
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $userId = '7788990011223344551'; $short_username = 'zerocool95'; $long_username = 'zerocool95-Y3Jhc2ggb3ZlcnJpZGUgaXMgcmVhbGx5IHplcm8gY29vbA'; $password = 'Mess with the best, die like the rest.'; echo "Using short username\n"; $combined = $userId . $short_username . $password; $hash = password_hash( $combined, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, [ 'cost' => 12 ] ); echo $hash . "\n"; if ( password_verify( $combined, $hash ) ) { echo "Correct user id, username, password combination\n"; } else { echo "Incorrect combination\n"; } $bad_combination = $userId . $short_username . 'not-my-password'; if ( password_verify( $bad_combination, $hash ) ) { echo "Correct user id, username, password combination\n"; } else { echo "Incorrect combination\n"; } // Output // $2y$12$OSlXjZirMYlaKtXqMTr1uePNIEEsxS4sDQHCpfg.vC/Aw9SBaEvBS // Correct user id, username, password combination // Incorrect combination echo "\n---\n"; // Now try it with the long, 52+ characters, username echo "Using LONG short username\n"; $combined = $userId . $long_username . $password; $hash = password_hash( $combined, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, [ 'cost' => 12 ] ); echo $hash . "\n"; if ( password_verify( $combined, $hash ) ) { echo "Correct user id, username, password combination\n"; } else { echo "Incorrect combination\n"; } $bad_combination = $userId . $long_username . 'not-my-password'; if ( password_verify( $bad_combination, $hash ) ) { echo "Correct user id, username, password combination\n"; } else { echo "Incorrect combination\n"; } // Output // $2y$12$p2xn6C0duRrnpjFQWTBCJe7hjlIq0GZHwmwRdAUgeOD30a5T85V/G // Correct user id, username, password combination // Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.13
Using short username $2y$12$/Stv6jdW7qHbvfOjOPa9uOj9uQklYlLQLZ3U5kgEH61MULLjUgH6y Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$WRczNF7HiDdEc.w7Wyfg0.WGG2F0e6sYkGHpu09a9G6Tgghm0Dwc. Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.12
Using short username $2y$12$yMIEpPk/DvMQHbUHuuqeIu6lhSHG.rImoE4066pkL65LEHO06gCnq Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$q8nawboyGOtLh07BTfAks.IErPUblbdbYQkjSoO8zXmZZrGOXC.Ua Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.11
Using short username $2y$12$FCuJdyaUdPRbFti8mQFEve19kUl6KBE/DHygHylNDkgszhQmHcqS2 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$5n9jMjJuWjLzDgiblfK5X.uEmn9NGgtZ4JLHuhqSZHCMna05yt90G Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.10
Using short username $2y$12$eEPHyhCyKPCzXGlb0YMj2Oa5JukSNg2vNBQ9JC0F/YUpl/n3qI9Y. Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$OVsXy1KNBULEuwFbiTi4Z.ndPt00QBQvJt9ngk7NOJZq2utmwXKVa Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.9
Using short username $2y$12$gRUYp2zL8U/L/Rbyqps6k.HGcPTwMl4al3YUek5Nji4wTM9NHnBaS Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$esdzSo7xLPuCMgq3HwXJAuGsaQ0/AExbYv5OeWETQBYm8wzkl8wnO Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.8
Using short username $2y$12$W5Bn4IQ/pHAVLwABovFCKuH1rYDLGY0AZC8862mnivlTovAHRx1By Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$DPX45PEEUzGgbnklyGMzOuAjsegktcY0u4x4747sbyH4s8nh0Hz0y Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.7
Using short username $2y$12$Stri5e1yWG3rDmI.gK3l9uSCHjaTrsPwi.lps55mLJnpsAxq1ykuu Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$LkKsQdfdj7EPW0ffhPZiVOh1ilA8YgziDrvngXobH3zgsCRmaxIyy Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.6
Using short username $2y$12$R8j1Zb3MJ6td0W77mTvNwOQZGaKP6P7t9slazDY2en.KpzMbDvFkW Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$ZTO48TfGuslioG.hA.aUK.Y6fIfws2TOrbxgdy45TpdAeIn9IC4ZC Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.5
Using short username $2y$12$Pdz14r1c6lpryHHepql5yOFI9vlFWk1djk7X0Q9rwVG9YeUtxC.MW Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$sG0AiSk9VX7Kqudgqc1nkeRbZi39yQnMZjOVb1iM3bph4ash5AXpi Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.4
Using short username $2y$12$a6jaOIs7mcKNAJ5pnn2jiOFCTKshv0p6lBDKJyHMWd4/25AICAzSe Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$2Jx9OtM83SuyWInh0BkLz./QgMj2nBnGIKIWvRydD8J7iw9mJtRUe Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.3
Using short username $2y$12$Zx.AlDAZURpH3z7s8fIr2uu1ZERM.2A5wDSFGxNWj.bCRPJrl0qoi Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$51vPS/ldMrRYqD0hkjsCWO/2K8uaZPCWUQdaBboxj9eoZvyUZUSp. Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.2
Using short username $2y$12$h3I33OT0rttmySMM1AliyO13ADT2WXjAxR2YfUALpWycZ2oOofSp6 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$rhnahnom4x2Y1G3WWAhZYurKNv8zxpc1Zl00F.GpUcPDMHFj5mGTa Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.1
Using short username $2y$12$6rB4y3.fhnJvXdtQy/ERBumKPC5Um4FbMjU9dZIC8q/q.cKNqQpPu Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$Ru4aMUllrbdExtffAAPS9ufRT/AO0w/Bv4/tMibqUC02NEPUJWlke Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.3.0
Using short username $2y$12$IbYPZV1zGMaqm0fE8Bii2OTBlMrW45wYMRKxz2Vo56fu5GzC18QfG Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$HRmM/wmlB7qe/r6bsVwgH.IHYGPKCgNHFCpMSbD0cGSyscLK4Esjm Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.25
Using short username $2y$12$6sgRhvIlJPiJGHiO3nKsSO.DRrHEaHwPDaR84cYMjlgIvM078IRFK Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$t26OA/7.YT8CyzxTZ64dHOgTnPWnSUD8m91VC8PDA0TzRmyTAOq7a Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.24
Using short username $2y$12$rAv0tKaVU.f6SuSNORIpne7opKO7T1rQj1.TRHCxtcwEPUaDUSw6O Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$WvmoxwqupHiQn9nD6RIdAOj20CVNNfFdmBHeKEzrSc0h1z6cx6mUa Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.23
Using short username $2y$12$CeGv/zZ0oaBY2EqPeAaZEuOzJMjHbljYcfBa9kivrnzu4pw.fQnk6 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$/QmI3vhYK5oxwrfBf72MqOCZJwnsDU6YMD73SmFweAhifUk9jcxdy Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.22
Using short username $2y$12$FodPU5HuWRomLHdrfSvhJ.rZaUdz0W2XioVTbjYeNqQmc1rmqHK6C Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$v80/d/h3DaqkhBY5owjMUOEtfu5kfk2ydAyqjk5ShnhPEnWsA4HYa Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.21
Using short username $2y$12$/x47VIkpJETsSXlklBpiAehR9FUw5wj2ovdTXKWUoOjajgeymrB.m Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$aKJI2wdXSBUVk21lygsd5ORtLeObGhh314I5QOc2WBKVPgDXCNCRm Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.20
Using short username $2y$12$W9lTGhNOYPxGcShbPt3F5eq8tnCj/a8LvDGEjHcvJy8qNjKHlNyiS Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$9I7P3VfETF43Ytb5AdNQjehDdH6POmNS3LSLMzz0lWMOCkZOy31j6 Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.19
Using short username $2y$12$Srw/odL//bxrgIgynYC42OflfSurJguDCl7I2ehveLYR7QPLWKRq6 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$iLa0zPW..0S6IFtVZBfq9e0x0zF1HBnq/s9QobBILKg5rsEoPbAgS Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.18
Using short username $2y$12$FJe9hIT9/uWxn9xHKfi0wO65GEIlO3dwGKrLIOK6bXdlpnn/Hg1cG Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$AZVBQv5m7Sh17TO1pmcereGiZm3Rh9pYwfELJZGDjVuQWsX9En8um Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.17
Using short username $2y$12$vNouDTzzDaeP/.O1m6TjTuPOj/dpjFRzxV0Bbje8R09xWAf3DXPoO Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$KYaz3cdqVr690KNAxlYXzOAUSeBAoJeZkaHGqMZJifiIM7mnnNb52 Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.16
Using short username $2y$12$4ogcMP/ZHzS8SpyybvWhWOYkuxy1ArMswaOKKnnFtHPYLH1ZX0Nja Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$z44RqWavptbTp6EbotAFY.LcaMTh4GNF.ESs5PSK76eKMwqMqKcsO Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.15
Using short username $2y$12$q6hD.w5W29tGYbLe7gYDKu0L8uU7JW2wTw791E5RJngrNLJaQeEc2 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$8Mgm1xJ1K39CQxc0TGm3v.rFPps66gZycs6./sOjvkJ5ZL/OwA8WO Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.14
Using short username $2y$12$fFUJ5ipQgAgvqHJ2KB/WFucpV2RhsbrIiDIwZCzLHLamcKbPjIenm Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$9HeaCg30cgKNZoPeXbAa8u5a69t67o.t15rVWPH/AsTYq7vSoY0au Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.13
Using short username $2y$12$gzNJxDMgtEKTww8Gz05cJ.PypP4RVmkqxiiYayE.MCa6viEbnuCZ6 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$qx1.nQ2amxZ09DN8RuCP.OzLrYcUiSvPWECfy7F9xZJAJ9VwQC9yy Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.12
Using short username $2y$12$9WZml6CVKLPTJ7dkVQ1PtumrZ7kjy9ERHZ/0nwXgs/TLcTfmBOHO. Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$zW.2Pl.xcZyAK0UW0H4b8OLE.sGZ5J2SGNQ6iDQ5942lKpKeOiWTa Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.11
Using short username $2y$12$iK0ThtPEhsZKBGrKqsnQu.4iMj6oBo0JMyr0Bnj.cPvAX9CFsheGe Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$sjaRtRjtw40kJo6F6sAjq.zk3EA1/PYumZr3u63EuBFVNth9bACAm Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.10
Using short username $2y$12$GDI4v9I12eYGbJ1/2N2QdOingK4wf/wMChJG6o6XCD/N92lZlWtci Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$jLcObjKsgPEDQM1FD7gVfOxwZGFaCPxEZ7qyRwV97HDv/y.nwwULK Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.9
Using short username $2y$12$hxWqkXEOf8qOugiWfzDN5eHzJ/7B/rgIPbts2ZC0LrdIM5Ty.dDzO Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$6pvgsvwUc/oVBbirh1/rU.xp0aq71.Uuz7n2Jt0thJerBsGodII0y Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.8
Using short username $2y$12$Fpu2853pct8WVGkQAhoPVeCKityEl9b4Sgm/lIOvJvkcnLzo99eFa Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$fBziIPKup5K3Zx5mhZVOQ.p8BYEJ6AvpcJw12cEQAEIgMVWQD/azK Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.7
Using short username $2y$12$BqH3GUb92NbCyEUxscc1zeChUgNSVismKFAj7OKDPArSwQS5oNcJi Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$EvuT5mK7hH./VmwVPlEdQeeZ3U9fCvMvq7UA5btsK.T16fnAlyHIm Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.6
Using short username $2y$12$LshciZBINShu2XQIKVKa0.WB3Fci75SpaUsvyPfWVcdb/HbL20MYS Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$gJccWKdItFPUzUsuVhF9UuJFBA8FBpfhFTt/fkzTxVVgJiE7AtMP6 Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.5
Using short username $2y$12$8IV0wA0.bAyX.qur59vEyu3b8qKH9KmACycu/lLKeo9YOSvjs1H5W Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$plk9ExxzWKNsd3RvIvJ9Lu9mRn4YL501hiDmL05d8fyDqs2MKSDHu Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.4
Using short username $2y$12$DMZpIQoAOnymUSkeLaIXDeD8WT60eNjylhS48TY6GY1PwWXDWHQ7W Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$QA6KRlCUno.hpyUz3YPbze6ogVbEdkgiOYHDIn1KLOrLHagzha9SS Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.3
Using short username $2y$12$bbTKHhKWuOi9/juAuBxay.WAfn0N3wos/wddrEEzyn5LN8FxAokrW Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$BDoQDh5exX.IPvkayvfDfeCY7tev0oOYxWQf5WglNmQlNu9o8NRW2 Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.2
Using short username $2y$12$mebDhZowboFoTTwSE.aAu.ys7289kcI1vH4yAug4f6jFByk8x2jua Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$p26qIXU08C1RblPMd9I.GevyNiPLUuGW34v2M55m6gdfPODyzfhKi Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.1
Using short username $2y$12$Brn.vZTUgjCCSbHo1453EeHVxlhpvQOKsMBprVx5P2vPVlFHfwERW Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$XuoXAa05bVmwmuPYjLhyC.rXvo8SIxCzbjmlWvVNQJXGO7UdzfEAW Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.2.0
Using short username $2y$12$qloal4B30ZVJ02N2PlD/FOTq1p32Oq2Id4sNO.OZ6ujQDVD3eroIC Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$2xyYFO0g5/ajmvze.l17pOe05eUcODgtvGiUxALf2pgbWN8mnsGky Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.30
Using short username $2y$12$loHxv3wb3PTTG4F4tjQ0c.9.c7oE.PxqyrYAF9zvrye69RZFMHqtW Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$P8Jxi3sJggwd67pqEg1Dve.fqh1ULOxk2x47T5E8jhY7ZlMA.2aDi Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.29
Using short username $2y$12$eL9vYlRH8hvLqwCZkF8HyeF6CqQlqvx0mGw5aXhIdf9VhQwAxX.B. Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$/sNjj9BS.cmrD/RACXjJde8ivtxNYjLwrwJV7gdhdjNiwDbMUrMUq Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.28
Using short username $2y$12$F0VuxyhcNswqyhO99Jv93eQlckrJ.tWHuXP8tFeUno7NHUnfKzv2W Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$J.aO5T26nqv.NV3roRoCwuW2ysCb3yYUz7YfHAjU17E0MfcRid1n2 Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.27
Using short username $2y$12$SD6wqMZ/z0/fKZg0PLt/DuPtQstVzsUu8MhYeVV12x46CM4z5ixKq Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$xgVQEIj2JCjJRUyo9eE9Y.fvlf4eEFjbziZTnS1Wos7JbXApfWOo2 Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.26
Using short username $2y$12$AhJPah/s5XB0w/EmMR4ud.Oa85OPQMIaFoYmY0m6uDWN0K5uSRzte Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$4PNxTv8T/sadA30BTyx3qOHBYARy.KyZoSKG/TG9LeNcokuE8IRNi Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.25
Using short username $2y$12$TWrHHzCCAHLiQDkIaYXK8uHN2QyPFmmT7l/gBr4fhKk8UrFtx5C/e Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$9tNCtvslZb8mI1e5xfI.K.rm8rdOPgTa4FDoBhy/CuEBjji.0v1ZG Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.24
Using short username $2y$12$6vqMo77F/993rj879jw8Su/9XUWsY7G4txVBAicOBy71CBgORw1RK Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$i2wqrf7eZ41MAEUw.E2LaePKNjBpaSZtLexSybZNgEjcoDoJ5uWwW Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.23
Using short username $2y$12$iFOQLEZGVAdFYuBzS5Isne57T7Lb6y.b7py8VWSv1xz6LoYql46uq Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$vkWbKnjD4R9QU6YHBF8o.Oqi/TsebJq9kVp04zbHNZEqhII0UjZEC Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.22
Using short username $2y$12$/tOPUK2PIl8uD95qU1VvYuwfhJhBZJ/pGz9gs6J0SSFqZzv7zyCnm Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$tDD6be3GI1i97URV324aleQMkk88rwXxC0leR4uJrRjbaDtLrLgRO Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.21
Using short username $2y$12$3SIZuzNIlHtt3lNHxrXdF.GLbhJq/CEHK/6JBn5ZPOypKpe0HQOjW Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$FL4KzCMJe9gYLVs0G6gx/useW9ev4JM5YcE2.DvhF/b2/PkB7.JwO Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.20
Using short username $2y$12$VGMQSe/Ip.GTxFppzWtQ5uf2oy0zuEJlMJhk2K41HOpH6KSwIzzEG Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$y09FEaqyiczLIr4XndJiyOIPzKU16w/RyeWFyxsTJJf1IB2UPhNTO Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.19
Using short username $2y$12$h7qih8w2D9k.vFS3UzLNQ.AXj.boBQUm7LtndB30tmG35UKzr6Mo2 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$BdZaM4FlF4SMWsIMRdlDLuvw2Jj0TucwhhZWQSaE7IZSkKziUIHzy Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.18
Using short username $2y$12$675wlacqrXevvSHvlLTAke5UcSbcKzV2UdNZyn7RzfbML2WnjrGl2 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$kDisfQIqd7T9TKnLhxrvJuvF1MurjLy6zSiMvq1cYaPJYxRykpp9W Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.17
Using short username $2y$12$5NXe5n8sp8IZ9vsxgx83rO9U7wnYf3bvhzUa85HPEwFZVodUQth4e Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$XYeOywb0ivI1C/HHCkPvxOEzso1oxB0/9pZsuurU12JNs6yXd4UQe Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.16
Using short username $2y$12$KVrQMvQzK9.hbuRfSoc6xOge5B10y9pTuxEh9v8tzy/8e55yklxL2 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$EPbMjwZ0OZoFZ3WoosP3xez0xwfLfHcuTQXOzj9uqw5vq7lnhvhM. Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.15
Using short username $2y$12$p7d3MtGkNi6UXX0hKZP1N.z5RPSvO8KIZ8kiQTBNb0rQO0XRd4pz. Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$RgyLDVysAoW92bqc2cT3z.g.74xikBnOf29yaDMFu3sLGB4caNv5m Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.14
Using short username $2y$12$0fk1OqhzNZk43KVQY8B9SuQPOEpbaB6l8UEotNOv1PZrLOC1PSqHO Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$IE3CYSGfcQo7203QS4O.F..jACRkDLmbIYeOhNapj9u5wrAif3hf6 Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.13
Using short username $2y$12$omZifOkF0mxlu1YFIQqxpeXF5lNWf3ysJfX7wmaA1Pm.ei4lRBLg2 Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$1O/UvxT7a3vDk0v2OdLnueQxA/dB8OEkC6DUIIrCoKgKl5Ur5qOYK Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.12
Using short username $2y$12$CbRsLigomiv/pIHlh3KH5OWOvlzSH572Z8xuIO7uk0FzfMlm6PG4C Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$o6xAwPZY5XPIXOIeLdiVne3Mx1N/0m88vHNbkR7uwN2tIjhaSq3Z2 Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.11
Using short username $2y$12$MwYXhPmAb.tuzFnA3FimwuREqIxJHcbWhAkFVu7m7nNg91o/sZ63. Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$76/1QxEZiES13wlyqy90oeQBJdIuHB1thB8PaYdg8e9FtM68W4dlG Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.10
Using short username $2y$12$R8hZMS/hKDrzlxBHDQdPFeQzJZWEo4zjuaKTgDOVtBzBsEBucbL6G Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$5f9lRcxJHbwDqmkycKttj.d0KHLoOruIDjo4xUhKBnX2ucJQJF2GG Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.9
Using short username $2y$12$1zxAwKrHRoHQ46/ZTneMI.W9/ZcpJc9Ym/iEDcHaqNypwUMhmPqwG Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$pFkl7.UXZYhGa8x1rYmiz.PZ3s3cnE7Ueo4yye5UfGJ1XTMcdo1PK Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.8
Using short username $2y$12$alghV6WjjfdSKuXKRCIoluw6VYQ1b0MgOLT.hizRzIRR0miboQzsW Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$xEAP86M/1O.cEnjTQDdWlO.lU1/IB8YHOwUyJjfwHZ6WlSh05QKJO Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.7
Using short username $2y$12$1kPJV567ORlMYeRwxCERJOKWpT88ZKqlwY0sGkbdBlzI4FMkTkHJe Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$7L5eLuAieaByOcW2HWevG.MEzY6zqLq/IRGSmivjpctwHDlivIhk6 Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.6
Using short username $2y$12$9Dva6RAY/ZKNDmfXlXLuI.rE4gtp1s5GJHoKPAcjhRAIf89oKm2qy Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$DAZNA4.R7Iwz1YaYmzf6auSiNl.SbMiPrR2gJ9MKo.zR9mxxjVJaC Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.5
Using short username $2y$12$45a7zxb8Esi4w0zyY0xAPORugi1boJZfUlDT2NSILVhAlpbjMxQym Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$Gp41AxbicxGsg2fkTfhxHOFbt/lTSJOGm.6XkEXVfc/sOd2SYNYVC Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.4
Using short username $2y$12$9WViDgT66YJhI1MCyvJL9utVzZkbjPgP24gz3NZLUyibfR9ivnpva Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$YY3M6sai5gXEHdt5jCmXD.z57.Q8ceS/ECZyEGd1zBF22cCt3K3uq Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.3
Using short username $2y$12$T36Usr6hXnTRGOzzUhQUYOljXUMxlQFgAM48x5BW.gl/c4jvvsrA. Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$I/hd4Rvn7HOQoK110sadx.2sw3.lHZ507lGTQzJaKzszCbW.WIiAu Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.2
Using short username $2y$12$Q4s5Mf8kTYgGq8a/NLn4ZuBYu6WRJzlr1EEx3n7yfXQxfdN7eaDci Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$JG78oM7PNfd1zhGPlE821eo/O20Vn1TERgfMtGu6Ri7XOXlJbxmgy Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.1
Using short username $2y$12$JGUd6ieZaQSNpJXEGJ4CJuxg2lXCafmTgFOPzMK5ia2ziqwUqWeUW Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$3F8z8f2.A8/DjGpZSNll1u.eqLV1d7zrM9knilVKIoPxHpbljfVd. Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination
Output for 8.1.0
Using short username $2y$12$cAhpsj7H7DQRkIBGcZ0HP.9vSeVzcz82x9VV8/kR/IJaVvIFr5O1. Correct user id, username, password combination Incorrect combination --- Using LONG short username $2y$12$e6YxRxO2wJgrhadLxrJqUOZ73naEhReb/zZJBQCzJtYQPD1JQcjoO Correct user id, username, password combination Correct user id, username, password combination

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