
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php trait Thing{ public function doSomething(){ echo 'I will do it'; } } class TestA{ use Thing{ Thing::doSomething as doit; } } $objTestA = new TestA(); $objTestA->doit(); $objTestA->doSomething(); // also WORKS
Output for 5.4.0 - 5.4.45, 5.5.0 - 5.5.38, 5.6.0 - 5.6.40, 7.0.0 - 7.0.33, 7.1.0 - 7.1.33, 7.2.0 - 7.2.34, 7.3.0 - 7.3.33, 7.4.0 - 7.4.33, 8.0.0 - 8.0.30, 8.1.0 - 8.1.28, 8.2.0 - 8.2.19, 8.3.0 - 8.3.7
I will do itI will do it
Output for 4.4.2 - 4.4.9, 5.1.0 - 5.1.6, 5.2.0 - 5.2.17, 5.3.0 - 5.3.29
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /in/n9WVH on line 3
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.3.0 - 4.3.1, 4.3.5 - 4.3.11, 4.4.0 - 4.4.1, 5.0.0 - 5.0.5
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /in/n9WVH on line 3
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.3.2 - 4.3.4
Parse error: parse error in /in/n9WVH on line 3
Process exited with code 255.

307.95 ms | 401 KiB | 468 Q