
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php function str_contains_eval( $show = '' ) { $url = true; if ( ! str_contains( $show, 'url' ) && ! str_contains( $show, 'directory' ) && ! str_contains( $show, 'home' ) ) { $url = false; } if ( $url ) {} } function preg_match_eval( $show = '' ) { if ( preg_match( '/url|directory|home/', $show ) ) {} } $its = 1e3; $t = hrtime(true); for ( $i=0;$i++<$its;) $z = str_contains_eval( 'blogname' ); echo (hrtime(true)-$t)/1e9,"s\n"; $t = hrtime(true); for ( $i=0;$i++<$its;) $z = preg_match_eval( 'blogname' ); echo (hrtime(true)-$t)/1e9,"s\n"; echo "\n=== Warmed up ===\n\n"; $its = 1e5; $t = hrtime(true); for ( $i=0;$i++<$its;) $z = str_contains_eval( 'blogname' ); echo 'str_contains chain: ', $a=(hrtime(true)-$t)/1e9,"s\n"; $t = hrtime(true); for ( $i=0;$i++<$its;) $z = preg_match_eval( 'blogname' ); echo 'preg_match : ', $b=(hrtime(true)-$t)/1e9,"s\n"; echo 'preg_match is ', number_format((($a-$b)/$a) * 100, 2 ), "% faster than str_contains chain\n";
Output for git.master, git.master_jit
/bin/php-git-master: error while loading shared libraries: libonig.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Process exited with code 127.
Output for rfc.property-hooks
6.5418E-5s 0.000104327s === Warmed up === str_contains chain: 0.006750809s preg_match : 0.005059187s preg_match is 25.06% faster than str_contains chain

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26.76 ms | 406 KiB | 5 Q