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<?php class Application extends Common { const DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = 'Craigslist'; const IMAGE_WIDTH = 200; protected $_formAction = '/Classifieds'; protected $_templateName = null; protected $_images = array('jpeg' => 'jpeg', 'jpg' => 'jpg', 'gif' => 'gif', 'png' => 'png'); protected $_imageTpl = '<img width="%s" class="image" imgsrc="%s" />'; protected $_linkTpl = '<a target="%s" href="%s">%s</a>'; protected $_zendView = null; protected $_moduleHelper = null; /** * The search text phrase. * @var string */ protected $_searchText = ''; /** * The indicator to search only the title field. * @var boolean */ protected $_searchTitleOnly = false; /** * The indicator to match any words in search phrase. * @var boolean */ protected $_searchAny = false; /** * The indicator to exactly match search phrase. * @var boolean */ protected $_searchExact = false; /** * The indicator to return only items having media, images, video. * @var boolean */ protected $_searchMediaOnly = false; /** * The indicator to return only items having video. * @var boolean */ protected $_searchVideoOnly = false; /** * Constructor * @param Zend_View $view (optional) */ public function __construct($view = null) { $this->_zendView = $view; if($view) { try { /* @var $moduleHelper Classifieds_View_Helper_Classifieds */ $moduleHelper = $view->classifieds() ; } catch (Exception $e) { $moduleHelper = null; } $this->_moduleHelper = $moduleHelper; } $this->_fetchRequest(); $layout = $this->getLayoutTemplate(); $path = $this->getLayoutTemplateFilePath(); $len = strlen($layout); if(! $len || ! file_exists($path)) { if($len) { $msg = 'Template not found: ' . $layout; $this->addMessage($msg); } $this->setLayoutTemplate($this->getDefaultLayoutTemplate()); } } /** * Sorts list of items by sections. * @param type $index */ public function getSection($index = 0) { } protected function _fetchRequest() { $propertyDefs = array( self::REQUEST_PARAM_ITEM_ID => array('setLayoutTemplate', $this->getLayoutTemplate()), self::REQUEST_PARAM_SEARCH => array('setSearchText', ''), self::REQUEST_PARAM_SEARCH_TITLE_ONLY => array('setSearchTitleOnly', 0), self::REQUEST_PARAM_SEARCH_ANY => array('setSearchAny', 0), self::REQUEST_PARAM_SEARCH_EXACT => array('setSearchExact', 0), self::REQUEST_PARAM_SEARCH_MEDIA_ONLY => array('setSearchMediaOnly', 0), self::REQUEST_PARAM_SEARCH_VIDEO_ONLY => array('setSearchVideoOnly', 0) ); foreach($propertyDefs as $propName => $properties) { list($method, $default) = $properties; $reqValue = $this->_getRequestValue($propName, $default); $this->$method($reqValue); } } /** * Returns the template name. * * @return string */ public function getLayoutTemplate() { return $this->_templateName; } /** * Sets the template name. * * @return Application */ public function setLayoutTemplate($templateName) { $this->_templateName = $templateName; return $this; } /** * Returns the default template name. * * @return string */ public function getDefaultLayoutTemplate() { $templates = $this->getLayoutTemplates(); $return = (is_array($templates) && count($templates)) ? reset($templates) : ''; return $return; } /** * Returns layout parent path. * * @return string */ public function getLayoutPath() { $path = $this->getDocumentRoot() . "/classifiedsTemplates"; return $path; } /** * Returns list ov available templates. * * @return array */ public function getLayoutTemplates() { $return = array( self::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE => self::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, 'Facebook' => 'Facebook' ); return $return; } /** * Returns the search text phrase. * * @return string * */ public function getSearchText() { return $this->_searchText ; } /** * Sets the search text phrase. * * @param string $searchText * * @return Application */ public function setSearchText($searchText) { $this->_searchText = $searchText ; return $this ; } /** * Returns the indicator to search only the title field. * * @return boolean * */ public function getSearchTitleOnly() { return $this->_searchTitleOnly ; } /** * Sets the indicator to search only the title field. * * @param boolean $searchTitleOnly * * @return Application */ public function setSearchTitleOnly($searchTitleOnly) { $this->_searchTitleOnly = $searchTitleOnly ; return $this ; } /** * Returns the indicator to match any words in search phrase. * * @return boolean * */ public function getSearchAny() { return $this->_searchAny ; } /** * Sets the indicator to match any words in search phrase. * * @param boolean $searchAny * * @return Application */ public function setSearchAny($searchAny) { $this->_searchAny = $searchAny ; return $this ; } /** * Returns the indicator to exactly match search phrase. * * @return boolean * */ public function getSearchExact() { return $this->_searchExact ; } /** * Sets the indicator to exactly match search phrase. * * @param boolean $searchExact * * @return Application */ public function setSearchExact($searchExact) { $this->_searchExact = $searchExact ; return $this ; } /** * Returns the indicator to return only items having media, images, video. * * @return boolean * */ public function getSearchMediaOnly() { return $this->_searchMediaOnly ; } /** * Sets the indicator to return only items having media, images, video. * * @param boolean $searchMediaOnly * * @return Application */ public function setSearchMediaOnly($searchMediaOnly) { $this->_searchMediaOnly = $searchMediaOnly ; return $this ; } /** * Returns the indicator to return only items having video. * * @return boolean * */ public function getSearchVideoOnly() { return $this->_searchVideoOnly ; } /** * Sets the indicator to return only items having video. * * @param boolean $searchVideoOnly * * @return Application */ public function setSearchVideoOnly($searchVideoOnly) { $this->_searchVideoOnly = $searchVideoOnly ; return $this ; } public function fetchItems(array $options = array()) { /* Option values search Phrase for which to search. exact Match search phrase exactly (case-insensitive) (default = match all words). any Match any words in the search phrase (default = match all). titleonly Search title only (default = search title, description and tags). mediaonly Returns only records having 1 or more images. */ if($this->getSearchMediaOnly()) { $options['mediaonly'] = true; } if($this->getSearchTitleOnly()) { $options['titleonly'] = true; } $exact = false; if($this->getSearchAny()) { $options['any'] = true; } elseif($this->getSearchExact()) { $options['exact'] = $exact = true; } $search = $this->getSearchText(); if(strlen($search)) { if(! $exact) { $search = $this->_tidySearch($search); } $options['search'] = $search ; } if(! isset($options['sort'])) { $options['sort'] = 'date'; } $mapper = $this->getMapper(); $items = $mapper->fetch($options); if(false === $items) { $this->addMessage($mapper->getMessages()) ; return false; } foreach($items as $key => $item) { $mediaStats = $this->_setMediaStats($item); if($this->getSearchVideoOnly()) { if(! isset($mediaStats['video']) || ! count($mediaStats['video'])) { unset($items[$key]); } } } return $items; } protected function _setMediaStats($item) { $mediaStats = array(); $media = $item->getMedia(); $index = 0; foreach((array)$media as $key => $url) { $parts = $this->_parseUrl($url) ; $url = urldecode($url); $url = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $url); $contentType = $parts['type']; switch($contentType) { case 'image': $content = sprintf($this->_imageTpl, self::IMAGE_WIDTH, $url); break; case 'video': $break = 1; // FALL THROUGH default: // video, link, photo $content = $contentType; if(! isset($c[$contentType])) { $c[$contentType] = 0; } else { $content .= '(' . (++$c[$contentType] + 1). ')'; } break; } $mediaStats[$contentType][] = $url; $media[$key] = sprintf($this->_linkTpl, '_blank', $url, $content); $index++; } $item->setMedia($media); $item->setMediaStats($mediaStats); return $mediaStats; } public function getMediaDisplay($item) { $display = array(); $media = $item->getMediaStats(); if(isset($media['image']) && is_array($media['image'])) { $display[] = 'pic (' . count($media['image']) . ')'; } if(isset($media['video']) && is_array($media['video'])) { $display[] = 'video (' . count($media['video']) . ')'; } $return = implode(' ', $display) ; return $return; } public function getTotalCount(array $options = array()) { $mapper = $this->getMapper(); $recordCount = $mapper->getCount($options); if(false === $recordCount) { $this->addMessage($mapper->getMessages()) ; return false; } return $recordCount; } protected function _parseUrl($url) { $default = array( 'scheme' => '', 'host' => '', 'port' => '', 'user' => '', 'pass' => '', 'path' => '', 'query' => '', 'fragment' => '', 'extension' => '', 'type' => '' ); $parts = parse_url($url); if(! is_array($parts)) { return $default; } $elements = array_merge($default, $parts) ; if(strlen($elements['path'])) { $elements['extension'] = strtolower(pathinfo($elements['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if(isset($this->_images[$elements['extension']])) { $elements['type'] = 'image'; } } if(! strlen($elements['type'])) { $elements['type'] = 'link'; if(strlen($elements['host'])) { $host = strtolower($elements['host']); if(preg_match('/^www[0-9]*\.(.*)$/', $host, $matches)) { $host = $matches[1]; } switch($host) { case 'vimeo.com': case 'youtube.com': case 'youtu.be': case 'vevo.com': case 'veoh.com': case 'metacafe.com': case 'break.com': $elements['type'] = 'video'; break; case 'flickr.com': // https://www.flickr.com/explore/video/ $elements['type'] = (false !== strpos(strtolower($elements['path']), 'video')) ? 'video' : 'photo'; break; } } } return $elements; } protected function _tidySearch($text) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/SpellCheck.php'; $speller = new SpellCheck(); $return = $speller->tidy($text, ['replace' => true]); return $return; } public function formatForHtml($script) { if(! is_string($script) || ! strlen(trim($script))) { return ''; } $patterns = array( '`((?:http|ftp|https):\/\/(?:[\w\-_]+(?:(?:\.[\w\-_]+)+))(?:[\w\-\.,@?^=%&amp;:/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&amp;/~\+#])?)`i' => '<a href="%s">link%s</a>', '/(mailto[\\s]*:[\\s]*(?:[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}))/i' => ' <a href="%s">email</a>%s ', '/([^:](?:[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}))/i' => ' <a href="mailto:%s">email</a>%s ' ); $replace = array(); $patternIndex = 0; foreach($patterns as $pattern => $template) { $matches = preg_split($pattern, $script, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); if(false === $matches) { return $script; } $matchCount = count($matches); if($matchCount > 1) { // array_shift($matches); for($index = 1; $index < $matchCount; $index += 2) { if(0 == $patternIndex) { $sequence = ($index > 1) ? ('-' . ($index - 1) / 2) : '' ; } $replace[] = sprintf($template, $matches[$index], $sequence); $matches[$index] ='{{' . (count($replace) - 1) . '}}'; } $script = implode('', $matches); } if(0 == $patternIndex) { $sequence = ''; } $patternIndex++; } if(count($replace)) { $script = htmlentities($script); for($index = 0; $index < count($replace); $index++) { $script = str_replace('{{' . $index . '}}', $replace[$index], $script); } } return $script; } public function getLayoutRelativePath() { $path = "/classifiedsTemplates/". $this->getLayoutTemplate(); return $path; } public function getLayoutTemplatePath() { $path = $this->getLayoutPath() . '/' . $this->getLayoutTemplate(); return $path; } public function getLayoutTemplateFilePath() { $path = $this->getLayoutTemplatePath() . "/layoutTemplate.php"; return $path; } public function getDocumentRoot() { // /home/procompu/public_html/classifiedsTemplates/Application.php // /home/procompu/public_html/classifiedsTemplates // /home/procompu/public_html if(defined('DOCUMENT_ROOT')) { $path = DOCUMENT_ROOT; } else { $path = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'); } return $path; } protected function _getRequestValue($paramName, $default = '') { $value = isset($_POST[$paramName]) ? $_POST[$paramName] : null; $return = (is_string($value) && strlen(trim($value))) ? $value : $default; return $return; } public function getFormAction() { return $this->_formAction; } public function setFormAction($action) { $this->_formAction = $action; return $this; } /** * * @return \DataMapper */ public function getMapper() { if(! class_exists('DataMapper', false)) { $file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/DataMapper.php'; require_once $file; } $mapper = new DataMapper(); return $mapper; } public function getMessagesHtml($class = 'errorlist') { $messages = $this->getMessages(); if(! count($messages)) { return ''; } if(strlen($class)) { $class = ' class ="' . $class . '"'; } $return = "<ul{$class}><li>" . implode("</li>\n<li>", $messages) . "</li>\n</ul>"; return $return; } }
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Common" not found in /in/XGSpf:2 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /in/XGSpf on line 2
Process exited with code 255.

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