- func_get_arg: documentation ( source)
- str_repeat: documentation ( source)
// tests
testCase("Testing with null", null);
testCase("Testing with false", false);
testCase("Testing with true", true);
testCase("Testing with class", new foreachTest());
testCase("Testing with array", ["key_1" => "val_1", "key_2" => "val_2"]);
testCase("Testing with undefined");
// defining the class used in the test case
class foreachTest {
public $propertyOne = "propertyOneValue";
public $propertyThree = "propertyThreeValue";
private $privateProperty = "privateProperty";
// test helper function
function testCase($description){
// checking for optional argument in a way that allows to "pass in" an "undefined" value
$argumentCount = func_num_args();
$inputVariable = $argumentCount > 1 ? func_get_arg(1) : 'noInputDefined' ;
if ($inputVariable !== 'noInputDefined') {
$undefined = $inputVariable;
// echo test separator with description input
echo "\n\n$description (with casting) " . str_repeat("=", 48) . ">>\n\n";
// testing
foreach ((array)$undefined as $k => $v) {
// potential output
echo "$k => $v\n";
echo "\n\n" . str_repeat("-", 24) . ">> (without casting)\n\n";
// testing without cast
foreach ($undefined as $k => $v) {
// potential output
echo "$k => $v\n";
}catch(Exception $e){
// test case error
$errMessage = $e->getMessage();
echo "Error: $errMessage";