
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php class Assert { private const UUID_LENGTH = 32; public static function validUuid(string $value) : string { if (strlen($value) !== static::UUID_LENGTH || false === ctype_xdigit($value)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Wrong uuid format.'); } return __CLASS__; } public static function notEmptyString(string $value) : string { if ('' === $value) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Value must not be empty.'); } return __CLASS__; } public static function notEmptyArray(array $value) : string { if (0 >= count($value)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Array must not be empty.'); } return __CLASS__; } } class Id { private string $value; public function __construct(?string $uuid = null) { $uuid = $uuid ?? $this->generateuuidV4(); Assert::validUuid($uuid); $this->value = $uuid; } public function __toString() : string { return $this->value; } public function isEqual(Id $id) : bool { return $this->value === (string)$id; } private function generateUuidV4() : string { return bin2hex(random_bytes(16)); } } interface Entity { public function getId() : Id; } class Comment implements Entity { private Id $id; private Id $userId; private string $text; public function __construct(Id $id, Id $userId, string $text) { Assert::notEmptyString($text); $this->id = $id; $this->userId = $userId; $this->text = $text; } public function getId() : Id { return $this->id; } public function getText() : string { return $this->text; } public function changeText(string $text) : void { $this->text = $text; } } class ModeratedComment extends Comment { private Comment $comment; public function __construct(Comment $comment) { $this->comment = $this->moderate($comment); } public function getId() : Id { return $this->comment->getId(); } public function getText() : string { return $this->comment->getText(); } public function changeText(string $text) : void { $this->comment->changeText($text); $this->comment = $this->moderate($this->comment); } private function moderate(Comment $comment) : Comment { $comment->changeText('Моча - сила'); return $comment; } } class Feed implements Entity { private Id $id; private Id $ownerId; private array $publishers; private array $comments; public function __construct( Id $id, Id $ownerId, array $publishers, array $comments = [] ) { Assert::notEmptyArray($publishers); $this->id = $id; $this->ownerId = $ownerId; $this->publishers = $publishers; $this->comments = $comments; } public function getId() : Id { return $this->id; } public function addComment(ModeratedComment $moderatedComment) { $this->comments[(string)$moderatedComment->getId()] = $moderatedComment; } } $feedId = new Id('3a90426a01e414d00f281ae92436f11d'); $feedOwnerId = new Id('da41d5f6b9ef685ddc3fc58f8f2b33f8'); $firstPublisherId = new Id('da41d5f6b9ef685ddc3fc58f8f2b33f8'); $secondPublisherId = new Id('76319d3a35d3ec306dc299d446ab46e6'); $publishers = [ (string)$firstPublisherId => $firstPublisherId, (string)$secondPublisherId => $secondPublisherId, ]; $feed = new Feed($feedId, $feedOwnerId, $publishers); $userId = new Id('da41d5f6b9ef685ddc3fc58f8f2b33f8'); $moderatedComment = new ModeratedComment(new Comment(new Id, $userId, 'Test comment')); $feed->addComment($moderatedComment); var_dump($feed);

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