
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php Echo 100%654; for ($i = 65; $i <= 126; $i++) { /* If($i > 116){ echo "B" . chr($i-52)."<br>\n"; }ElseIf($i >90){ echo "A" . chr($i-26)."<br>\n"; }else{ echo chr($i)."<br>\n"; }*/ echo chr(($i%65)+65)."<br>\n"; } ?>
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
100A<br> B<br> C<br> D<br> E<br> F<br> G<br> H<br> I<br> J<br> K<br> L<br> M<br> N<br> O<br> P<br> Q<br> R<br> S<br> T<br> U<br> V<br> W<br> X<br> Y<br> Z<br> [<br> \<br> ]<br> ^<br> _<br> `<br> a<br> b<br> c<br> d<br> e<br> f<br> g<br> h<br> i<br> j<br> k<br> l<br> m<br> n<br> o<br> p<br> q<br> r<br> s<br> t<br> u<br> v<br> w<br> x<br> y<br> z<br> {<br> |<br> }<br> ~<br>

This tab shows result from various feature-branches currently under review by the php developers. Contact me to have additional branches featured.

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64.63 ms | 407 KiB | 5 Q