
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<html> <head> <title>Online PHP Script Execution</title> </head> <body> <?php $a = new hwAPIv5Calc(); for ($i = 0; $i < 1; $i++) { $imei = "11111111111122".$i; echo $imei." ".$a->calculateNew($imei)."\n"; } class hwAPIv5Calc{ // OLD ALGO START HERE function calculateOld($imei, $mode){ $arrayofbytes = array(); $digesthash = md5($imei.$this->mode($mode)); $arrayofbytes = $this->bytearray($digesthash); return $this->xorbytes($arrayofbytes); } function mode($arg){ $this->unlock = "5e8dd316726b0335"; $this->flash = "97b7bc6be525ab44"; if($arg == 'unlock'){ return $this->unlock; } else{ return $this->flash; } } private function bytearray($hash){ $splitdigest = substr(chunk_split($hash,2,":"),0,-1); $arrdigest = explode(":",$splitdigest); return $arrdigest; } private function xorbytes($arr){ $codes = ""; foreach (range(0,3) as $i) { $code = dechex(hexdec($arr[$i]) ^ hexdec($arr[4+$i]) ^ hexdec($arr[8+$i]) ^ hexdec($arr[12+$i])); if(strlen($code)< 2) { $code = "0" . $code; } $codes = $codes . $code; } $tmpcdec = hexdec($codes); $tmp1dec = hexdec("1ffffff"); $tmp2dec = hexdec("2000000"); $c = $tmpcdec & $tmp1dec; $c = $c | $tmp2dec; return $c; } // NEW ALGO START HERE function calculateNew($aImei) { $i=$this->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_ALGO_SELCTOR($aImei); echo $i." "; switch ($i) { case 0: $Code= $this->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR0 ($aImei); break; case 1: $Code= $this->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR1 ($aImei); break; case 2: $Code= $this->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR2 ($aImei); break; case 3: $Code= $this->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR3 ($aImei); break; case 4: $Code= $this->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR4 ($aImei); break; case 5: $Code= $this->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR5 ($aImei); break; case 6: $Code= $this->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR6 ($aImei); break; } //if($Code[0] == 0)$Code[0] = 9; return $Code; } function HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_ALGO_SELCTOR ($aImei){ $Id = ""; for ($i = 0; $i<15; $i++) { $Id = $Id + (ord($aImei[$i]) +($i+1))*($i+1); } return ($Id % 7); } function crcKw($num){ $crc = crc32($num); if($crc & 0x80000000){ $crc ^= 0xffffffff; $crc += 1; $crc = -$crc; } return $crc; } function get_unit($hex){ $V0=sprintf("%08X",(ord($hex[0]) & 0x000000FF)); $V1=sprintf("%08X",(ord($hex[1]) << 0x08) & 0x0000FF00); $V2=sprintf("%08X",(ord($hex[2]) << 0x10) & 0x00FF0000); $V3=sprintf("%08X",(ord($hex[3]) << 0x18) & 0xFF000000); return $this->bchexdec((substr($V3,0,2).substr($V2,2,2).substr($V1,4,2).substr($V0,6,2))); } function bchexdec($hex) { if(strlen($hex) == 1) { return hexdec($hex); } else { $remain = substr($hex, 0, -1); $last = substr($hex, -1); return bcadd(bcmul(16, $this->bchexdec($remain)), hexdec($last)); } } function bcdechex($dec){ $last = bcmod($dec, 16); $remain = bcdiv(bcsub($dec, $last), 16); if($remain == 0) { return dechex($last); } else { return $this->bcdechex($remain).dechex($last); } } function hex2str($src){ $length = count( $src ); $dst = ""; for( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ){ $dst .= sprintf( "%c", ( $src[ $i ] )); } return $dst; } function str2hex($src){ $length = strlen( $src ); $dst = ""; for( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ){ $dst .= sprintf( "%02X", ord( $src[ $i ] )); } return $dst; } function hextostr($hex){ $str=''; for ($i=0; $i < strlen($hex)-1; $i+=2){ $str .= chr(hexdec($hex[$i].$hex[$i+1])); } return $str; } function HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR0 ($aImei){ $Tbl = array(0x001966A9,0x0021058F,0x002AEDA9,0x0037CE91, 0x00488C9F,0x005E507D,0x007A9BE5,0x009F644B, 0x00CF35A1,0x010D5F55,0x015E2F25,0x01C73D6B, 0x024FCFDD,0x03015B47,0x03E829E9); $Pass=array(); $S=0; $aNck=""; for ($i = 0; $i<15; $i++) { $S=$S+(ord($aImei[$i])* $Tbl[$i]); } for ($i = 0; $i<8; $i++) { $Pass[$i]=($S & 0x0F) % 0x0A; $S=$S >> 4; } if( $Pass[0] == 0 ) $Pass[0]=1; for ($i = 0; $i<8; $i++) { $aNck[$i]=$Pass[$i]+0x30; } return $this->hex2str($aNck); } function HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR1 ($aImei){ $crc = $this->crcKw($aImei); if ( strlen($crc) > 8 ){ $crc = substr($crc,strlen($crc)-8,8); } while(strlen($crc)<8){ $crc = "9" . $crc; } if ($crc[0]=='0' || $crc[0]=='-' || $crc[0] == ' '){ $crc[0]='9'; } $crc = substr($crc,-8); return $crc; } function HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR2 ($aImei) { $Buf=md5($aImei); $A=hexdec($Buf[0].$Buf[1]) % 10; if ($A==0) $Buf ='05'.substr($Buf,2,strlen($Buf)-2); else $Buf =sprintf( "%02X",$A & 0xFF).substr($Buf,2,strlen($Buf)-2); $aNck=""; for( $i = 0; $i<16; $i=$i+2 ) { if (hexdec($Buf[$i].$Buf[$i+1]) > 0x30 && hexdec($Buf[$i].$Buf[$i+1])< 0x39){ $aNck.=chr(hexdec($Buf[$i].$Buf[$i+1])); } else { $aNck.=chr((hexdec($Buf[$i].$Buf[$i+1]) % 0xA) + 0x30); } } return $aNck; } function HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR3 ($aImei){ $Buf=md5($aImei. $this->hextostr('7f2270465154e80d3afe22dbe80f3dbf')); $Dgst=pack('H*',$Buf); $aNck=""; $Pass_Byte=array(); for( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) $Pass_Byte[$i] = ord($Dgst[$i+0x00]) ^ ord($Dgst[$i+0x04]) ^ ord($Dgst[$i+0x08]) ^ ord($Dgst[$i+0xC]); $aNck= $Pass_Byte[0] << 0x18 | $Pass_Byte[1] << 0x10 | $Pass_Byte[2] << 0x8 | $Pass_Byte[3]; $aNck= ($aNck & 0x1FFFFFF) | 0x2000000; return $aNck; } function HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR4 ($aImei){ $aNck = ""; $Data_Buff=pack('H*',$this->str2hex($aImei).'5A'); for($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)$Res_Buff[$i]= ord($Data_Buff[$i]) ^ ord($Data_Buff[$i+8]); $Magic_Buff=pack('H*',$this->str2hex('5739146280098765432112345678905')); for( $i = 0; $i < 8; $i++ ) $Res_Buff[$i]= ($Magic_Buff[(($Res_Buff[$i]) & 0x0F)+(($Res_Buff[$i]) >> 4)]); if ($Res_Buff[0] ==0) { for( $i = 0; $i < 8; $i++ ) if ($Res_Buff[$i]<> 0) break; $Res_Buff[0]= $i; } for( $i = 0; $i < 8; $i++ ) $aNck.=$Res_Buff[$i]; return ($aNck); } function HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR5 ($aImei) { $Dgst=pack('H*',sha1($aImei)); $A= $this->bchexdec(sprintf("%08X",ord($Dgst[0]) << 0x18 | ord($Dgst[1]) << 0x10 | ord($Dgst[2]) << 0x8 | ord($Dgst[3]))); $B= $this->bchexdec(sprintf("%08X",ord($Dgst[4]) << 0x18 | ord($Dgst[5]) << 0x10 | ord($Dgst[6]) << 0x8 | ord($Dgst[7]))); return substr($A.$B,0,8); } function HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR6 ($aImei) { $Magic_Table = array(0x01,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x05,0x08,0x0D,0x15, 0x22,0x37,0x59,0x90); $Buff = array_fill(0, 0x180, 0x00); $dest_buff = array_fill(0, 8, 0x00); for( $i = 0; $i < 0x0f; $i++ ) switch ($i % 3) { case 0: $Buff[$i] =(ord($aImei[$i]) >> 2) & 0xFF | (ord($aImei[$i]) << 6) & 0xFF; break; case 1: $Buff[$i] = (ord($aImei[$i]) >> 3) & 0xFF| (ord($aImei[$i]) << 5) & 0xFF; break; case 2: $Buff[$i] = (ord($aImei[$i]) << 4) & 0xFF| (ord($aImei[$i]) >> 4) & 0xFF; break; } $sum_1 = 0; for( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) $sum_1 = $sum_1 + (($Buff[$i] << 8) + ($Buff[0x0E - $i])); $sum_1 = $sum_1 +$Buff[8]; $j=0; for( $i = 0x0F; $i < 0x80; $i++ ) { $var_34 = floor($i / 0x0C); $R1= $i % 0x0C; $var_38 = $R1 + $var_34; if ($var_38 >= 0x0C) $var_38 = $var_38 -0x0C; $R1 = $j % 0x0C; if ($var_34<2) $var_34 = $R1 + $var_34; else $var_34 = $R1 + ($var_34 * 0x0D) - 0x18; if ($j==0) $R0= sprintf("%08X",($Buff[$sum_1 % $i]) | (0xFFFFFFFF - $Buff[$sum_1 % $i+1])) ; else $R0 = sprintf("%08X",(0xFFFFFFFF- $Buff[$sum_1 % $j]) | ($Buff[$sum_1 % $i])) ; $Buff[$i]= intval(substr($R0,-2,2),16)|(($Buff[$var_34] & $Magic_Table[$var_38])); $j+=1; if ($i == 0x0F) { echo "\n".$Buff[$sum_1 % $i]." ".$Buff[$sum_1 % $i+ 1]." ".$R0." ".$Buff[$i]."\n"; } } $Sum_2 = 0; for( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) $Sum_2 = $Sum_2 + (((ord($aImei[$i])) << 8) | ord($aImei[$i+1])); $Sum_2 = $Sum_2 + ord($aImei[0x0E]); print_r($Buff); $Temp=$this->hex2str($Buff); prm($Temp); $Dgst=md5(substr($Temp,0,0x80)); for ($i = 0; $i < 0x80; $i++) { echo "\n".ord($Temp[$i]); } $idx = $Sum_2 & 3; $hash_unit =($this->hextostr(substr($Dgst,$idx*8,8))); $hash_unit=($this->get_unit($hash_unit)); echo "\nidx ".$idx."\n"; echo "\ndgst ".$Dgst."\n"; $DgstA=pack("H*",$Dgst); $Nck_idx=0; for( $i = 0; $i < 0x10; $i++ ) { if ((ord($DgstA[$i]) >= 0x30) & (ord($DgstA[$i]) <= 0x39) ) { $dest_buf[$Nck_idx] = ord($DgstA[$i]); $Nck_idx =$Nck_idx+1; } if ($Nck_idx == 8) { if ($dest_buf[0] ==0x30) if ($Sum_2 == 0) $dest_buf[0] = (ord($Dgst[0]) & 7) + 0x31; else $dest_buf[0] = (ord($Dgst[1]) & 7) + 0x31; return $this->hex2str($dest_buf); } } $j = 0; While ($hash_unit != 0): $R1 = bcmod($hash_unit , 0xA); $hash_unit = bcdiv( $hash_unit , 0xA); $dest_buf[$Nck_idx] = $R1 + 0x30; $Nck_idx +=1; if (( $hash_unit == 0) && ($j == 0)) { $j = 1; $hash_unit =( $this-> hextostr(substr($Dgst,3-$idx,8))); $hash_unit=$this->get_unit($hash_unit); } if ($Nck_idx == 8){ if ($dest_buf[0] ==0x30) if ($Sum_2 == 0) $dest_buf[0] = (ord($DgstA[0]) & 7) + 0x31; else $dest_buf[0] = (ord($DgstA[1]) & 7) + 0x31; return $this->hex2str($dest_buf); } endwhile; for( $i = 0; $i < 0x10; $i++ ) { if ($Nck_idx== 8) $dest_buf[0] = (ord($DgstA[$i]) % 10) + 0x30; else { $dest_buf[$Nck_idx] = (ord($DgstA[$i]) % 10) + 0x30; $Nck_idx+=1; } if ($Nck_idx>=8) if ($dest_buf[0] != 0x30) return $this->hex2str($dest_buf); } if ($Nck_idx == 8){ if ($dest_buf[0] ==0x30) if ($Sum_2 == 0) $dest_buf[0] = (ord($DgstA[0]) & 7) + 0x31; else $dest_buf[0] = (ord($DgstA[1]) & 7) + 0x31; return $this->hex2str($dest_buf); } } } function prm($p) { echo "\n".$p."\n"; } ?> </body> </html>
Output for 8.0.0 - 8.0.30, 8.1.0 - 8.1.28, 8.2.0 - 8.2.18, 8.3.0 - 8.3.6
<html> <head> <title>Online PHP Script Execution</title> </head> <body> Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + int in /in/dHlA2:97 Stack trace: #0 /in/dHlA2(65): hwAPIv5Calc->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_ALGO_SELCTOR('111111111111220') #1 /in/dHlA2(10): hwAPIv5Calc->calculateNew('111111111111220') #2 {main} thrown in /in/dHlA2 on line 97
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 7.3.32 - 7.3.33, 7.4.33
<html> <head> <title>Online PHP Script Execution</title> </head> <body> Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /in/dHlA2 on line 97 6 76 38 FFFFFFDD 221 Array ( [0] => 76 [1] => 38 [2] => 19 [3] => 76 [4] => 38 [5] => 19 [6] => 76 [7] => 38 [8] => 19 [9] => 76 [10] => 38 [11] => 19 [12] => 140 [13] => 70 [14] => 3 [15] => 221 [16] => 255 [17] => 191 [18] => 255 [19] => 183 [20] => 255 [21] => 255 [22] => 255 [23] => 183 [24] => 255 [25] => 179 [26] => 238 [27] => 255 [28] => 255 [29] => 255 [30] => 255 [31] => 255 [32] => 127 [33] => 255 [34] => 221 [35] => 255 [36] => 255 [37] => 255 [38] => 255 [39] => 255 [40] => 255 [41] => 255 [42] => 255 [43] => 55 [44] => 255 [45] => 255 [46] => 255 [47] => 255 [48] => 77 [49] => 255 [50] => 255 [51] => 157 [52] => 38 [53] => 255 [54] => 255 [55] => 255 [56] => 255 [57] => 255 [58] => 219 [59] => 239 [60] => 255 [61] => 255 [62] => 255 [63] => 191 [64] => 127 [65] => 255 [66] => 255 [67] => 255 [68] => 191 [69] => 255 [70] => 255 [71] => 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255 255 255 255 255 142 147 255 191 255 183 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 27 255 255 255 127 93 255 255 255 255 255 46 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function bcadd() in /in/dHlA2:126 Stack trace: #0 /in/dHlA2(117): hwAPIv5Calc->bchexdec('CE352FDA') #1 /in/dHlA2(332): hwAPIv5Calc->get_unit('\xDA/5\xCE') #2 /in/dHlA2(87): hwAPIv5Calc->HWE_MDM_NCK_V2_VAR6('111111111111220') #3 /in/dHlA2(10): hwAPIv5Calc->calculateNew('111111111111220') #4 {main} thrown in /in/dHlA2 on line 126
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 7.1.0 - 7.1.33, 7.2.0 - 7.2.33, 7.3.0 - 7.3.31, 7.4.0 - 7.4.32
<html> <head> <title>Online PHP Script Execution</title> </head> <body> Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /in/dHlA2 on line 97 6 76 38 FFFFFFDD 221 Array ( [0] => 76 [1] => 38 [2] => 19 [3] => 76 [4] => 38 [5] => 19 [6] => 76 [7] => 38 [8] => 19 [9] => 76 [10] => 38 [11] => 19 [12] => 140 [13] => 70 [14] => 3 [15] => 221 [16] => 255 [17] => 191 [18] => 255 [19] => 183 [20] => 255 [21] => 255 [22] => 255 [23] => 183 [24] => 255 [25] => 179 [26] => 238 [27] => 255 [28] => 255 [29] => 255 [30] => 255 [31] => 255 [32] => 127 [33] => 255 [34] => 221 [35] => 255 [36] => 255 [37] => 255 [38] => 255 [39] => 255 [40] => 255 [41] => 255 [42] => 255 [43] => 55 [44] => 255 [45] => 255 [46] => 255 [47] => 255 [48] => 77 [49] => 255 [50] => 255 [51] => 157 [52] => 38 [53] => 255 [54] => 255 [55] => 255 [56] => 255 [57] => 255 [58] => 219 [59] => 239 [60] => 255 [61] => 255 [62] => 255 [63] => 191 [64] => 127 [65] => 255 [66] => 255 [67] => 255 [68] => 191 [69] => 255 [70] => 255 [71] => 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[337] => 0 [338] => 0 [339] => 0 [340] => 0 [341] => 0 [342] => 0 [343] => 0 [344] => 0 [345] => 0 [346] => 0 [347] => 0 [348] => 0 [349] => 0 [350] => 0 [351] => 0 [352] => 0 [353] => 0 [354] => 0 [355] => 0 [356] => 0 [357] => 0 [358] => 0 [359] => 0 [360] => 0 [361] => 0 [362] => 0 [363] => 0 [364] => 0 [365] => 0 [366] => 0 [367] => 0 [368] => 0 [369] => 0 [370] => 0 [371] => 0 [372] => 0 [373] => 0 [374] => 0 [375] => 0 [376] => 0 [377] => 0 [378] => 0 [379] => 0 [380] => 0 [381] => 0 [382] => 0 [383] => 0 ) L&L&L&L&�F�����������������������7����M���&��������������������������������'M�����n���������������������]�����. 76 38 19 76 38 19 76 38 19 76 38 19 140 70 3 221 255 191 255 183 255 255 255 183 255 179 238 255 255 255 255 255 127 255 221 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 55 255 255 255 255 77 255 255 157 38 255 255 255 255 255 219 239 255 255 255 191 127 255 255 255 191 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 147 255 255 255 159 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 39 77 255 255 157 255 255 110 255 255 255 255 255 142 147 255 191 255 183 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 127 27 255 255 255 127 93 255 255 255 255 255 46 idx 3 dgst 3013d8e1168916423f0a53e9da2f35ce 111111111111220 45451295 </body> </html>
Output for 5.3.0 - 5.3.29, 5.4.0 - 5.4.45, 5.5.0 - 5.5.38, 5.6.0 - 5.6.28, 7.0.0 - 7.0.20
<html> <head> <title>Online PHP Script Execution</title> </head> <body> 6 76 38 FFFFFFDD 221 Array ( [0] => 76 [1] => 38 [2] => 19 [3] => 76 [4] => 38 [5] => 19 [6] => 76 [7] => 38 [8] => 19 [9] => 76 [10] => 38 [11] => 19 [12] => 140 [13] => 70 [14] => 3 [15] => 221 [16] => 255 [17] => 191 [18] => 255 [19] => 183 [20] => 255 [21] => 255 [22] => 255 [23] => 183 [24] => 255 [25] => 179 [26] => 238 [27] => 255 [28] => 255 [29] => 255 [30] => 255 [31] => 255 [32] => 127 [33] => 255 [34] => 221 [35] => 255 [36] => 255 [37] => 255 [38] => 255 [39] => 255 [40] => 255 [41] => 255 [42] => 255 [43] => 55 [44] => 255 [45] => 255 [46] => 255 [47] => 255 [48] => 77 [49] => 255 [50] => 255 [51] => 157 [52] => 38 [53] => 255 [54] => 255 [55] => 255 [56] => 255 [57] => 255 [58] => 219 [59] => 239 [60] => 255 [61] => 255 [62] => 255 [63] => 191 [64] => 127 [65] => 255 [66] => 255 [67] => 255 [68] => 191 [69] => 255 [70] => 255 [71] => 255 [72] => 255 [73] => 255 [74] => 255 [75] => 255 [76] => 127 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255 127 27 255 255 255 127 93 255 255 255 255 255 46 idx 3 dgst 3013d8e1168916423f0a53e9da2f35ce 111111111111220 45451295 </body> </html>

283.71 ms | 418 KiB | 344 Q