Finding entry points Branch analysis from position: 0 2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 5, Position 2 = 9 Branch analysis from position: 5 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 9 filename: /in/ZXPMm function name: (null) number of ops: 37 compiled vars: !0 = $var line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 0 E > INIT_FCALL 'function_exists' 1 SEND_VAL 'json_encode' 2 DO_ICALL $1 3 BOOL_NOT ~2 $1 4 > JMPZ ~2, ->9 6 5 > DECLARE_FUNCTION 'json_encode' 41 6 DECLARE_FUNCTION '_js_enc_value' 58 7 DECLARE_FUNCTION '_js_uc_esc' 63 8 DECLARE_FUNCTION '_js_uc_esc_cb' 85 9 > INIT_ARRAY ~3 'text' 86 10 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~3 1 87 11 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~3 1.1 85 12 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~3 <true> 13 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~3 <false> 14 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~3 null 15 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~3 <array> 92 16 NEW $4 'stdClass' 17 DO_FCALL 0 18 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~3 $4 19 INIT_ARRAY ~6 ~3 85 20 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~6 <array> 21 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~6 <array> 103 22 CAST 8 ~7 <array> 23 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~6 ~7 85 24 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~6 <array> 111 25 CAST 8 ~8 <array> 26 ADD_ARRAY_ELEMENT ~6 ~8 83 27 ASSIGN !0, ~6 116 28 INIT_FCALL 'var_dump' 29 BEGIN_SILENCE ~10 30 INIT_FCALL 'json_encode' 31 SEND_VAR !0 32 DO_ICALL $11 33 END_SILENCE ~10 34 SEND_VAR $11 35 DO_ICALL 36 > RETURN 1 Dynamic Functions: Dynamic Function 0 Finding entry points Branch analysis from position: 0 2 jumps found. (Code = 46) Position 1 = 5, Position 2 = 8 Branch analysis from position: 5 2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 9, Position 2 = 13 Branch analysis from position: 9 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 13 2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 18, Position 2 = 28 Branch analysis from position: 18 2 jumps found. (Code = 77) Position 1 = 19, Position 2 = 27 Branch analysis from position: 19 2 jumps found. (Code = 78) Position 1 = 20, Position 2 = 27 Branch analysis from position: 20 2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 23, Position 2 = 25 Branch analysis from position: 23 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 27 Branch analysis from position: 27 2 jumps found. (Code = 77) Position 1 = 30, Position 2 = 50 Branch analysis from position: 30 2 jumps found. (Code = 78) Position 1 = 31, Position 2 = 50 Branch analysis from position: 31 2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 37, Position 2 = 47 Branch analysis from position: 37 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 49 Branch analysis from position: 49 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 30 Branch analysis from position: 30 Branch analysis from position: 47 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 30 Branch analysis from position: 30 Branch analysis from position: 50 2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 52, Position 2 = 55 Branch analysis from position: 52 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 57 Branch analysis from position: 57 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 55 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 50 Branch analysis from position: 25 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 19 Branch analysis from position: 19 Branch analysis from position: 27 Branch analysis from position: 27 Branch analysis from position: 28 Branch analysis from position: 8 filename: /in/ZXPMm function name: json_encode number of ops: 65 compiled vars: !0 = $it, !1 = $assoc, !2 = $i, !3 = $v, !4 = $k, !5 = $data, !6 = $bl, !7 = $br line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 0 E > RECV !0 7 1 TYPE_CHECK 256 ~8 !0 2 ASSIGN ~9 !1, ~8 3 BOOL_NOT ~10 ~9 4 > JMPZ_EX ~10 ~10, ->8 5 > TYPE_CHECK 128 ~11 !0 6 BOOL_NOT ~12 ~11 7 BOOL ~10 ~12 8 > > JMPZ ~10, ->13 8 9 > INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME '_js_enc_value' 10 SEND_VAR_EX !0 11 DO_FCALL 0 $13 12 > RETURN $13 10 13 > ASSIGN !2, 0 11 14 CAST 7 ~15 !0 15 ASSIGN !0, ~15 12 16 BOOL_NOT ~17 !1 17 > JMPZ ~17, ->28 13 18 > > FE_RESET_R $18 !0, ->27 19 > > FE_FETCH_R ~19 $18, !3, ->27 20 > ASSIGN !4, ~19 14 21 IS_NOT_IDENTICAL !4, !2 22 > JMPZ ~21, ->25 15 23 > ASSIGN !1, <true> 16 24 > JMP ->27 18 25 > PRE_INC !2 13 26 > JMP ->19 27 > FE_FREE $18 21 28 > ASSIGN !5, <array> 22 29 > FE_RESET_R $25 !0, ->50 30 > > FE_FETCH_R ~26 $25, !3, ->50 31 > ASSIGN !4, ~26 23 32 INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME '_js_enc_value' 33 SEND_VAR_EX !3 34 DO_FCALL 0 $28 35 ASSIGN !3, $28 24 36 > JMPZ !1, ->47 25 37 > INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME '_js_enc_value' 38 CAST 6 ~30 !4 39 SEND_VAL_EX ~30 40 DO_FCALL 0 $31 41 ASSIGN !4, $31 26 42 CONCAT ~34 !4, '%3A' 43 CONCAT ~35 ~34, !3 44 ASSIGN_DIM !5 45 OP_DATA ~35 24 46 > JMP ->49 28 47 > ASSIGN_DIM !5 48 OP_DATA !3 22 49 > > JMP ->30 50 > FE_FREE $25 31 51 > JMPZ !1, ->55 32 52 > ASSIGN !6, '%7B' 33 53 ASSIGN !7, '%7D' 31 54 > JMP ->57 35 55 > ASSIGN !6, '%5B' 36 56 ASSIGN !7, '%5D' 38 57 > INIT_FCALL 'implode' 58 SEND_VAL '%2C' 59 SEND_VAR !5 60 DO_ICALL $41 61 CONCAT ~42 !6, $41 62 CONCAT ~43 ~42, !7 63 > RETURN ~43 39 64* > RETURN null End of Dynamic Function 0 Dynamic Function 1 Finding entry points Branch analysis from position: 0 2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 3, Position 2 = 14 Branch analysis from position: 3 2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 5, Position 2 = 14 Branch analysis from position: 5 2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 7, Position 2 = 18 Branch analysis from position: 7 2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 9, Position 2 = 18 Branch analysis from position: 9 2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 11, Position 2 = 19 Branch analysis from position: 11 2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 13, Position 2 = 24 Branch analysis from position: 13 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 30 Branch analysis from position: 30 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 24 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 19 2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 20, Position 2 = 22 Branch analysis from position: 20 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 23 Branch analysis from position: 23 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 22 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 18 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 18 Branch analysis from position: 14 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 14 filename: /in/ZXPMm function name: _js_enc_value number of ops: 32 compiled vars: !0 = $value line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41 0 E > RECV !0 43 1 TYPE_CHECK 128 !0 2 > JMPNZ ~2, ->14 44 3 > TYPE_CHECK 256 !0 4 > JMPNZ ~3, ->14 46 5 > TYPE_CHECK 2 !0 6 > JMPNZ ~4, ->18 47 7 > TYPE_CHECK 512 !0 8 > JMPNZ ~5, ->18 49 9 > TYPE_CHECK 12 !0 10 > JMPNZ ~6, ->19 51 11 > TYPE_CHECK 64 !0 12 > JMPNZ ~7, ->24 13 > > JMP ->30 45 14 > INIT_FCALL 'json_encode' 15 SEND_VAR !0 16 DO_ICALL $8 17 > RETURN $8 48 18 > > RETURN 'null' 50 19 > > JMPZ !0, ->22 20 > QM_ASSIGN ~9 'true' 21 > JMP ->23 22 > QM_ASSIGN ~9 'false' 23 > > RETURN ~9 52 24 > INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME '_js_uc_esc' 25 SEND_VAR_EX !0 26 DO_FCALL 0 $10 27 CONCAT ~11 '%22', $10 28 CONCAT ~12 ~11, '%22' 29 > RETURN ~12 54 30 > > RETURN !0 56 31* > RETURN null End of Dynamic Function 1 Dynamic Function 2 Finding entry points Branch analysis from position: 0 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 filename: /in/ZXPMm function name: _js_uc_esc number of ops: 9 compiled vars: !0 = $value, !1 = $pattern line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58 0 E > RECV !0 59 1 ASSIGN !1, '%40%5B%08-%0A%0C%0D%5C%5C%22%2F%5D%7C%28%5B%5E%08-%0A%0C%0D+-%7F%5C%5C%22%2F%5D%29%2B%2B%40u' 60 2 INIT_FCALL 'preg_replace_callback' 3 SEND_VAR !1 4 SEND_VAL '_js_uc_esc_cb' 5 SEND_VAR !0 6 DO_ICALL $3 7 > RETURN $3 61 8* > RETURN null End of Dynamic Function 2 Dynamic Function 3 Finding entry points Branch analysis from position: 0 2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 3, Position 2 = 4 Branch analysis from position: 3 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 35 Branch analysis from position: 35 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 4 1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 32 Branch analysis from position: 32 2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 34, Position 2 = 16 Branch analysis from position: 34 1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2 Branch analysis from position: 16 2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 34, Position 2 = 16 Branch analysis from position: 34 Branch analysis from position: 16 filename: /in/ZXPMm function name: _js_uc_esc_cb number of ops: 42 compiled vars: !0 = $matches, !1 = $char, !2 = $str, !3 = $len, !4 = $i line #* E I O op fetch ext return operands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63 0 E > RECV !0 65 1 ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ 0 !0, 1 2 > JMPNZ ~6, ->4 3 > > JMP ->35 66 4 > INIT_FCALL 'mb_convert_encoding' 5 FETCH_DIM_R ~7 !0, 0 6 SEND_VAL ~7 7 SEND_VAL 'UTF-16' 8 SEND_VAL 'UTF-8' 9 DO_ICALL $8 10 ASSIGN !1, $8 67 11 ASSIGN !2, '' 68 12 STRLEN ~11 !1 13 ASSIGN !3, ~11 69 14 ASSIGN !4, 0 15 > JMP ->32 70 16 > INIT_FCALL 'sprintf' 17 SEND_VAL '%5Cu%2502x%2502x' 71 18 INIT_FCALL 'ord' 19 FETCH_DIM_R ~14 !1, !4 20 SEND_VAL ~14 21 DO_ICALL $15 22 SEND_VAR $15 72 23 INIT_FCALL 'ord' 24 ADD ~16 !4, 1 25 FETCH_DIM_R ~17 !1, ~16 26 SEND_VAL ~17 27 DO_ICALL $18 28 SEND_VAR $18 70 29 DO_ICALL $19 72 30 ASSIGN_OP 8 !2, $19 69 31 ASSIGN_OP 1 !4, 2 32 > IS_SMALLER !4, !3 33 > JMPNZ ~22, ->16 75 34 > > RETURN !2 77 35 > INIT_FCALL 'addcslashes' 36 FETCH_DIM_R ~23 !0, 0 37 SEND_VAL ~23 38 SEND_VAL '%08%09%0A%0C%0D%5C%22%2F' 39 DO_ICALL $24 40 > RETURN $24 79 41* > RETURN null End of Dynamic Function 3
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