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<?php function sortCardsBySortOrder(Array $cards, $reverse = false): Array { $changeAce = false; if (isLowStraight($cards)) { $reverse = true; $changeAce = true; } $cards = sortCards($cards, $reverse); if ($changeAce) { $ace = array_pop($cards); //rebuild the array with ace first $tmpArr = []; $tmpArr['A'.$ace['suite']] = $ace; foreach ($cards as $card => $details) { $tmpArr[$card] = $details; } $cards = $tmpArr; } return $cards; } function sortCards(Array $cards, $reverse = false): Array { uasort($cards, function($a, $b) use($reverse) { $result = $a['sort'] <=> $b['sort']; if (!$reverse) { $result *= -1; } if ($result == 0) { $result = $a['suite'] <=> $b['suite']; } return $result; }); return $cards; } function sortCardsBySuite(Array $cards, $reverse = false): Array { uasort($cards, function($a, $b) use($reverse) { $result = $a['suite'] <=> $b['suite']; if ($result == 0) { $result = $a['sort'] <=> $b['sort']; } if (!$reverse) { $result *= -1; } return $result; }); return $cards; } function shuffleCards(Array $cards): Array { $shuffled = []; while ($cards) { $key = array_rand($cards); $shuffled[$key] = $cards[$key]; unset($cards[$key]); } return $shuffled; } function dealCards(Array $cards, $num = 1) { $result = [null, null]; for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) { $key = array_rand($cards); $result[1][$key] = $cards[$key]; unset($cards[$key]); } $result[0] = $cards; return $result; } function getLargestSuite(Array $cards): Array { $result = []; $lastSuite = ""; $streak = []; foreach ($cards as $card => $details) { $suite = $details['suite']; if ($suite != $lastSuite) { $lastSuite = $suite; } $streak[$suite][$card] = [$card => $details]; } uasort($streak, function ($a, $b) { $result = count($a) <=> count($b); if ($result == 0) { $a = array_map(function ($v) { $s = 0; foreach($v as $x) { $s += $x['sort']; } return $s; }, $a); $b = array_map(function ($v) { $s = 0; foreach($v as $x) { $s += $x['sort']; } return $s; }, $b); $result = array_sum($a) <=> array_sum($b); } return $result; }); return array_pop($streak); } function getLargestSet(Array $cards): Array { $result = []; $lastType = ""; $streak = []; foreach ($cards as $card => $details) { $type = substr($card, 0, 1); if ($type != $lastType) { $lastType = $type; } $streak[$type][$card] = [$card => $details]; } uasort($streak, function ($a, $b) { $result = count($a) <=> count($b); return $result; }); return array_pop($streak); } function groupBySet(Array $cards): Array { $result = []; $lastType = ""; $streak = []; $cards = sortCardsBySortOrder($cards); foreach ($cards as $card => $details) { $type = substr($card, 0, 1); if ($type != $lastType) { $lastType = $type; } $streak[$type][$card] = [$card => $details]; } uasort($streak, function ($a, $b) { $result = count($a) <=> count($b); return $result * -1; }); $cards = []; foreach ($streak as $streaks) { foreach($streaks as $card => $details) { $cards[$card] = reset($details); } } return $cards; } function isStraightFlush(Array $cards): bool { // straight flush return isStraight($cards) && isFlush($cards); } function isQuads(Array $cards): bool { // quads $hand = sortCardsBySortOrder($cards); $hand = getLargestSet($hand); return count($hand) == 4; } function isFullHouse(Array $cards): bool { // full house return isPair($cards) && isTrips($cards); } function isFlush(Array $cards) { // flush $hand = sortCardsBySortOrder($cards); $hand = sortCardsBySuite($hand); $largest = getLargestSuite($cards); if (count($largest) == 5) { return true; } return false; } function isLowStraight(Array $cards): bool { // Check for special case where Ace is low $cards = sortCards($cards, true); $lowStraight = ["2", "3", "4", "5", "A"]; $tmpArr = []; $hasAce = false; // check if ace is there foreach ($cards as $card => $details) { if (substr($card, 0, 1) === "A") { $hasAce = true; } } if ($hasAce) { $tmpArr[] = "A"; } foreach (array_slice($cards, 0, 4) as $card => $details) { $tmpArr[] = substr($card, 0, 1); } sort($tmpArr); if ($tmpArr === $lowStraight) { return true; } return false; } function isStraight(Array $cards) { // straight $hand = sortCards($cards); $h = array_slice($hand, 0, 5); foreach (traverseCardsByTwo($h) as [$card1, $card2]) { if ($card2) { $delta = $card1['sort'] - $card2['sort']; if ($delta !== 1) { if (isLowStraight($hand)) { return true; } return false; } } } return true; } function isTrips(Array $cards): bool { // trips $hand = sortCardsBySortOrder($cards); $hand = getLargestSet($hand); return count($hand) == 3; } function isTwoPair(Array $cards): bool { // pair $result = []; $lastType = ""; $streak = []; $pairs = 0; foreach ($cards as $card => $details) { $type = substr($card, 0, 1); if ($type != $lastType) { $lastType = $type; } $streak[$type][$card] = [$card => $details]; } uasort($streak, function ($a, $b) { $result = count($a) <=> count($b); return $result * -1; }); foreach($streak as $s) { if (count($s) == 2) { $pairs++; } } return $pairs >= 2; } function isPair(Array $cards): bool { // pair $result = []; $lastType = ""; $streak = []; foreach ($cards as $card => $details) { $type = substr($card, 0, 1); if ($type != $lastType) { $lastType = $type; } $streak[$type][$card] = [$card => $details]; } uasort($streak, function ($a, $b) { $result = count($a) <=> count($b); return $result * -1; }); foreach($streak as $s) { if (count($s) == 2) { return true; } } return false; } function traverseCardsByTwo(Array $cards) { reset($cards); while(key($cards) !== null) { $card1 = current($cards); $card2 = next($cards); yield [$card1, $card2]; } } function getCardsAsString(Array $cards): String { $s = []; foreach ($cards as $card => $details) { $s[] = $card; } return implode(",", $s); } function combineHands(Array $hand1, Array $hand2): Array { foreach ($hand2 as $card => $details) { $hand1[$card] = $details; } return $hand1; } function DetermineHand($board, $player) { $hand = combineHands($board, $player); $taxonomies = [ "Straight Flush" => ["Straight Flush" => 9], "Quads" => ["Quads" => 8], "Full House" => ["Full House" => 7], "Flush" => ["Flush" => 6], "Straight" => ["Straight" => 5], "Trips" => ["Trips" => 4], "Two Pair" => ["Two Pair" => 3], "Pair" => ["Pair" => 2], "High Card" => ["High Card" => 1], ]; $h = sortCardsBySortOrder($hand); if (isStraightFlush($h)) { $h = getLargestSuite($h); $h = array_slice($h, 0, 5); $handResult = ["t" => $taxonomies["Straight Flush"], "h" => $h]; } elseif (isQuads($h)) { $h = groupBySet($h); $h = array_slice($h, 0, 5); $handResult = ["t" => $taxonomies["Quads"], "h" => $h]; } elseif (isFullHouse($h)) { $h = groupBySet($h); $h = array_slice($h, 0, 5); $handResult = ["t" => $taxonomies["Full House"], "h" => $h]; } elseif (isFlush($h)) { $h = getLargestSuite($h); $h = array_slice($h, 0, 5); $handResult = ["t" => $taxonomies["Flush"], "h" => $h]; } elseif (isStraight($h)) { $handResult = ["t" => $taxonomies["Straight"], "h" => $h]; } elseif (isTrips($h)) { $h = groupBySet($h); $h = array_slice($h, 0, 5); $handResult = ["t" => $taxonomies["Trips"], "h" => $h]; } elseif (isTwoPair($h)) { $h = groupBySet($h); $h = array_slice($h, 0, 5); $handResult = ["t" => $taxonomies["Two Pair"], "h" => $h]; } elseif (isPair($h)) { $h = groupBySet($h); $h = array_slice($h, 0, 5); $handResult = ["t" => $taxonomies["Pair"], "h" => $h]; } else { $handResult = ["t" => $taxonomies["High Card"], "h" => $h]; } return $handResult; } function DetermineWinnerByTie($hand1, $hand2) { // hand score is equal to sum of value plus taxonomy $s1 = $s2 = 0; foreach($hand1 as $x) { $s1 += $x['value']; } foreach($hand2 as $x) { $s2 += $x['value']; } return $s1 <=> $s2; } function DetermineWinner($hand1, $hand2) { // hand score is equal to sum of sort order plus taxonomy if (reset($hand1['t']) == reset($hand2['t'])) { $result = DetermineWinnerByTie($hand1['h'], $hand2['h']); } else { $result = reset($hand1['t']) <=> reset($hand2['t']); } return $result; } $cards = [ "AS" => ["sort" => 14, "suite" => "S", "value" => 11], "AC" => ["sort" => 14, "suite" => "C", "value" => 11], "AD" => ["sort" => 14, "suite" => "D", "value" => 11], "AH" => ["sort" => 14, "suite" => "H", "value" => 11], "KS" => ["sort" => 13, "suite" => "S", "value" => 10], "KC" => ["sort" => 13, "suite" => "C", "value" => 10], "KD" => ["sort" => 13, "suite" => "D", "value" => 10], "KH" => ["sort" => 13, "suite" => "H", "value" => 10], "QS" => ["sort" => 12, "suite" => "S", "value" => 10], "QC" => ["sort" => 12, "suite" => "C", "value" => 10], "QD" => ["sort" => 12, "suite" => "D", "value" => 10], "QH" => ["sort" => 12, "suite" => "H", "value" => 10], "JS" => ["sort" => 11, "suite" => "S", "value" => 10], "JC" => ["sort" => 11, "suite" => "C", "value" => 10], "JD" => ["sort" => 11, "suite" => "D", "value" => 10], "JH" => ["sort" => 11, "suite" => "H", "value" => 10], "10S" => ["sort" => 10, "suite" => "S", "value" => 10], "10C" => ["sort" => 10, "suite" => "C", "value" => 10], "10D" => ["sort" => 10, "suite" => "D", "value" => 10], "10H" => ["sort" => 10, "suite" => "H", "value" => 10], "9S" => ["sort" => 9, "suite" => "S", "value" => 9], "9C" => ["sort" => 9, "suite" => "C", "value" => 9], "9D" => ["sort" => 9, "suite" => "D", "value" => 9], "9H" => ["sort" => 9, "suite" => "H", "value" => 9], "8S" => ["sort" => 8, "suite" => "S", "value" => 8], "8C" => ["sort" => 8, "suite" => "C", "value" => 8], "8D" => ["sort" => 8, "suite" => "D", "value" => 8], "8H" => ["sort" => 8, "suite" => "H", "value" => 8], "7S" => ["sort" => 7, "suite" => "S", "value" => 7], "7C" => ["sort" => 7, "suite" => "C", "value" => 7], "7D" => ["sort" => 7, "suite" => "D", "value" => 7], "7H" => ["sort" => 7, "suite" => "H", "value" => 7], "6S" => ["sort" => 6, "suite" => "S", "value" => 6], "6C" => ["sort" => 6, "suite" => "C", "value" => 6], "6D" => ["sort" => 6, "suite" => "D", "value" => 6], "6H" => ["sort" => 6, "suite" => "H", "value" => 6], "5S" => ["sort" => 5, "suite" => "S", "value" => 5], "5C" => ["sort" => 5, "suite" => "C", "value" => 5], "5D" => ["sort" => 5, "suite" => "D", "value" => 5], "5H" => ["sort" => 5, "suite" => "H", "value" => 5], "4S" => ["sort" => 4, "suite" => "S", "value" => 4], "4C" => ["sort" => 4, "suite" => "C", "value" => 4], "4D" => ["sort" => 4, "suite" => "D", "value" => 4], "4H" => ["sort" => 4, "suite" => "H", "value" => 4], "3S" => ["sort" => 3, "suite" => "S", "value" => 3], "3C" => ["sort" => 3, "suite" => "C", "value" => 3], "3D" => ["sort" => 3, "suite" => "D", "value" => 3], "3H" => ["sort" => 3, "suite" => "H", "value" => 3], "2S" => ["sort" => 2, "suite" => "S", "value" => 2], "2C" => ["sort" => 2, "suite" => "C", "value" => 2], "2D" => ["sort" => 2, "suite" => "D", "value" => 2], "2H" => ["sort" => 2, "suite" => "H", "value" => 2], ]; $board = $player1 = $player2 = []; shuffleCards($cards); [$cards, $player1] = dealCards($cards, 2); [$cards, $player2] = dealCards($cards, 2); [$cards, $board] = dealCards($cards, 5); $board1 = combineHands($board, $player1); $board2 = combineHands($board, $player2); $board1 = sortCardsBySortOrder($board1); $b1 = array_slice($board1, 0, 5); $board2 = sortCardsBySortOrder($board2); $b2 = array_slice($board2, 0, 5); echo "Board: ", getCardsAsString($board), "\n"; echo "Player 1: ", getCardsAsString($player1), "\n"; echo "Player 2: ", getCardsAsString($player2), "\n\n"; $hand1 = DetermineHand($player1, $board); $hand2 = DetermineHand($player2, $board); echo "Player 1 has: ", key($hand1['t']), " - ", getCardsAsString($hand1['h']), "\n"; echo "Player 2 has: ", key($hand2['t']), " - ", getCardsAsString($hand2['h']), "\n"; if (($win = DetermineWinner($hand1, $hand2)) == -1) { echo "Player 2 wins!\n"; } elseif ($win == 1) { echo "Player 1 wins!\n"; } else { echo "It's a tie!\n"; }

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