
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php /***************************************************************************** * * std_bar.php - Sample gadget for NagVis * * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 NagVis Project (Contact: info@nagvis.org) * * License: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * ***************************************************************************** * * This is a simple gadget for NagVis. A gadget is a script which generates a * dynamic image for visualizing things as graphs in NagVis. * This one was inspired by "fs_usage_bar" (Copyright Richard Leitner) * http://exchange.nagvis.org/exchange/Gadgets/Filesystem-Usage-Bar/ * * The gadget gets its data from the NagVis frontend by parameters. This * gadget only needs the "perfdata" parameter * The values are accessible using the array aPerfdata. The structure is * shown in gadgets_core.php. * The behaviour of the gadget can be influenced by two directives in the * service definition of the map config file: * gadget_scale=n (n being the size of the graph(s) in percent, default = 100) * gadget_opts=option=value (multiple options are separated by spaces) * option is one of the following: * columns=n * number of columns of graphs (if applicable), default is 3 * string=s * s is a string the perfdata label has to contain * current=<0|1> * 1 = show the current value along with the label (default) * label=<0|1> * 1 = show host name/performance label in the last line of the graph * (1 is default) * NagVis also passes the following parameters to the gadget using the array * $aOpts: * - name1: Hostname * - name2: Service description * - state: Current state * - stateType: Current state type (soft/hard) * This value is ignored as the performance data might contain * several values * - scale: Scale of the gadget in percent * This value is ignored in favour of gadget_scale * *****************************************************************************/ /** * Dummy perfdata for WUI * * This string needs to be set in every gadget to have some sample data in the * WUI to be able to place the gadget easily on the map * It has to be set BEFORE including gadgets_core.php ******************************************************************************/ $sDummyPerfdata = 'config=20%;80;90;0;100'; /** * Needs to be configured to tell gadgets_core.php how to handle the outputs * e.g. in case of error messages. This defaults to 'img'. */ $_MODE = 'html'; // Include the gadgets core. Also handle OMD default and local paths if(substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"], 0, 4) == '/omd') { $core = dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]) . '/gadgets_core.php'; if(file_exists($core)) require($core); else require(str_replace('local/share/', 'share/', $core)); } else { require('./gadgets_core.php'); } /******************************************************************************* * Start gadget main code ******************************************************************************/ header("Content-type: image/png"); //===================== // Set image parameters //===================== $ratio = $aOpts['scale'] / 100; $fontDir = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype'; // openSuSE, SLES // $fontDir = '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu'; // Debian, Ubuntu // $fontDir = '/usr/share/fonts/dejavu-lgc'; // CentOS // $fontDir = '/usr/share/fonts/dejavu'; // Fedora $fontName = 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf'; $imgwidth = 400 * $ratio; $imgheight = 50 * $ratio; /** * Don't change anything below (unless you know what you do) */ $font = "$fontDir/$fontName"; //========================================== // Set Minimum, Default, and Maximum values. //========================================== $min = 0; $max = -1; $default = 0; $pdc = count($aPerfdata); // performance data count $string = ''; // string in perfdata label $current = 1; // show current value $label = 1; // show host/service label $cols = 3; // no. of columns with graphs $threshold = 'pct'; // threshold values in percent $sect1 = intval($imgheight / 5); $sect2 = intval($imgheight / 2); $sect3 = intval($imgheight / 5)*3; $chrSize = $ratio * 5; if ($chrSize < 1) { $chrSize = 1; } //================== // scan gadget_opts //================== if (isset($aOpts['opts']) && ($aOpts['opts'] != '')){ preg_match_all ('/(\w+)=(\w+)/',$aOpts['opts'],$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches); $i++){ if ($matches[$i][1] == 'columns') { $cols = $matches[$i][2]; } if ($matches[$i][1] == 'string') { $string = $matches[$i][2]; } if ($matches[$i][1] == 'current') { $current = $matches[$i][2]; } if ($matches[$i][1] == 'label') { $label = $matches[$i][2]; } if ($matches[$i][1] == 'threshold') { $threshold = $matches[$i][2]; } } } $rows = ceil($pdc / $cols); // max. no. of rows with graphs //==================== // Create image //==================== $img=imagecreatetruecolor($imgwidth*$cols, $imgheight*$rows); $oBackground = imagecolorallocate($img, 122, 23, 211); $oBlack = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0); $oGreen = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 255, 0); $oYellow = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 0); $oYellowAck = imagecolorallocate($img, 200, 255, 0); $oRed = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0); $oRedAck = imagecolorallocate($img, 200, 0, 0); $oBlue = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 255); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $oBackground); imagecolortransparent($img, $oBackground); $offG = 0; // current graph for ($i=0; $i < $pdc; $i++){ $desc = preg_replace('(.*::)','',$aPerfdata[$i]['label']); // omit check_multi description if (preg_match("/$string/",$desc)) { $colour = ''; $value = $aPerfdata[$i]['value']; $warn = $aPerfdata[$i]['warning']; $warn = preg_replace ('(:.*)','',$warn); // ignore range settings $crit = $aPerfdata[$i]['critical']; $crit = preg_replace ('(:.*)','',$crit); // ignore range settings $min = $aPerfdata[$i]['min']; $max = $aPerfdata[$i]['max']; $uom = $aPerfdata[$i]['uom']; $ack = $aPerfdata[$i]['ack']; $downtime = $aPerfdata[$i]['downtime']; $offX = ($offG % $cols) * $imgwidth; // calculate left x-axis position $offY = floor($offG / $cols) * $imgheight; // calculate upper y-axis position $maxX = $imgwidth-15; $maxY = $imgheight-5; // determine the upper limit $limit = $max; if ($limit < $crit) { $limit = $crit; } if (($warn > $crit) && ($limit < $warn)) { $limit = $warn; } if ($value > $limit) { $limit = $value; } if ($limit < 1) { $limit = 1; } if ($uom == '%') { $limit = 100; } if (isset($warn) && isset($crit)) { if ($warn < $crit) { if ($value >= $warn) { $colour = ($ack) ? $oYellowAck : $oYellow; }; if ($value >= $crit) { $colour = ($ack) ? $oRedAck : $oRed; }; } else { if ($value <= $warn) { $colour = ($ack) ? $oYellowAck : $oYellow; }; if ($value <= $crit) { $colour = ($ack) ? $oRedAck : $oRed; }; } } // create box imagefilledrectangle ($img, $offX, $offY+1, $offX+$maxX, $offY+$maxY, $oGreen); imageRectangle($img, $offX, $offY, $offX+$maxX, $offY+$maxY, $oBlack); $maxX--; $maxY--; // "highlight" graph if non-ok value if ($colour != '') { imagefilledrectangle ($img, $offX+1, $offY+$sect3+1, $offX+$maxX, $offY+$maxY, $colour); } //================ // Normalize / Fix value and max //================ if($value == null) { $value = $default; } else { if($max != '' && $value < $min) { $value = $min; } elseif($max != '' && $max != -1 && $value > $max) { $value = $max; } } // If there is no max value given set it using the critical value if(intval($max) == 0 || $max == '') { $max = $crit + 1; } //================ // Calculate value, warn, critical percentages/values //================ $p = 100 / $limit * $value; $warnp = round(100 / $limit * $warn,0); $critp = round(100 / $limit * $crit,0); $valuev = ($maxX / 100 * $p); $warnv = intval($maxX / 100 * $warnp); $critv = intval($maxX / 100 * $critp); $warnt = ($threshold == 'pct') ? $warnp : $warn; $critt = ($threshold == 'pct') ? $critp : $crit; //=================== // create warning/critical areas, current value //=================== // Warning if($warn) { if ($warn < $crit) { imageFilledRectangle($img, $offX+$warnv+1, $offY+1, $offX+$maxX, $offY+$sect1, $oYellow); } else { imageFilledRectangle($img, $offX+1, $offY+1, $offX+$warnv-1, $offY+ $sect1, $oYellow); } if (file_exists ("$font")) { ImageTTFText($img, $chrSize*2, 0, $offX+$warnv+1, $offY+$sect1, $oBlack, $font, intval($warnt)); } else { imagestring($img, $chrSize, $offX+$warnv+1, $offY-2, intval($warnt), $oBlack); } } // Critical if($crit) { if ($warn < $crit) { imageFilledRectangle($img, $offX+$critv+1, $offY+1, $offX+$maxX, $offY+$sect1, $oRed); } else { imageFilledRectangle($img, $offX+1, $offY+1, $offX+$critv-1, $offY+ $sect1, $oRed); } if (file_exists ("$font")) { ImageTTFText($img, $chrSize*2, 0, $offX+$critv+1, $offY+$sect1, $oBlack, $font, intval($critt)); } else { imagestring($img, $chrSize, $offX+$critv+1, $offY-2, intval($critt), $oBlack); } } imagefilledRectangle($img, $offX+1, $offY+$sect1+1, $offX+$valuev+1, $offY+$sect3, $oBlue); //=================== // Labels //=================== if ($current == 1) { $maxv = ""; if (isset($aPerfdata[$i]['max'])) { $maxv = " of ".$aPerfdata[$i] ['max']; } if ($down) { $maxv = " [down]"; } if (file_exists ("$font")) { ImageTTFText($img, $chrSize*3.5, 0, $offX+5, $offY+$sect3-1, $oBlack, $font, $desc . ':' . $value . $uom . $maxv); } else { imagestring($img, $chrSize, $offX+3, $offY+$sect1+2, $desc.': '. $value . $uom . $maxv, $oBlack); } if ($label == 1) { $hostname = (strlen($aOpts['name1']) > 15) ? substr($aOpts ['name1'],0,14)."..." : $aOpts['name1']; $svcdesc = (strlen($aOpts['name2']) > 15) ? substr($aOpts ['name2'],0,14)."..." : $aOpts['name2']; if (strlen($desc) > 15) { $desc = substr($desc,0,14)."..."; } if (file_exists ("$font")) { ImageTTFText($img, $chrSize*2.5, 0, $offX+3, $offY+$maxY-1, $oBlack, $font, $hostname); ImageTTFText($img, $chrSize*2.5, 0, $offX+$imgwidth/2, $offY+$maxY- 1, $oBlack, $font, $svcdesc); // ImageTTFText($img, $chrSize*2.5, 0, $offX+$imgwidth/2, $offY+$maxY- 1, $oBlack, $font, $desc); } else { imagestring($img, $chrSize, $offX+3, $offY+$sect3, $hostname, $oBlack); imagestring($img, $chrSize, $offX+$imgwidth/2, $offY+$sect3, $svcdesc, $oBlack); // imagestring($img, $chrSize, $offX+$imgwidth/2, $offY+$sect3, $desc, $oBlack); // perf label } } } $offG++; } } //============== // Output image. //============== if(function_exists('imageantialias')) { imageantialias($img, true); } imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); ?> define service { host_name=uxze01 service_description=root-volume x=50 y=50 view_type=gadget gadget_url=estd_bar.php gadget_scale=100 }
Output for 5.4.0 - 5.4.42, 5.5.24 - 5.5.26, 5.6.7 - 5.6.10
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'description' (T_STRING) in /in/attvh on line 174
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.4.2 - 4.4.9, 5.1.0 - 5.1.6, 5.2.0 - 5.2.17, 5.3.0 - 5.3.29
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /in/attvh on line 174
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.3.0 - 4.3.1, 4.3.5 - 4.3.11, 4.4.0 - 4.4.1, 5.0.0 - 5.0.5
Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /in/attvh on line 174
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.3.2 - 4.3.4
Parse error: parse error in /in/attvh on line 174
Process exited with code 255.

232.42 ms | 1411 KiB | 139 Q