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<?php abstract class element { /** * * @var string The HTML ID of the field. */ protected $id; /** * @var string The HTML tag to use when printing the element. */ protected $tag; /** * @var boolean Whether to include the indents and new line character when displaying. */ public $format = false; /** * @var array Any associated CSS files. */ public $css = array (); /** * @var array Attributes specific to this element. */ public $attributes = array (); /** * Default element constructor. */ function __construct ($id = false) { $this->id = $id; } /** * Increase the indents to be printed before the source code. * @return void No return value, the function actual prints the HTML to the screen. */ function incIndent () { global $indent; $indent++; } /** * Decrease the indents to be printed before the source code. * @return void No return value, the function actual prints the HTML to the screen. */ function decIndent () { global $indent; $indent--; } /** * Get the current number of indents. * @return int The current number of indents. */ function returnIndent () { global $indent; $r = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++) $r .= " "; return $r; } /** * Get the string containing all the style information. * @return string The style string for the current element. */ protected function returnStyleString () { $result = ''; foreach ($this->css as $att => $val) $result .= $att.':'.$val.';'; if ($result <> '') return ' style="'.$result.'" '; else return ' '; } /** * Get the string containing all the attributes and their values. * @return string The string containing all the various attributes for the current element (excluding STYLE). */ protected function returnAttributeString () { $result = ''; foreach ($this->attributes as $att => $val) { $result .= $att.'="'.$val.'" '; } return $result; } /** * Get the opening tags for the element. * @return string The opening tag for the current element. */ protected function returnStartTag () { if (!isset ($this->tag)) throw new exception ('ERROR: element::tag is not set'); if (isset($this->id)) $id = 'id="'.$this->id.'"'; return sprintf ('<%s %s %s %s>', $this->tag, $id, $this->returnStyleString(), $this->returnAttributeString()); } /** * Get the closing tags for the element. * @return string The closing tags for the current element. */ protected function returnEndTag () { if (!isset ($this->tag)) throw new exception ('ERROR: element::tag is not set'); return sprintf ('</'.$this->tag.'>'); } /** * Display the opening tags for the element. * @return void No return value, the function actual prints the HTML to the screen. */ protected function displayStartTag () { if($this->format) { echo ($this->returnIndent () . $this->returnStartTag () . "\n"); $this->incIndent (); } else echo ($this->returnStartTag ()); } /** * Display the closing tags for the element. * @return void No return value, the function actual prints the HTML to the screen. */ protected function displayEndTag () { if($this->format) { echo ($this->returnIndent () . $this->returnEndTag () . "\n"); $this->decIndent (); } else echo ($this->returnEndTag ()); } /** * Display the element (including style and attributes). * @return void No return value, the function actual prints the HTML to the screen. */ function display () { if ($this->tag == '') throw new exception ('ERROR: element::tag is not set'); echo ($this->returnIndent ()); if($this->format) printf ("<%s%s%s />\n", $this->tag, $this->returnStyleString(), $this->returnAttributeString()); else printf ("<%s%s%s />", $this->tag, $this->returnStyleString(), $this->returnAttributeString()); } } class Text extends element { /** * @var string The text that the element will display. */ var $text; /** * Default constructor for the element. * @param string $text The text to display in the text element. */ function __construct ($text) { $this->text = $text; } /** * Display the text element. * @return void No return value, the function actual prints the HTML to the screen. */ function display () { echo ($this->text); } } abstract class block extends element { /** * @var array The elements that will be contained in the block. */ protected $elements = array (); /** * Add an element to the block. * @param mixed &$element The element to add to the block. * @return void No return value. */ function addElement (&$element, $position = -1) { if (is_a ($element, 'element')) { if(($position != -1) && ($position < count($this->elements))) { for($i = count($this->elements); $i > $position; $i--) $this->elements[$i] = $this->elements[$i-1]; $this->elements[$position] = $element; } else $this->elements[] = $element; } } /** * Display the block. * @return void No return value. */ function display () { $this->displayStartTag (); foreach ($this->elements as $e) $e->display (); $this->displayEndTag (); } } class div extends block { /** * @var string The HTML tag for a div. */ var $tag = 'div'; } $no_towns = new div (); $no_towns->attributes ['id'] = 'no_towns'; $no_towns->addElement ( new text ( "<i>No towns are viewable with your current permissions.</i>" ) ); $no_towns->colspan = 8; $no_towns->attributes ['style'] .= 'width:263px'; $no_towns->displayChanges = false; $no_towns->css ['display'] = 'none';

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