05"])) || (strlen($phoneNumber) == 9 && in_array(substr($phoneNumber, 0, 1), ["4", "5"]) )) { $phoneNumber = strlen($phoneNumber) == 10 ? substr($phoneNumber, 1) : $phoneNumber; return '+61' . $phoneNumber; } else if ((strlen($phoneNumber) == 10 && in_array(substr($phoneNumber, 0, 2), ["02", "03", "07", "08"])) || (strlen($phoneNumber) == 9 && in_array(substr($phoneNumber, 0, 2), ["2", "3", "7", "8"]))) { return false; } else if (strlen($phoneNumber) == 9) { return '+61' . $phoneNumber; } } else { if (substr($phoneNumber, 0, 1) == '0') $phoneNumber = substr($phoneNumber, 1); return '+' . $BLAccount->LocalCountryCode . $phoneNumber; } return false; } /* * *******End************ */ } // class incident_name /* The Test Harness */ class BLCampaignsCreate_TestHarness implements RNCPM\ObjectEventHandler_TestHarness { static $co_invented = NULL; public static function setup() { try { $query = "SELECT MarketingSettings.ContactLists.NamedIDList.ID FROM Contact limit 1"; $result = RNCPHP\ROQL::query($query)->next()->next(); if (isset($result['ID'])) { $contact = RNCPHP\Contact::first(); //echo "creating contact"; $BlCampaign = new RNCPHP\BLDialogue\BLCampaigns(); $BlCampaign->CampaignName = 'Event Handler Test Case'; //$BlCampaign->RunTime = strtotime('2017-12-12 12:00:00' ); $BlCampaign->ContactListID = $result['ID']; $BlCampaign->OptOutOverride = 0; $BlCampaign->AlphaNumeric = 0; //$BlCampaign->MergeStudentID = 0; //$BlCampaign->MergeFirstName = 0; $BlCampaign->AgentID = $contact; $BlCampaign->MessageBody = 'Event Handler Test Case Sample message'; $BlCampaign->MessageType = 'Message Campaign'; $BlCampaign->StatusOrExceptionCode = 'bls1022'; $BlCampaign->StatusOrExceptionReason = 'Executing'; $BlCampaign->StatusOrExceptionDescription = 'Camapign is being processed'; $BlCampaign->save(); static::$co_invented = $BlCampaign; } } catch (RNCPHP\ConnectAPIErrorFatal $err) { echo "Error in test harness save contact : " . $err->getCode(); } return; } public static function fetchObject($action, $object_type) { // Return the object that we // want to test with. // You could also return an array of objects // to test more than one variation of an object. //$obj = RNCPHP\BLDialogue\BLCampaigns::fetch(289); //return $obj; return static::$co_invented?static::$co_invented: array(); //return array(); } public static function validate($action, $object) { return(1); } public static function cleanup() { // Destroy every object invented // by this test. // Not necessary since in test // mode and nothing is committed, // but good practice if only to // document the side effects of // this test. if (static::$co_invented) { static::$co_invented->destroy(); static::$co_invented = NULL; } return; } }

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