
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $charmap = [ 'NUL' => "\x00", // NULL (U+0000) 'SOH' => "\x01", // START OF HEADING (U+0001) 'STX' => "\x02", // START OF TEXT (U+0002) 'ETX' => "\x03", // END OF TEXT (U+0003) 'EOT' => "\x04", // END OF TRANSMISSION (U+0004) 'ENQ' => "\x05", // ENQUIRY (U+0005) 'HT' => "\x09", // HORIZONTAL TAB (U+0009) 'LF' => "\x0a", // LINE FEED (U+000A) 'VT' => "\x0b", // VERTICAL TAB (U+000B) 'CR' => "\x0d", // CARRIAGE RETURN (U+000D) 'ETB' => "\x17", // END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK (U+0017) 'SP' => "\x20", // SPACE (U+0020) 'ZWS' => "\xe2\x80\x8b", // ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B) 'MSBS' => "\xf0\x9d\x85\xb7", // MUSICAL SYMBOL BEGIN SLUR (U+1D177) 'MSBP' => "\xf0\x9d\x85\xb9", // MUSICAL SYMBOL BEGIN PHRASE (U+1D179) ]; foreach ($charmap as $k => $v) { define($k, $v); } $strings = [ 'user6003859' => LF . LF . LF . 'a' . SP . 'b'. SP . SP . 'c' . SP . SP . SP . LF . SP . 'd' . SP . SP . SP . SP . 'e' . LF . MSBS . 'f' . MSBS . 'g' . MSBS . MSBS . 'h' . MSBS . MSBS . ZWS . ZWS . MSBP . MSBP . 'i' . MSBP . SP . MSBP . SP . 'j' . LF . LF . LF . LF . LF . 'k' . SP . 'l' . SP . 'm' . SP . 'n' . SP . SP . SP . LF . MSBP . 'o' . MSBP . MSBP . 'p' . LF . LF . LF . LF, 'mickmackusa' => NUL . LF . LF . SOH . LF . CR . LF . VT . ETB . 'a' . SP . 'ab' . CR . LF . HT . HT . CR . CR . LF . 'cà' . SOH . 'ê߀' . NUL . NUL . 'abcbc'. SP . SP . SP . 'd' . LF . LF . HT . CR . LF . ENQ . SP . SP . SP . 'e' . STX . LF . ETX . LF . EOT . LF ]; function display($str, $charmap) { $converter = array_map(function ($i) { return '{'.$i.'}'; }, array_flip($charmap)); $handle = fopen("data:text/plain,$str", 'r'); while ( false !== $line = fgets($handle) ) { echo strtr($line, $converter), PHP_EOL; } fclose($handle); } class Replacements { const FUNC = 0; const REGEX = 1; protected $patterns; protected $replacements; protected $func; protected $typeRegex; public function __construct($arg) { if ( is_array($arg) ) { $this->type = self::REGEX; $this->patterns = []; $this->replacements = []; $this->addPatterns($arg); } elseif ( is_callable($arg) ) { $this->type = self::FUNC; $this->addFunction($arg); } else throw new Exception('invalid argument type'); } protected function addPatterns($replacements) { foreach($replacements as $pattern => $replacement) { $this->patterns[] = $pattern; $this->replacements[] = $replacement; } } protected function addFunction($func) { $this->func = $func; } public function execute($str) { if ( $this->type === self::REGEX ) return preg_replace($this->patterns, $this->replacements, $str); return call_user_func_array($this->func, [&$str]); } }; $original = new Replacements([ '~\R~u' => "\n", '/(?:^((\pZ)+|((?!\n)\pC)+)(?1)*)|((?1)$)|(?:((?2)+|(?3)+)(?=(?2)|(?3)))/um' => '', '/(\pZ+)|((?!\n)\pC)/u' => ' ', '/(^\n+)|(\n+$)|(\n(?=\n{2}))/u' => '' ]); $simple = new Replacements([ '~\A[\pZ\pC]+|[\pZ\pC]+\z~u' => '', # trim the string '~\R~u' => "\n", # normalize newlines '~\pZ+|[^\n\PC]+~u' => ' ', # replace Z and C with space '~^ +| +$| \K +~m' => '', # trim lines, delete consecutive spaces '~\n\n\K\n+~' => '' # removes more than 2 consecutives newlines ]); $optimized = new Replacements([ '~\r\n?|\x0b|\f|\xe2\x80[\xa8\xa9]~S' => "\n", '~ [^\pZ\pC]+ \K \pZ* (?:[^\PC\n]+\pZ*)* (?: (\n) \pZ*+ (?:[^\PC\n]+\pZ*)*+ (?: (\n) [\pZ\pC]* )?+ (?!\z) | [\pZ\pC]+ )? | [\pZ\pC]+ ~Aux' => '$1$2 ', '~ (?:$|(?<=^ ))~m' => '' ]); $func = new Replacements(function (&$str) { $parts = preg_split('~^[\pC\pZ]+|[\pC\pZ]+$|\R(?:[\pC\pZ]*?(\R)[\pC\pZ]*)?~u', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); return implode("\n", array_map(function($i) { return trim(preg_replace('~[\pC\pZ]+~u', ' ', $i));}, $parts)); }); // tests $tests = ['original' => $original, 'simple' => $simple, 'function' => $func, 'optimized' => $optimized]; $str = $strings['user6003859'] . $strings['mickmackusa']; $str = str_repeat($str, 10); $res = []; foreach ($tests as $k=>&$test) { $res[$k] = $test->execute($str); } echo 'same result: ', var_dump(count(array_unique($res)) === 1); $names = array_keys($tests); $times = array_fill_keys($names, 0); define('REPETITIONS', 100); for ($i=0; $i < REPETITIONS; $i++) { shuffle($names); foreach ($names as $name) { $start = microtime(true); $tests[$name]->execute($str); $stop = microtime(true); $times[$name] += $stop - $start; } } foreach($times as $k=>$v) { printf("%-12s: %.2es\n", $k, $v/REPETITIONS); } // display($res['optimized'], $charmap);

37.15 ms | 402 KiB | 5 Q