
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $c = Collator::class; $rc = new ReflectionClass($c); foreach ($rc->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) as $rm) { printf("- %s::%s:\n%d\n%d\n", $c, $rm->getName(), $rm->getNumberOfParameters(), $rm->getNumberOfRequiredParameters()); foreach ($rm->getParameters() as $param) { printf("Parameter #%d (%s) %s OPTIONAL\n", $param->getPosition(), $param->getName(), $param->isOptional() ? "IS" : "IS NOT"); } echo PHP_EOL; }
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
- Collator::__construct: 1 1 Parameter #0 (locale) IS NOT OPTIONAL - Collator::create: 1 1 Parameter #0 (locale) IS NOT OPTIONAL - Collator::compare: 2 2 Parameter #0 (string1) IS NOT OPTIONAL Parameter #1 (string2) IS NOT OPTIONAL - Collator::sort: 2 1 Parameter #0 (array) IS NOT OPTIONAL Parameter #1 (flags) IS OPTIONAL - Collator::sortWithSortKeys: 1 1 Parameter #0 (array) IS NOT OPTIONAL - Collator::asort: 2 1 Parameter #0 (array) IS NOT OPTIONAL Parameter #1 (flags) IS OPTIONAL - Collator::getAttribute: 1 1 Parameter #0 (attribute) IS NOT OPTIONAL - Collator::setAttribute: 2 2 Parameter #0 (attribute) IS NOT OPTIONAL Parameter #1 (value) IS NOT OPTIONAL - Collator::getStrength: 0 0 - Collator::setStrength: 1 1 Parameter #0 (strength) IS NOT OPTIONAL - Collator::getLocale: 1 1 Parameter #0 (type) IS NOT OPTIONAL - Collator::getErrorCode: 0 0 - Collator::getErrorMessage: 0 0 - Collator::getSortKey: 1 1 Parameter #0 (string) IS NOT OPTIONAL

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