
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
array ( 'state' => array ( 0 => 'MO', 1 => 'NV', 2 => 'CA', 3 => 'CA', 4 => 'WA', 5 => 'CA', 6 => 'CA', 7 => 'CA', 8 => 'CT', 9 => 'FL', 10 => 'FL', 11 => 'ID', 12 => 'ID', 13 => 'IN', 14 => 'MN', 15 => 'MN', 16 => 'NE', 17 => 'NY', 18 => 'TX', 19 => 'TX', 20 => 'WI', ), 'counties' => array ( 0 => 'Jackson', 1 => 'Clark', 2 => 'Los Angeles', 3 => 'Contra Costa', 4 => 'King, Snohomish', 5 => 'Riverside', 6 => 'Sacramento', 7 => 'Tulare', 8 => 'New Haven', 9 => 'Lake', 10 => 'Pinellas', 11 => 'Ada', 12 => 'Canyon', 13 => 'Tippecanoe, White, Carroll', 14 => 'Blue Earth', 15 => 'Crow Wing, Cass', 16 => 'Douglas', 17 => 'Rockland', 18 => 'Harris', 19 => 'Webb', 20 => 'Waukesha, Milwaukee, Washington', ), 'zipcodes' => array ( 0 => '64014, 64015, 64029, 64050, 64052, 64055, 64056, 64057, 64058, 64063, 64064, 64081, 64082, 64086, 64133', 1 => '89002, 89009, 89011, 89012, 89014, 89015, 89016, 89048, 89052, 89053, 89060, 89061, 89074, 89102, 89105, 89108, 89109, 89111, 89112, 89128, 94588', 2 => '91321, 91350, 91351, 91354, 91355, 91381, 91384, 91387, 91390', 3 => '94530, 94547, 94564, 94803, 94804, 94805, 94806', 4 => '98004, 98005, 98006, 98007, 98008, 98011, 98012, 98025, 98033, 98034, 98083, 98102, 98105, 98112, 98136', 5 => '', 6 => '', 7 => '', 8 => '', 9 => '', 10 => '', 11 => '', 12 => '', 13 => '', 14 => '', 15 => '', 16 => '', 17 => '', 18 => '', 19 => '', 20 => '', ), )

This tab shows result from various feature-branches currently under review by the php developers. Contact me to have additional branches featured.

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Archived branches

Once feature-branches are merged or declined, they are no longer available. Their functionality (when merged) can be viewed from the main output page

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