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<?php function parseScientificNotation($scientificString) { // Explode the string into mantissa and exponent parts $parts = explode('e', strtolower($scientificString)); if (count($parts) != 2) { return "Invalid scientific notation"; } $mantissa = $parts[0]; $exponent = (int) $parts[1]; // Handle cases where the exponent is zero if ($exponent == 0) { return $mantissa; } // Determine if the number is negative $isNegative = false; if ($mantissa[0] == '-') { $isNegative = true; $mantissa = substr($mantissa, 1); } elseif ($mantissa[0] == '+') { $mantissa = substr($mantissa, 1); } // Split the mantissa into integer and fractional parts $mantissaParts = explode('.', $mantissa); $integerPart = $mantissaParts[0]; $fractionalPart = isset($mantissaParts[1]) ? $mantissaParts[1] : ''; // Calculate the effective length of the mantissa $mantissaLength = strlen($integerPart) + strlen($fractionalPart); // Normalize the mantissa by removing the decimal point $mantissaNormalized = $integerPart . $fractionalPart; // Calculate the shift based on the exponent $shift = $exponent + strlen($fractionalPart); // Handle positive and negative exponent cases if ($shift >= 0) { $number = $mantissaNormalized . str_repeat('0', $shift - strlen($mantissaNormalized)); } else { $decimalPointPosition = strlen($integerPart) + $shift; if ($decimalPointPosition > 0) { $number = substr($mantissaNormalized, 0, $decimalPointPosition) . '.' . substr($mantissaNormalized, $decimalPointPosition); } else { $number = '0.' . str_repeat('0', -$decimalPointPosition) . $mantissaNormalized; } } // Restore the sign if the number was negative if ($isNegative) { $number = '-' . $number; } return $number; } // Example large scientific notation string $scientificString = "1.23e308"; // Parse and convert the string $result = parseScientificNotation($scientificString); echo $result; ?>

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