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<?php //netteCache[01]000412a:2:{s:4:"time";s:21:"0.15778800 1390243709";s:9:"callbacks";a:2:{i:0;a:3:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;s:19:"Nette\Caching\Cache";i:1;s:9:"checkFile";}i:1;s:92:"/var/www/webino/WebinoCanonicalRedirect/vendor/apigen/apigen/templates/default/@layout.latte";i:2;i:1348940042;}i:1;a:3:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;s:19:"Nette\Caching\Cache";i:1;s:10:"checkConst";}i:1;s:25:"Nette\Framework::REVISION";i:2;s:28:"$WCREV$ released on $WCDATE$";}}}?><?php // source file: /var/www/webino/WebinoCanonicalRedirect/vendor/apigen/apigen/templates/default/@layout.latte ?><?php // prolog Nette\Latte\Macros\CoreMacros list($_l, $_g) = Nette\Latte\Macros\CoreMacros::initRuntime($template, '31ikauf2lo') ; // prolog Nette\Latte\Macros\UIMacros // // block group // if (!function_exists($_l->blocks['group'][] = '_lb89cb47492d_group')) { function _lb89cb47492d_group($_l, $_args) { foreach ($_args as $__k => $__v) $$__k = $__v ?> <ul> <?php $iterations = 0; foreach ($iterator = $_l->its[] = new Nette\Iterators\CachingIterator($groups) as $group): $nextLevel = substr_count($iterator->nextValue, '\\') > substr_count($group; '\\') ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array($actualGroup === $group || 0 === strpos($actualGroup, $group . '\\') ? 'active' : NULL, $config->main && 0 === strpos($group, $config->main) ? 'main' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?> ><a href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->groupUrl($group)) ?>"><?php echo Nette\Templating\Helpers::escapeHtml($template->subgroupName($group), ENT_NOQUOTES) ;if ($nextLevel): ?> <span></span><?php endif ?></a> <?php if ($nextLevel): ?> <ul> <?php else: ?> </li> <?php if (substr_count($iterator->nextValue, '\\') < substr_count($group, '\\')): ?> <?php echo $template->repeat('</ul></li>', substr_count($group, '\\') - substr_count($iterator->nextValue, '\\')) ?> <?php endif ;endif ;$iterations++; endforeach; array_pop($_l->its); $iterator = end($_l->its) ?> </ul> <?php }} // // block elements // if (!function_exists($_l->blocks['elements'][] = '_lb9117486262_elements')) { function _lb9117486262_elements($_l, $_args) { foreach ($_args as $__k => $__v) $$__k = $__v ?> <ul> <?php $iterations = 0; foreach ($elements as $element): ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array($activeElement === $element ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?> ><a href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->elementUrl($element)) ?>"<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array($element->deprecated ? 'deprecated' : NULL, !$element->valid ? 'invalid' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?> ><?php if ($namespace): echo Nette\Templating\Helpers::escapeHtml($element->shortName, ENT_NOQUOTES) ;else: echo Nette\Templating\Helpers::escapeHtml($element->name, ENT_NOQUOTES) ;endif ?></a></li> <?php $iterations++; endforeach ?> </ul> <?php }} // // end of blocks // // template extending and snippets support $_l->extends = empty($template->_extended) && isset($_control) && $_control instanceof Nette\Application\UI\Presenter ? $_control->findLayoutTemplateFile() : NULL; $template->_extended = $_extended = TRUE; if ($_l->extends) { ob_start(); } elseif (!empty($_control->snippetMode)) { return Nette\Latte\Macros\UIMacros::renderSnippets($_control, $_l, get_defined_vars()); } // // main template // extract(array('robots' => true), EXTR_SKIP) ;extract(array('active' => ''), EXTR_SKIP) ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="generator" content="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($generator) ?> <?php echo htmlSpecialChars($version) ?>"> <?php if (!$robots): ?> <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> <?php endif ?> <title><?php Nette\Latte\Macros\UIMacros::callBlock($_l, 'title', $template->getParameters()) ;if ('overview' !== $active && $config->title): ?> | <?php echo Nette\Templating\Helpers::escapeHtml($config->title, ENT_NOQUOTES) ;endif ?></title> <?php $combinedJs = 'resources/combined.js' ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->staticFile($combinedJs)) ?>"></script> <?php $elementListJs = 'elementlist.js' ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->staticFile($elementListJs)) ?>"></script> <?php $styleCss = 'resources/style.css' ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->staticFile($styleCss)) ?>"> <?php if ($config->googleCseId): ?> <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" title="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($config->title) ?> " href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($config->baseUrl) ?>/opensearch.xml"> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($config->googleAnalytics): ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', <?php echo Nette\Templating\Helpers::escapeJs($config->googleAnalytics) ?>]); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); </script> <?php endif ?> </head> <body> <div id="left"> <div id="menu"> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('overview' !== $active)): ?> <a href="index.html" title="Overview"><?php endif ?> <span>Overview</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> <?php if ($_l->extends) { ob_end_clean(); return Nette\Latte\Macros\CoreMacros::includeTemplate($_l->extends, get_defined_vars(), $template)->render(); } ?> <div id="groups"> <?php if ($namespaces): ?> <h3>Namespaces</h3> <?php call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['group']), $_l, array('groups' => $namespaces, 'actualGroup' => $namespace) + get_defined_vars()) ;elseif ($packages): ?> <h3>Packages</h3> <?php call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['group']), $_l, array('groups' => $packages, 'actualGroup' => $package) + get_defined_vars()) ;endif ?> </div> <?php if (($namespaces || $packages) && ($classes || $interfaces || $traits || $exceptions || $constants || $functions)): ?> <hr> <?php endif ?> <div id="elements"> <?php if ($classes): ?> <h3>Classes</h3> <?php call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['elements']), $_l, array('elements' => $classes, 'activeElement' => $class) + get_defined_vars()) ;endif ?> <?php if ($interfaces): ?> <h3>Interfaces</h3> <?php call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['elements']), $_l, array('elements' => $interfaces, 'activeElement' => $class) + get_defined_vars()) ;endif ?> <?php if ($traits): ?> <h3>Traits</h3> <?php call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['elements']), $_l, array('elements' => $traits, 'activeElement' => $class) + get_defined_vars()) ;endif ?> <?php if ($exceptions): ?> <h3>Exceptions</h3> <?php call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['elements']), $_l, array('elements' => $exceptions, 'activeElement' => $class) + get_defined_vars()) ;endif ?> <?php if ($constants): ?> <h3>Constants</h3> <?php call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['elements']), $_l, array('elements' => $constants, 'activeElement' => $constant) + get_defined_vars()) ;endif ?> <?php if ($functions): ?> <h3>Functions</h3> <?php call_user_func(reset($_l->blocks['elements']), $_l, array('elements' => $functions, 'activeElement' => $function) + get_defined_vars()) ;endif ?> </div> </div> </div> <div id="splitter"></div> <div id="right"> <div id="rightInner"> <form<?php if ($config->googleCseId): ?> action="http://www.google.com/cse"<?php endif ?> id="search"> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($config->googleCseId) ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="UTF-8"> <?php if ($config->googleCseLabel): ?> <input type="hidden" name="more" value="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($config->googleCseLabel) ?>"> <?php endif ?> <input type="text" name="q" class="text"<?php if ('overview' === $active): ?> autofocus<?php endif ?>> <input type="submit" value="Search"> </form> <div id="navigation"> <ul> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array('overview' === $active ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?>> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('overview' !== $active)): ?> <a href="index.html" title="Overview"><?php endif ?> <span>Overview</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php if ($packages): ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array('package' === $active ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?>> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('package' !== $active && $package)): ?> <a href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->packageUrl($package)) ?> " title="Summary of <?php echo htmlSpecialChars($package) ?>"><?php endif ?> <span>Package</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php endif ;if ($namespaces): ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array('namespace' === $active ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?>> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('namespace' !== $active && $namespace)): ?> <a href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->namespaceUrl($namespace)) ?> " title="Summary of <?php echo htmlSpecialChars($namespace) ?>"><?php endif ?> <span>Namespace</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php endif ;if (!$function && !$constant): ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array('class' === $active ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?>> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('class' !== $active && $class)): ?> <a href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->classUrl($class)) ?> " title="Summary of <?php echo htmlSpecialChars($class->name) ?>"><?php endif ?> <span>Class</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php endif ;if ($function): ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array('function' === $active ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?>> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('function' !== $active)): ?> <a href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->functionUrl($function)) ?> " title="Summary of <?php echo htmlSpecialChars($function->name) ?>"><?php endif ?> <span>Function</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php endif ;if ($constant): ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array('constant' === $active ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?>> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('constant' !== $active)): ?> <a href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($template->constantUrl($constant)) ?> " title="Summary of <?php echo htmlSpecialChars($constant->name) ?>"><?php endif ?> <span>Constant</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php endif ?> </ul> <ul> <?php if ($config->tree): ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array('tree' === $active ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?>> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('tree' !== $active)): ?> <a href="tree.html" title="Tree view of classes, interfaces, traits and exceptions"><?php endif ?> <span>Tree</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php endif ;if ($config->deprecated): ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array('deprecated' === $active ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?>> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('deprecated' !== $active)): ?> <a href="deprecated.html" title="List of deprecated elements"><?php endif ?> <span>Deprecated</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php endif ;if ($config->todo): ?> <li<?php if ($_l->tmp = array_filter(array('todo' === $active ? 'active' : NULL))) echo ' class="' . htmlSpecialChars(implode(" ", array_unique($_l->tmp))) . '"' ?>> <?php if ($_l->ifs[] = ('todo' !== $active)): ?> <a href="todo.html" title="Todo list"><?php endif ?> <span>Todo</span><?php if (array_pop($_l->ifs)): ?></a> <?php endif ?> </li> <?php endif ?> </ul> <ul> <?php if ($config->download): ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo htmlSpecialChars($archive) ?>" title="Download documentation as ZIP archive"><span>Download</span></a> </li> <?php endif ?> </ul> </div> <?php Nette\Latte\Macros\UIMacros::callBlock($_l, 'content', $template->getParameters()) ?> <div id="footer"> <?php echo Nette\Templating\Helpers::escapeHtml($config->title, ENT_NOQUOTES) ?> API documentation generated by <a href="http://apigen.org"><?php echo Nette\Templating\Helpers::escapeHtml($generator, ENT_NOQUOTES) ?> <?php echo Nette\Templating\Helpers::escapeHtml($version, ENT_NOQUOTES) ?></a> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>
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