
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $foo = DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations(); foreach ($foo as $bar) { foreach ($bar as $baz) { if ($baz['offset'] === 0) { var_dump($baz); } } }
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(14) "Africa/Abidjan" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(12) "Africa/Accra" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Africa/Bamako" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Africa/Banjul" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Africa/Bissau" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(14) "Africa/Conakry" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(12) "Africa/Dakar" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(15) "Africa/Freetown" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(11) "Africa/Lome" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(15) "Africa/Monrovia" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(17) "Africa/Nouakchott" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(18) "Africa/Ouagadougou" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(15) "Africa/Sao_Tome" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(15) "Africa/Timbuktu" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(20) "America/Danmarkshavn" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(18) "Atlantic/Reykjavik" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(18) "Atlantic/St_Helena" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(7) "Etc/GMT" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Etc/Greenwich" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(14) "Europe/Belfast" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Europe/Dublin" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(16) "Europe/Gibraltar" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(15) "Europe/Guernsey" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(18) "Europe/Isle_of_Man" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Europe/Jersey" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Europe/London" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(2) "GB" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(true) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(17) "Europe/Bratislava" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(true) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Europe/Dublin" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(true) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Europe/Prague" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(7) "Etc/UCT" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Etc/Universal" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(7) "Etc/UTC" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(8) "Etc/Zulu" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(3) "UTC" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(3) "UTC" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(12) "Europe/Paris" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(14) "Africa/Algiers" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(12) "Africa/Ceuta" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(15) "Atlantic/Azores" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(15) "Atlantic/Canary" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(15) "Atlantic/Faeroe" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(14) "Atlantic/Faroe" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(16) "Atlantic/Madeira" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(14) "Europe/Andorra" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(15) "Europe/Brussels" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Europe/Lisbon" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(17) "Europe/Luxembourg" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Europe/Madrid" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> string(13) "Europe/Monaco" } array(3) { ["dst"]=> bool(false) ["offset"]=> int(0) ["timezone_id"]=> NULL }

This tab shows result from various feature-branches currently under review by the php developers. Contact me to have additional branches featured.

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