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<? // Phil Blackman <phil.blackman@tmnplc.com> 2009 // feed.php // arse over tit script for dealing with PureLead data $start_time = date("c"); set_time_limit(180000); //include("/home/phil/uploads/database.php"); // Connect to the Database //$con_ptr = mysql_connect('db-02-03.tmnplc.com:3306','campaigns_web','pH4q.fQB23!'); //$con_ptr = connect_sym_live(); //$con_ptr = connect_sbm(); // Connect to the Database $con_ptr = mysql_connect("db-08-02.tmnplc.com", "keila_web","Zircon500"); //$con_ptr = mysql_connect("db-08-01.tmnplc.com", "mailman","6Zyj8xj7"); // database //$db = "mailman"; // testing $db = "surveycentral"; // live // telephone validation stuff $phone_db = "surveycentral"; // Report simple running errors error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); $user_tbl = $db.".Users"; $mobile_tbl = $db.".MobileData"; $landline_tbl = $db.".LandLineData"; // data8 login details $d8username = "tmngroup_data8"; $d8password = "AxUcmOkj12"; if($_POST) { foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { // for form debugging //echo $key." --- ".$value."<br>"; $$key = $value; } } if($_GET) { foreach($_GET as $key => $value) { // for form debugging //echo $key." --- ".$value."<br>"; $$key = $value; } } error_reporting(E_ALL); $logdir = "/var/www/purelead/log_files/external_feed_log/"; $time = date("c"); function blacklist($ip, $time = '') { global $con_ptr, $ip_blacklist_table; if(!empty($time)) { $update = "UPDATE ".$ip_blacklist_table." SET active = 0 WHERE ip = '".$ip."' AND ts < '".$time."'"; //echo $update; die; if(mysql_query($update)){ return true; } } // check to see if the IP exists $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$ip_blacklist_table." WHERE ip = '".$ip."'"; $res = mysql_query($sql, $con_ptr); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($res); if($num_rows == 1){ $update = "UPDATE ".$ip_blacklist_table." SET active = 1, ts = '".date("c")."' WHERE ip = '".$ip."'"; mysql_query($update); return true; } else { $insert = "INSERT INTO ".$ip_blacklist_table." (ip) VALUES ('".$ip."')"; mysql_query($insert); return true; } } function checkIP($ip) { global $con_ptr, $UsersTbl, $ip_blacklist_table; // first remove the entries from the blacklist $fiveminsago = date("c", mktime(date("H"), date("i")-5, date("s"), date("m") , date("d"), date("Y"))); blacklist($ip, $fiveminsago); // then check to see if we've had a reg from the same IP $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$UsersTbl." WHERE ip = '".$ip."' ORDER BY time DESC"; //echo $sql; die; $res = mysql_query($sql, $con_ptr); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($res); if($num_rows > 1) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); $reg_timestamp = strtotime($row['time']); $timestamp_now = time(); $difference = $timestamp_now - $reg_timestamp; if($difference < 60) { blacklist($ip); return false; } else { // now check they aren't in the blacklist table $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$ip_blacklist_table." WHERE ip = '".$ip."' AND active = 1"; $res = mysql_query($sql, $con_ptr); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($res); if($num_rows == 1){ blacklist($ip); return false; } else { return true; } } } else { return true; } } // data8 bits function LineIsValid($telephone, $d8username, $d8password) { global $landline_tbl, $phone_ptr; // first we check to see if we've already searched for this number in the 3 months so we don't cane our credits $three_months_ago = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m")-3, date("d"), date("Y"))); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$landline_tbl." WHERE Number = '".$telephone."' AND dos > '".$three_months_ago."'"; //echo "sasf".$d8username.$d8password; $res = mysql_query($sql, $phone_ptr); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($res); if($numrows > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); if($row['Result'] != 'Invalid') { return true; } else { return false; } } $params = array( "username" => $d8username, "password" => $d8password, "number" => $telephone ); //$client = new SoapClient("http://webservices.data-8.co.uk/TelephoneValidation.asmx?WSDL"); $client = new SoapClient("http://webservices.data-8.co.uk/TelephoneLineValidation.asmx?WSDL"); $result = $client->IsValidAdvanced($params); //echo $number."\n"; //var_dump($result); //echo "\n"; $data = iterateObject($result); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$landline_tbl." VALUES ('', '".$telephone."', '".$data['Success']."', '".$data['CreditsRemaining']."', '".$data['Result']."', NOW())"; //echo $sql; mysql_query($sql, $phone_ptr); logResults($result, date("c"), "LandLineCheck.log", $telephone); if ($result->IsValidAdvancedResult->Result != "Valid") { return false; } else { return true; } } function MobileIsValid($telephone, $d8username, $d8password) { global $mobile_tbl, $phone_ptr; // first we check to see if we've already searched for this number in the 3 months so we don't cane our credits $three_months_ago = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(date("H"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m")-3, date("d"), date("Y"))); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$mobile_tbl." WHERE Number = '".$telephone."' AND dos > '".$three_months_ago."'"; //echo $sql; $res = mysql_query($sql, $phone_ptr); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($res); if($numrows > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($res); if($row['Result'] != 'Invalid') { return true; } else { return false; } } $params = array( "username" => $d8username, "password" => $d8password, "number" => $telephone ); $client = new SoapClient("http://webservices.data-8.co.uk/MobileValidation.asmx?WSDL"); if($numrows == 0) { $result = $client->IsValid($params); } logResults($result, date("c"), "MobileCheck.log", $telephone); // insert into the mobile table $data = iterateObject($result); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$mobile_tbl." VALUES ('', '".$telephone."', '".$data['Success']."', '".$data['CreditsRemaining']."', '".$data['Result']."', '".$data['CountryISO']."', '".$data['Organisation']."', '".$data['NetworkName']."', '".$data['NetworkType']."', '".$data['Ported']."', '".$data['PortedFromOrganisation']."', '".$data['PortedFromNetwork']."', '".$data['LocationISO']."', NOW())"; //echo $sql; mysql_query($sql, $phone_ptr); //print_r($result); if ($result->IsValidResult->Result != "Success") { return false; } else { return true; } } // function for checking if the number is on TPS function IsCallable($telephone, $d8username, $d8password) { $params = array( "username" => $d8username, "password" => $d8password, "number" => $telephone ); $client = new SoapClient("http://webservices.data-8.co.uk/TPS.asmx?WSDL"); $result = $client->IsCallable($params); //var_dump($result); if ($result->IsCallableResult->Status->Success == 0) { //echo "Error: " . $result->IsCallableResult->Status->ErrorMessage; // didn't get a response so we'll assume it's callable - we'll validate it anyway return true; } else { // Results can be extracted from the following fields: if($result->IsCallableResult->Callable == false) { return false; } else { // then it's callable return true; } } } // function for validating the phone number with our 3rd party supplier function validateTelephoneNumber($telephone) { global $d8username, $d8password; // first do the freebie check if(telephoneNumber($telephone) == false) { return false; } else { // now do the data8 check $match = "/^07[0-9]{9,10}/"; if(preg_match($match, $telephone)) { // then it's a mobile if(MobileIsValid($telephone, $d8username, $d8password) != true) { return false; } } else { // then it's a landline if(LineIsValid($telephone, $d8username, $d8password) != true) { return false; } } // if we get to here than we can assume it's valid return true; } } // todays date $today = date("Ymd"); // Call the getAge function if (isset($_POST['birth_date'])) { $age = getAge($birth_date); } //Or fail else echo'false - no dob provided'; { } function getAge($birth_date){ list($year, $month, $day) = explode("-", $birth_date); $year_diff = date("Y") - $year; $month_diff = date("m") - $month; $day_diff = date("d") - $day; if ($day_diff < 0) { $month_diff--; } if ($month_diff < 0) { $year_diff--; } return $year_diff; } // logs the reuslts function logResults($values, $logfile){ global $logdir, $time; // count the values $num_vals = count($values); // open the log file $resfile = fopen($logdir.$logfile, "a"); //write data to the log file foreach($values as $key => $value){ $value = str_replace("'", "", $value); $value = trim($value, "\n\r"); $value = ereg_replace("\r", " ", $value); $value = ereg_replace("\n", " ", $value); fwrite($resfile, $key." --> ".$value); fwrite($resfile, ","); } fwrite($resfile, $time); fwrite($resfile, "\n"); // close the log file fclose($resfile); } LineIsValid(($_POST['telephone']), $d8username, $d8password); MobileIsValid(($_POST['telephone']), $d8username, $d8password); IsCallable(($_POST['telephone']), $d8username, $d8password); validateTelephoneNumber(($_POST['telephone'])); $curl = curl_init(); if ( !$curl ) { print "Failed to initalise cURL object\n"; } else { $url = "https://v3.lolagrove.com/data.ashx?id=7941.1674&paid_creditors_six_months=Yes&email=".urlencode($email)."&firstname=".urlencode($firstname)."&lastname=".($lastname)."&address1=".urlencode($address1)."&towncity=".urlencode($towncity)."&postcode=".urlencode($postcode)."&telephone=".urlencode($telephone)."&age=".urlencode($age)."&debt_amount=".urlencode($debt_amount)."&debt_with=".urlencode($debt_with)."&disposable_income=".urlencode($disposable_income)."&iva_bankruptcy=".urlencode($iva_bankruptcy)."&securekey=6e5af886-22e5-4f04-b97b-946539aa70f1"; $curl_opts = array( CURLOPT_URL => $url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => true, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST => true, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR => true, ); if ( !curl_setopt_array( $curl, $curl_opts ) ) { print "Unable to set properties on CURL object\n"; } else { $response = curl_exec( $curl ); $responseCode = curl_getinfo( $curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE ); if ( is_bool( $response ) && $response == false ) { // Failed to make HTTP request to tracking URL echo 'Error from CURL in livefeed: "', curl_error( $curl ), '" ', var_export( curl_getinfo( $curl ), TRUE ); } else if ( ! ( $responseCode >= 200 && $responseCode <= 299 ) ) { // We got an HTTP response, but it was not successful print "Error: Tracking URL returned HTTP $responseCode\n"; } else { // All good print "Success, response was:\n"; echo var_export( $response ), "\n"; } } } curl_close( $curl ); // log the values $values[] = $response; $values[] = $responseCode; $values[] = $url; logResults($values, 'Madison_financial');

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