
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $tagdes[0]='靚 大 包 炸 油 蔥 酥 FRY SHALLOTS 1KG'; $tagpri[0]='$5.80'; $tagcod[0]='DVFS1'; $tagloc[0]='6A3 F10'; $tagwei[0]='1KG'; $tagupc[0]='10'; $taguni[0]='PKT'; $tagqty[0]='10'; $tagline[1]='NSCA1'; $tagdes[1]='大 粒 腰 果 CASHEW NUT W320'; $tagpri[1]='$12.50'; $tagcod[1]='NSCA1'; $tagwei[1]='1KG'; $tagupc[1]='11.25'; $taguni[1]='KG'; $tagqty[1]='6'; $tagline[2]='RVBV5'; $tagdes[2]='靚 粉 絲(大 包)BEAN VERM (L)'; $tagpri[2]='$1.45'; $tagcod[2]='RVBV5'; $tagloc[2]='F11'; $tagwei[2]='500GR'; $tagupc[2]='30'; $taguni[2]='PKT'; $tagqty[2]='6'; $tagline[3]='DVCO'; $tagdes[3]='靚 白 菜 干 DEHYDRATED COLE A"'; $tagpri[3]='$1.45'; $tagcod[3]='DVCO'; $tagloc[3]='10B0'; $tagwei[3]='150GR'; $tagupc[3]='999'; $taguni[3]='PKT'; $tagqty[3]='11'; $tagline[4]='SNPC@SD'; $tagdes[4]='靚 日 龍 蝦 片 S&D PRAWN CRACKER 2KG'; $tagpri[4]='$5.80'; $tagcod[4]='SNPC@SD'; $tagwei[4]='2KG'; $tagupc[4]='6'; $taguni[4]='BOX'; $tagqty[4]='7'; $tagline[5]='NSPI'; $tagdes[5]='大 粒 崧 子 肉 PINE NUT 1 KG'; $tagpri[5]='$38.00'; $tagcod[5]='NSPI'; $tagloc[5]='FREEZER'; $tagwei[5]='1KG'; $tagupc[5]='20'; $taguni[5]='KG'; $tagqty[5]='20'; $tagline[6]='CVMBL'; $tagdes[6]='靚 白 靈 菇 BAC-LING MUSHROOM A"'; $tagpri[6]='$3.50'; $tagcod[6]='CVMBL'; $tagloc[6]='F7'; $tagwei[6]='850GR'; $tagupc[6]='12'; $taguni[6]='TIN'; $tagqty[6]='24'; $tagline[7]='CVMSSC'; $tagdes[7]='靚 開 邊 草 菇 STRAW M\'ROOM(CUT)'; $tagpri[7]='$1.35'; $tagcod[7]='CVMSSC'; $tagloc[7]='F7'; $tagwei[7]='425GR'; $tagupc[7]='24'; $taguni[7]='CAN'; $tagqty[7]='48'; $lastline=max(array_keys($tagcod)); $marker=1; // initiate group for($n=0;$n<=$lastline;++$n) { if(substr( $tagcod[$n], 0, 1 ) === "-"){$marker++;} // is it a new group? $taggroup[$n]=$marker; if(!isset($tagcod[$n])){$tagcod[$n]='';} if(!isset($tagdes[$n])){$tagdes[$n]='';} if(!isset($tagpri[$n])){$tagpri[$n]='';} if(!isset($tagloc[$n])){$tagloc[$n]='';} if(!isset($tagloc[$n])){$tagloc[$n]='';} if(!isset($tagwei[$n])){$tagwei[$n]='';} if(!isset($tagupc[$n])){$tagupc[$n]='';} if(!isset($taguni[$n])){$taguni[$n]='';} if(!isset($tagqty[$n])){$tagqty[$n]='';} $tagctn[$n]=''; // initiate ctn variable (default to nothing); $tagloo[$n]=$tagqty[$n]; // initiate loose variable (default to nothing); if($tagupc[$n]>0&&$tagupc[$n]<9999) { $tagctn[$n]=floor($tagqty[$n]/$tagupc[$n]); // ctn variable only if qty is > upc $tagloo[$n]=$tagqty[$n]-$tagctn[$n]*$tagupc[$n]; // loose variable is qty - ctns/upc } $tagbulk[$n]=0; // bulk marker assume no if($tagctn[$n]>0){$tagbulk[$n]=1;} // change to yes if ctn qty is bigger than 0; $tagline[$n]=$n+1; // line number starting from 1 } // array_multisort($taggroup,$tagbulk,$tagloc,$tagcod,$tagline,$tagqty,$taguni,$tagdes,$tagupc,$tagpri); $html = <<<EOF <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> * { font: 16px "courier new"; } thead { display: table-header-group; } tbody { display: table-row-group; } tfoot { display: table-footer-group; position: fixed; bottom: 0; /* Because it's footer */ } table{ border-collapse:collapse; table-layout: fixed; overflow: hidden; } td{ padding:0; margin:0; } div.limit { width:100%; vertical-align:top; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: clip; overflow: hidden; } td.f { background-color: #B0B0B0; } td.c { background-color: #B0B0B0; } .qty { border: 1px solid black; text-align: right; width: 40; } .fre { border: 1px solid black; text-align: right; width: 20; } .uni { border: 1px solid black; text-align: right; width: 40; } .des { border: 1px solid black; text-align: left; width: 410; } .ctn { border: 1px solid black; text-align: right; width: 20; } .upc { border: 1px solid black; text-align: right; width: 20; } .pri { border: 1px solid black; text-align: right; width: 50; } .loc { border: 1px solid black; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 140; } .left { text-align: left; height: 50; width: 200; } .middle { text-align: left; height: 50; width: 300; } .right { text-align: right; height: 50; width: 200; } .span { text-align: right; height: 50; } .56 { font: bold 56px "courier new"; } .38 { font: bold 38px "courier new"; } .24 { font-size:24px; } .18 { font-size:18px; } .12 { font-size:12px; } </style> </head> <body> <table width="750px"> <thead> <tr><td> <table width="100%" id="page-header"> <tr> <td class="left 56 limit">$ddat</td> <td class="middle 12 limit">$tagnote</td> <td class="right 56 limit">$code</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left 12 limit">$invno<br />$odat</td> <td class="span 38 limit" colspan="2">CARTON[ ]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LOOSE[ ]</td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" id="table-header"> <tr> <td class="loc">location</td><td class="qty">qty</td><td class="fre">f</td><td class="uni">unit</td><td class="des">description</td><td class="ctn">ctn</td><td class="upc">upc</td><td class="pri">price</td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td> <table width="100%" id="table-header"> EOF; $lastline=max(array_keys($tagcod)); for($n=0;$n<=$lastline;++$n) { $atagcod[$n]=$tagcod[$n]; $atagdes[$n]=$tagdes[$n]; $atagline[$n]=$tagline[$n]; $atagpri[$n]=$tagpri[$n]; $atagloc[$n]=$tagloc[$n]; $atagwei[$n]=$tagwei[$n]; $atagupc[$n]=$tagupc[$n]; $ataguni[$n]=$taguni[$n]; $atagqty[$n]=$tagqty[$n]; $atagloo[$n]=$tagloo[$n]; $atagctn[$n]=$tagctn[$n]; $acssfre='nf'; if($atagloc[$n]=="FREEZER"||$atagloc[$n]=="FRIDGE"){$atagupc[$n]='';$acssfre='f';} if($atagloc[$n]=="LOOSE"||$atagloc[$n]=="BULK"){$atagloc[$n]='';} if($atagctn[$n]==0){$atagctn[$n]='&nbsp;';$atagupc[$n]='&nbsp;';$acssctn='nc';}else{$acssctn='c';} if($atagloo[$n]==0){$atagloo[$n]='&nbsp;';} $atagctn[$n]=$atagctn[$n]; $html .= <<<EOF <tr> <td class="loc $acssfre"><div class="limit">$atagloc[$n]</div></td> <td class="qty $acssfre"><div class="limit">$atagqty[$n]</div></td> <td class="fre $acssfre $acssctn"><div class="limit">&nbsp;</div></td> <td class="uni $acssfre"><div class="limit">$ataguni[$n]</div></td> <td class="des $acssfre"><div class="limit">$atagdes[$n]</div></td> <td class="ctn $acssfre"><div class="limit">$atagctn[$n]</div></td> <td class="upc $acssfre"><div class="limit">$atagupc[$n]</div></td> <td class="pri $acssfre"><div class="limit">$atagpri[$n]</div></td> </tr> EOF; } $html .= <<<EOF </table> </td></tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr><td> <table width="100%" id="table-footer"> <tr><td> </td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </tfoot> <table width="750px"> <thead> <tr><td> <table width="100%" id="page-header"> <tr> <td class="left 56 limit">$ddat</td> <td class="middle 12 limit">$tagnote</td> <td class="right 56 limit">$code</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="left 12 limit">$invno<br />$odat</td> <td class="span 38 limit" colspan="2">CARTON[ ]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;LOOSE[ ]</td> </tr> </table> <table width="100%" id="table-header"> <tr> <td class="loc">location</td><td class="qty">qty</td><td class="fre">f</td><td class="uni">unit</td><td class="des">description</td><td class="ctn">ctn</td><td class="upc">upc</td><td class="pri">price</td> </tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr><td> <table width="100%" id="table-header"> EOF; // close and output PDF document $lastline=max(array_keys($tagcod)); for($n=0;$n<=$lastline;++$n) { $btagcod[$n]=$tagcod[$n]; $btagdes[$n]=$tagdes[$n]; $btagline[$n]=$tagline[$n]; $btagpri[$n]=$tagpri[$n]; $btagloc[$n]=$tagloc[$n]; $btagwei[$n]=$tagwei[$n]; $btagupc[$n]=$tagupc[$n]; $btaguni[$n]=$taguni[$n]; $btagqty[$n]=$tagqty[$n]; $btagloo[$n]=$tagloo[$n]; $btagctn[$n]=$tagctn[$n]; $btaggroup[$n]=$taggroup[$n]; $btagbulk[$n]=$tagbulk[$n]; $btagline[$n]=$tagline[$n]; $bcssfre='nf'; if($btagloc[$n]=="FREEZER"||$btagloc[$n]=="FRIDGE"){$btagupc[$n]='';$bcssfre='f';} if($btagloc[$n]=="LOOSE"||$btagloc[$n]=="BULK"){$btagloc[$n]='';} if($btagctn[$n]==0){$btagctn[$n]='&nbsp;';$btagupc[$n]='&nbsp;';$bcssctn='nc';}else{$bcssctn='c';} if($btagloo[$n]==0){$btagloo[$n]='&nbsp;';} $html .= <<<EOF <tr> <td class="loc $bcssfre"><div class="limit">$btagloc[$n]</div></td> <td class="qty $bcssfre"><div class="limit">$btagqty[$n]</div></td> <td class="fre $bcssfre $bcssctn"><div class="limit">&nbsp;</div></td> <td class="uni $bcssfre"><div class="limit">$btaguni[$n]</div></td> <td class="des $bcssfre"><div class="limit">$btaggroup[$n]#$btagbulk[$n]#$btagline[$n]#$btagdes[$n]</div></td> <td class="ctn $bcssfre"><div class="limit">$btagctn[$n]</div></td> <td class="upc $bcssfre"><div class="limit">$btagupc[$n]</div></td> <td class="pri $bcssfre"><div class="limit">$btagpri[$n]</div></td> </tr> EOF; } $html .= <<<EOF </table> </td></tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr><td> <table width="100%" id="table-footer"> <tr><td> </td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </tfoot> EOF; // close and output PDF document file_put_contents('aftermultisort.html', $html); ?>
Finding entry points
Branch analysis from position: 0
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 242
Branch analysis from position: 242
2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 244, Position 2 = 148
Branch analysis from position: 244
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 378
Branch analysis from position: 378
2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 380, Position 2 = 265
Branch analysis from position: 380
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 529
Branch analysis from position: 529
2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 531, Position 2 = 401
Branch analysis from position: 531
1 jumps found. (Code = 62) Position 1 = -2
Branch analysis from position: 401
2 jumps found. (Code = 47) Position 1 = 447, Position 2 = 450
Branch analysis from position: 447
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 451, Position 2 = 454
Branch analysis from position: 451
2 jumps found. (Code = 47) Position 1 = 457, Position 2 = 460
Branch analysis from position: 457
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 461, Position 2 = 463
Branch analysis from position: 461
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 466, Position 2 = 472
Branch analysis from position: 466
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 473
Branch analysis from position: 473
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 476, Position 2 = 478
Branch analysis from position: 476
2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 531, Position 2 = 401
Branch analysis from position: 531
Branch analysis from position: 401
Branch analysis from position: 478
Branch analysis from position: 472
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 476, Position 2 = 478
Branch analysis from position: 476
Branch analysis from position: 478
Branch analysis from position: 463
Branch analysis from position: 460
Branch analysis from position: 454
Branch analysis from position: 450
Branch analysis from position: 265
2 jumps found. (Code = 47) Position 1 = 302, Position 2 = 305
Branch analysis from position: 302
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 306, Position 2 = 309
Branch analysis from position: 306
2 jumps found. (Code = 47) Position 1 = 312, Position 2 = 315
Branch analysis from position: 312
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 316, Position 2 = 318
Branch analysis from position: 316
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 321, Position 2 = 327
Branch analysis from position: 321
1 jumps found. (Code = 42) Position 1 = 328
Branch analysis from position: 328
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 331, Position 2 = 333
Branch analysis from position: 331
2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 380, Position 2 = 265
Branch analysis from position: 380
Branch analysis from position: 265
Branch analysis from position: 333
Branch analysis from position: 327
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 331, Position 2 = 333
Branch analysis from position: 331
Branch analysis from position: 333
Branch analysis from position: 318
Branch analysis from position: 315
Branch analysis from position: 309
Branch analysis from position: 305
Branch analysis from position: 148
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 156, Position 2 = 157
Branch analysis from position: 156
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 162, Position 2 = 164
Branch analysis from position: 162
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 167, Position 2 = 169
Branch analysis from position: 167
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 172, Position 2 = 174
Branch analysis from position: 172
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 177, Position 2 = 179
Branch analysis from position: 177
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 182, Position 2 = 184
Branch analysis from position: 182
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 187, Position 2 = 189
Branch analysis from position: 187
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 192, Position 2 = 194
Branch analysis from position: 192
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 197, Position 2 = 199
Branch analysis from position: 197
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 202, Position 2 = 204
Branch analysis from position: 202
2 jumps found. (Code = 46) Position 1 = 212, Position 2 = 215
Branch analysis from position: 212
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 216, Position 2 = 231
Branch analysis from position: 216
2 jumps found. (Code = 43) Position 1 = 236, Position 2 = 238
Branch analysis from position: 236
2 jumps found. (Code = 44) Position 1 = 244, Position 2 = 148
Branch analysis from position: 244
Branch analysis from position: 148
Branch analysis from position: 238
Branch analysis from position: 231
Branch analysis from position: 215
Branch analysis from position: 204
Branch analysis from position: 199
Branch analysis from position: 194
Branch analysis from position: 189
Branch analysis from position: 184
Branch analysis from position: 179
Branch analysis from position: 174
Branch analysis from position: 169
Branch analysis from position: 164
Branch analysis from position: 157
filename:       /in/Xg1Bt
function name:  (null)
number of ops:  537
compiled vars:  !0 = $tagdes, !1 = $tagpri, !2 = $tagcod, !3 = $tagloc, !4 = $tagwei, !5 = $tagupc, !6 = $taguni, !7 = $tagqty, !8 = $tagline, !9 = $lastline, !10 = $marker, !11 = $n, !12 = $taggroup, !13 = $tagctn, !14 = $tagloo, !15 = $tagbulk, !16 = $html, !17 = $ddat, !18 = $tagnote, !19 = $code, !20 = $invno, !21 = $odat, !22 = $atagcod, !23 = $atagdes, !24 = $atagline, !25 = $atagpri, !26 = $atagloc, !27 = $atagwei, !28 = $atagupc, !29 = $ataguni, !30 = $atagqty, !31 = $atagloo, !32 = $atagctn, !33 = $acssfre, !34 = $acssctn, !35 = $btagcod, !36 = $btagdes, !37 = $btagline, !38 = $btagpri, !39 = $btagloc, !40 = $btagwei, !41 = $btagupc, !42 = $btaguni, !43 = $btagqty, !44 = $btagloo, !45 = $btagctn, !46 = $btaggroup, !47 = $btagbulk, !48 = $bcssfre, !49 = $bcssctn
line      #* E I O op                           fetch          ext  return  operands
    2     0  E >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !0, 0
          1        OP_DATA                                                  '%E9%9D%9A+%E5%A4%A7+%E5%8C%85+%E7%82%B8+%E6%B2%B9+%E8%94%A5+%E9%85%A5+FRY+SHALLOTS+1KG'
    3     2        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !1, 0
          3        OP_DATA                                                  '%245.80'
    4     4        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !2, 0
          5        OP_DATA                                                  'DVFS1'
    5     6        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !3, 0
          7        OP_DATA                                                  '6A3+F10'
    6     8        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !4, 0
          9        OP_DATA                                                  '1KG'
    7    10        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !5, 0
         11        OP_DATA                                                  '10'
    8    12        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !6, 0
         13        OP_DATA                                                  'PKT'
    9    14        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !7, 0
         15        OP_DATA                                                  '10'
   10    16        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !8, 1
         17        OP_DATA                                                  'NSCA1'
   11    18        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !0, 1
         19        OP_DATA                                                  '%E5%A4%A7+%E7%B2%92+%E8%85%B0+%E6%9E%9C++++CASHEW+NUT+W320'
   12    20        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !1, 1
         21        OP_DATA                                                  '%2412.50'
   13    22        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !2, 1
         23        OP_DATA                                                  'NSCA1'
   14    24        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !4, 1
         25        OP_DATA                                                  '1KG'
   15    26        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !5, 1
         27        OP_DATA                                                  '11.25'
   16    28        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !6, 1
         29        OP_DATA                                                  'KG'
   17    30        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !7, 1
         31        OP_DATA                                                  '6'
   18    32        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !8, 2
         33        OP_DATA                                                  'RVBV5'
   19    34        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !0, 2
         35        OP_DATA                                                  '%E9%9D%9A+%E7%B2%89+%E7%B5%B2%28%E5%A4%A7+%E5%8C%85%29BEAN+VERM+%28L%29'
   20    36        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !1, 2
         37        OP_DATA                                                  '%241.45'
   21    38        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !2, 2
         39        OP_DATA                                                  'RVBV5'
   22    40        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !3, 2
         41        OP_DATA                                                  'F11'
   23    42        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !4, 2
         43        OP_DATA                                                  '500GR'
   24    44        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !5, 2
         45        OP_DATA                                                  '30'
   25    46        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !6, 2
         47        OP_DATA                                                  'PKT'
   26    48        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !7, 2
         49        OP_DATA                                                  '6'
   27    50        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !8, 3
         51        OP_DATA                                                  'DVCO'
   28    52        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !0, 3
         53        OP_DATA                                                  '%E9%9D%9A+%E7%99%BD+%E8%8F%9C+%E5%B9%B2++++DEHYDRATED+COLE+A%22'
   29    54        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !1, 3
         55        OP_DATA                                                  '%241.45'
   30    56        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !2, 3
         57        OP_DATA                                                  'DVCO'
   31    58        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !3, 3
         59        OP_DATA                                                  '10B0'
   32    60        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !4, 3
         61        OP_DATA                                                  '150GR'
   33    62        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !5, 3
         63        OP_DATA                                                  '999'
   34    64        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !6, 3
         65        OP_DATA                                                  'PKT'
   35    66        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !7, 3
         67        OP_DATA                                                  '11'
   36    68        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !8, 4
         69        OP_DATA                                                  'SNPC%40SD'
   37    70        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !0, 4
         71        OP_DATA                                                  '%E9%9D%9A+%E6%97%A5+%E9%BE%8D+%E8%9D%A6+%E7%89%87+S%26D+PRAWN+CRACKER+2KG'
   38    72        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !1, 4
         73        OP_DATA                                                  '%245.80'
   39    74        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !2, 4
         75        OP_DATA                                                  'SNPC%40SD'
   40    76        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !4, 4
         77        OP_DATA                                                  '2KG'
   41    78        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !5, 4
         79        OP_DATA                                                  '6'
   42    80        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !6, 4
         81        OP_DATA                                                  'BOX'
   43    82        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !7, 4
         83        OP_DATA                                                  '7'
   44    84        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !8, 5
         85        OP_DATA                                                  'NSPI'
   45    86        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !0, 5
         87        OP_DATA                                                  '%E5%A4%A7+%E7%B2%92+%E5%B4%A7+%E5%AD%90+%E8%82%89+++++PINE+NUT+1+KG'
   46    88        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !1, 5
         89        OP_DATA                                                  '%2438.00'
   47    90        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !2, 5
         91        OP_DATA                                                  'NSPI'
   48    92        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !3, 5
         93        OP_DATA                                                  'FREEZER'
   49    94        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !4, 5
         95        OP_DATA                                                  '1KG'
   50    96        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !5, 5
         97        OP_DATA                                                  '20'
   51    98        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !6, 5
         99        OP_DATA                                                  'KG'
   52   100        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !7, 5
        101        OP_DATA                                                  '20'
   53   102        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !8, 6
        103        OP_DATA                                                  'CVMBL'
   54   104        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !0, 6
        105        OP_DATA                                                  '%E9%9D%9A+%E7%99%BD+%E9%9D%88+%E8%8F%87++++BAC-LING+MUSHROOM+A%22'
   55   106        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !1, 6
        107        OP_DATA                                                  '%243.50'
   56   108        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !2, 6
        109        OP_DATA                                                  'CVMBL'
   57   110        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !3, 6
        111        OP_DATA                                                  'F7'
   58   112        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !4, 6
        113        OP_DATA                                                  '850GR'
   59   114        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !5, 6
        115        OP_DATA                                                  '12'
   60   116        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !6, 6
        117        OP_DATA                                                  'TIN'
   61   118        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !7, 6
        119        OP_DATA                                                  '24'
   62   120        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !8, 7
        121        OP_DATA                                                  'CVMSSC'
   63   122        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !0, 7
        123        OP_DATA                                                  '%E9%9D%9A+%E9%96%8B+%E9%82%8A+%E8%8D%89+%E8%8F%87+STRAW+M%27ROOM%28CUT%29'
   64   124        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !1, 7
        125        OP_DATA                                                  '%241.35'
   65   126        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !2, 7
        127        OP_DATA                                                  'CVMSSC'
   66   128        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !3, 7
        129        OP_DATA                                                  'F7'
   67   130        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !4, 7
        131        OP_DATA                                                  '425GR'
   68   132        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !5, 7
        133        OP_DATA                                                  '24'
   69   134        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !6, 7
        135        OP_DATA                                                  'CAN'
   70   136        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !7, 7
        137        OP_DATA                                                  '48'
   72   138        INIT_FCALL                                               'max'
        139        INIT_FCALL                                               'array_keys'
        140        SEND_VAR                                                 !2
        141        DO_ICALL                                         $119    
        142        SEND_VAR                                                 $119
        143        DO_ICALL                                         $120    
        144        ASSIGN                                                   !9, $120
   73   145        ASSIGN                                                   !10, 1
   74   146        ASSIGN                                                   !11, 0
        147      > JMP                                                      ->242
   76   148    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'substr'
        149        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~124    !2, !11
        150        SEND_VAL                                                 ~124
        151        SEND_VAL                                                 0
        152        SEND_VAL                                                 1
        153        DO_ICALL                                         $125    
        154        IS_IDENTICAL                                             $125, '-'
        155      > JMPZ                                                     ~126, ->157
        156    >   PRE_INC                                                  !10
   77   157    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !12, !11
        158        OP_DATA                                                  !10
   79   159        ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         0  ~129    !2, !11
        160        BOOL_NOT                                         ~130    ~129
        161      > JMPZ                                                     ~130, ->164
        162    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !2, !11
        163        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   80   164    >   ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         0  ~132    !0, !11
        165        BOOL_NOT                                         ~133    ~132
        166      > JMPZ                                                     ~133, ->169
        167    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !0, !11
        168        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   81   169    >   ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         0  ~135    !1, !11
        170        BOOL_NOT                                         ~136    ~135
        171      > JMPZ                                                     ~136, ->174
        172    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !1, !11
        173        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   82   174    >   ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         0  ~138    !3, !11
        175        BOOL_NOT                                         ~139    ~138
        176      > JMPZ                                                     ~139, ->179
        177    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !3, !11
        178        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   83   179    >   ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         0  ~141    !3, !11
        180        BOOL_NOT                                         ~142    ~141
        181      > JMPZ                                                     ~142, ->184
        182    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !3, !11
        183        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   84   184    >   ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         0  ~144    !4, !11
        185        BOOL_NOT                                         ~145    ~144
        186      > JMPZ                                                     ~145, ->189
        187    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !4, !11
        188        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   85   189    >   ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         0  ~147    !5, !11
        190        BOOL_NOT                                         ~148    ~147
        191      > JMPZ                                                     ~148, ->194
        192    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !5, !11
        193        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   86   194    >   ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         0  ~150    !6, !11
        195        BOOL_NOT                                         ~151    ~150
        196      > JMPZ                                                     ~151, ->199
        197    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !6, !11
        198        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   87   199    >   ISSET_ISEMPTY_DIM_OBJ                         0  ~153    !7, !11
        200        BOOL_NOT                                         ~154    ~153
        201      > JMPZ                                                     ~154, ->204
        202    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !7, !11
        203        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   88   204    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !13, !11
        205        OP_DATA                                                  ''
   89   206        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~158    !7, !11
        207        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !14, !11
        208        OP_DATA                                                  ~158
   90   209        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~159    !5, !11
        210        IS_SMALLER                                       ~160    0, ~159
        211      > JMPZ_EX                                          ~160    ~160, ->215
        212    >   FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~161    !5, !11
        213        IS_SMALLER                                       ~162    ~161, 9999
        214        BOOL                                             ~160    ~162
        215    > > JMPZ                                                     ~160, ->231
   92   216    >   INIT_FCALL                                               'floor'
        217        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~164    !7, !11
        218        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~165    !5, !11
        219        DIV                                              ~166    ~164, ~165
        220        SEND_VAL                                                 ~166
        221        DO_ICALL                                         $167    
        222        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !13, !11
        223        OP_DATA                                                  $167
   93   224        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~169    !7, !11
        225        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~170    !13, !11
        226        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~171    !5, !11
        227        MUL                                              ~172    ~170, ~171
        228        SUB                                              ~173    ~169, ~172
        229        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !14, !11
        230        OP_DATA                                                  ~173
   95   231    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !15, !11
        232        OP_DATA                                                  0
   96   233        FETCH_DIM_R                                      ~175    !13, !11
        234        IS_SMALLER                                               0, ~175
        235      > JMPZ                                                     ~176, ->238
        236    >   ASSIGN_DIM                                               !15, !11
        237        OP_DATA                                                  1
   98   238    >   ADD                                              ~179    !11, 1
        239        ASSIGN_DIM                                               !8, !11
        240        OP_DATA                                                  ~179
   74   241        PRE_INC                                                  !11
        242    >   IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL                                      !11, !9
        243      > JMPNZ                                                    ~181, ->148
  106   244    >   ROPE_INIT                                    11  ~183    '%09%3Chtml%3E%0A%09%3Chead%3E%0A%09%3Cmeta+charset%3D%22UTF-8%22%3E%0A%09%3Cstyle%3E%0A%09%09%2A+%7B%0A%09%09+font%3A+16px+%22courier+new%22%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09thead+%7B%0A%09%09++display%3A+table-header-group%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09tbody+%7B%0A%09%09++display%3A+table-row-group%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09tfoot+%7B%0A%09%09++display%3A+table-footer-group%3B%0A%09%09++position%3A+fixed%3B%0A%09%09++bottom%3A+0%3B+%2F%2A+Because+it%27s+footer+%2A%2F%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09table%7B%0A%09%09%09border-collapse%3Acollapse%3B%0A%09%09%09table-layout%3A+fixed%3B%0A%09%09%09overflow%3A+hidden%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09td%7B%0A%09%09padding%3A0%3B%0A%09%09margin%3A0%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09div.limit+%7B%0A%09%09%09width%3A100%25%3B%0A%09%09%09vertical-align%3Atop%3B%0A%09%09%09white-space%3A+nowrap%3B%0A%09%09%09text-overflow%3A+clip%3B%0A%09%09%09overflow%3A+hidden%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09td.f+%7B%0A%09%09background-color%3A+%23B0B0B0%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09td.c+%7B%0A%09%09background-color%3A+%23B0B0B0%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.qty%0A%09%09%7B%0A%09%09%09border%3A+1px+solid+black%3B%0A%09%09%09text-align%3A+right%3B%0A%09%09%09width%3A+40%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.fre%0A%09%09%7B%0A%09%09%09border%3A+1px+solid+black%3B%0A%09%09%09text-align%3A+right%3B%0A%09%09%09width%3A+20%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.uni%0A%09%09%7B%0A%09%09%09border%3A+1px+solid+black%3B%0A%09%09%09text-align%3A+right%3B%0A%09%09%09width%3A+40%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.des%0A%09%09%7B%0A%09%09%09border%3A+1px+solid+black%3B%0A%09%09%09text-align%3A+left%3B%0A%09%09%09width%3A+410%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.ctn%0A%09%09%7B%0A%09%09%09border%3A+1px+solid+black%3B%0A%09%09%09text-align%3A+right%3B%0A%09%09%09width%3A+20%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.upc%0A%09%09%7B%0A%09%09%09border%3A+1px+solid+black%3B%0A%09%09%09text-align%3A+right%3B%0A%09%09%09width%3A+20%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.pri%0A%09%09%7B%0A%09%09%09border%3A+1px+solid+black%3B%0A%09%09%09text-align%3A+right%3B%0A%09%09%09width%3A+50%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.loc%0A%09%09%7B%0A%09%09%09border%3A+1px+solid+black%3B%0A%09%09%09border-collapse%3A+collapse%3B%0A%09%09%09text-align%3A+left%3B%0A%09%09%09width%3A+140%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.left+%7B%0A%09%09++text-align%3A+left%3B%0A%09%09++height%3A+50%3B%0A%09%09++width%3A+200%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.middle+%7B%0A%09%09++text-align%3A+left%3B%0A%09%09++height%3A+50%3B%0A%09%09++width%3A+300%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.right+%7B%0A%09%09++text-align%3A+right%3B%0A%09%09++height%3A+50%3B%0A%09%09++width%3A+200%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.span+%7B%0A%09%09++text-align%3A+right%3B%0A%09%09++height%3A+50%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.56+%7B%0A%09%09++font%3A+bold+56px+%22courier+new%22%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.38+%7B%0A%09%09++font%3A+bold+38px+%22courier+new%22%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.24+%7B%0A%09%09++font-size%3A24px%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.18+%7B%0A%09%09++font-size%3A18px%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%09%09.12+%7B%0A%09%09++font-size%3A12px%3B%0A%09%09%7D%0A%0A%09%3C%2Fstyle%3E%0A%09%3C%2Fhead%3E%0A%09%3Cbody%3E%0A%09%3Ctable+width%3D%22750px%22%3E%0A%09%3Cthead%3E%0A%09%09%3Ctr%3E%3Ctd%3E%0A%09%09%09%3Ctable+width%3D%22100%25%22+id%3D%22page-header%22%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%3Ctr%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%09%3Ctd+class%3D%22left+56+limit%22%3E'
  238   245        ROPE_ADD                                      1  ~183    ~183, !17
        246        ROPE_ADD                                      2  ~183    ~183, '%3C%2Ftd%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%09%3Ctd+class%3D%22middle+12+limit%22%3E'
  239   247        ROPE_ADD                                      3  ~183    ~183, !18
        248        ROPE_ADD                                      4  ~183    ~183, '%3C%2Ftd%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%09%3Ctd+class%3D%22right+56+limit%22%3E'
  240   249        ROPE_ADD                                      5  ~183    ~183, !19
        250        ROPE_ADD                                      6  ~183    ~183, '%3C%2Ftd%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%3C%2Ftr%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%3Ctr%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%09%3Ctd+class%3D%22left+12+limit%22%3E'
  243   251        ROPE_ADD                                      7  ~183    ~183, !20
        252        ROPE_ADD                                      8  ~183    ~183, '%3Cbr+%2F%3E'
        253        ROPE_ADD                                      9  ~183    ~183, !21
        254        ROPE_END                                     10  ~182    ~183, '%3C%2Ftd%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%09%3Ctd+class%3D%22span+38+limit%22+colspan%3D%222%22%3ECARTON%5B+%5D%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3B%26nbsp%3BLOOSE%5B+%5D%3C%2Ftd%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%3C%2Ftr%3E%0A%09%09%09%3C%2Ftable%3E%0A%09%09%09%3Ctable+width%3D%22100%25%22+id%3D%22table-header%22%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%3Ctr%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%3Ctd+class%3D%22loc%22%3Elocation%3C%2Ftd%3E%3Ctd+class%3D%22qty%22%3Eqty%3C%2Ftd%3E%3Ctd+class%3D%22fre%22%3Ef%3C%2Ftd%3E%3Ctd+class%3D%22uni%22%3Eunit%3C%2Ftd%3E%3Ctd+class%3D%22des%22%3Edescription%3C%2Ftd%3E%3Ctd+class%3D%22ctn%22%3Ectn%3C%2Ftd%3E%3Ctd+class%3D%22upc%22%3Eupc%3C%2Ftd%3E%3Ctd+class%3D%22pri%22%3Eprice%3C%2Ftd%3E%0A%09%09%09%09%3C%2Ftr%3E%0A%09%09%09%3C%2Ftable%3E%0A%09%09%3C%2Ftd%3E%3C%2Ftr%3E%0A%09%09%3Ctr%3E%0A%09%09%3C%2Ftr%3E%0A%09%3C%2Fthead%3E%0A%09%3Ctbody%3E%0A%09%09%3Ctr%3E%3Ctd%3E%0A%09%09%09%3Ctable+width%3D%22100%25%22+id%3D%22table-header%22%3E%0A%0A%09%09'
  105   255        ASSIGN                                                   !16, ~182
  263   256        INIT_FCALL                                               'max'
        257        INIT_FCALL                                               'array_keys'
        258        SEND_VAR                                                 !2
        259        DO_ICALL                                         $190    
        260        SEND_VAR                                                 $190
        261        DO_ICALL                                         $191    
        262        ASSIGN                                                   !9, $191
  264   263        ASSIGN                                                   !11, 0
        264      > JMP                                                      ->378
  266   265    >   FETCH_DIM_R                    

Generated using Vulcan Logic Dumper, using php 8.0.0

167.5 ms | 1432 KiB | 21 Q