
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php class Job { private $details; public function __construct($details) { $this->details = $details; } public function requirements() { return $this->details; } } class StackDetector { public static function match($stack, $details) { return strpos($details, $stack) !== false; } } abstract class Handler { protected $successor; public function forwardToSuccessor($job) { if ($this->successor) { $this->successor->handle($job); } } abstract public function handle($job); } class PHPStack extends Handler { public function __construct($successor) { $this->successor = $successor; } public function handle($job) { if (StackDetector::match('PHP', $job->requirements())) { // Notify PHP developers echo 'PHP Stack'; } else { $this->forwardToSuccessor($job); } } } class JavaScriptStack extends Handler { public function __construct($successor) { $this->successor = $successor; } public function handle($job) { if (StackDetector::match('JavaScript', $job->requirements())) { // Notify JavaScript developers echo 'JavaScript Stack'; } else { $this->forwardToSuccessor($job); } } } class JavaStack extends Handler { public function __construct($successor) { $this->successor = $successor; } public function handle($job) { if (StackDetector::match('Java', $job->requirements())) { // Notify Java developers echo 'Java Stack'; } else { $this->forwardToSuccessor($job); } } } class DoNothing extends Handler { public function handle($job) { // Do nothing echo 'The request object is unhandled'; } } // Chain of Job handler objects $doNothing = new DoNothing(); $javaStack = new JavaStack($doNothing); $javaScriptStack = new JavaScriptStack($javaStack); $phpStack = new PHPStack($javaScriptStack); // The request object to be handled $job = new Job('PHP'); // Try changing the value to Python, JavaScript or Java // Starts handling the Job object $phpStack->handle($job);
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
PHP Stack

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