
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $curso=$_post['lista']; $nome=$_post['nome']; $morada=$_post['morada']; $contacto=$_post['contacto']; $email=$_post['email']; $profissional=$_post['spryradio1']; $email_from = 'geral@cooperativa-agricola.pt'; $email_subject = "Coonfagri-Novo Candidato"; $email_body ="Candidato ao Curso de $curso.\Nome : $nome\n Morada : $morada\n Contacto : $contacto\n Email : $email\n Regime : $profissional "; $to = "oskr.g6@gmail.com"; $headers = "From: $email_from \r\n"; $headers .= "Reply-To: $email \r\n"; mail($to,$email_subject,$email_body,$headers); header('Location: www.cooperativa-agricola.pt');
Output for git.master, git.master_jit
Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 2 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /in/dn7p6 on line 2 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 3 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /in/dn7p6 on line 3 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 4 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /in/dn7p6 on line 4 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 5 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /in/dn7p6 on line 5 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 6 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /in/dn7p6 on line 6 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 7 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /in/dn7p6 on line 7 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mail() in /in/dn7p6:25 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /in/dn7p6 on line 25
Process exited with code 255.
Output for rfc.property-hooks
Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 2 Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /in/dn7p6 on line 2 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 3 Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /in/dn7p6 on line 3 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 4 Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /in/dn7p6 on line 4 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 5 Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /in/dn7p6 on line 5 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 6 Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /in/dn7p6 on line 6 Warning: Undefined variable $_post in /in/dn7p6 on line 7 Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /in/dn7p6 on line 7 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mail() in /in/dn7p6:25 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /in/dn7p6 on line 25
Process exited with code 255.

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