
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_set")) { date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); } function simple() { $a = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) $a++; $thisisanotherlongname = 0; for ($thisisalongname = 0; $thisisalongname < 1000000; $thisisalongname++) $thisisanotherlongname++; } /****/ function simplecall() { for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) strlen("hallo"); } /****/ function hallo($a) { } function simpleucall() { for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) hallo("hallo"); } /****/ function simpleudcall() { for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) hallo2("hallo"); } function hallo2($a) { } /****/ function mandel() { $w1=50; $h1=150; $recen=-.45; $imcen=0.0; $r=0.7; $s=0; $rec=0; $imc=0; $re=0; $im=0; $re2=0; $im2=0; $x=0; $y=0; $w2=0; $h2=0; $color=0; $s=2*$r/$w1; $w2=40; $h2=12; for ($y=0 ; $y<=$w1; $y=$y+1) { $imc=$s*($y-$h2)+$imcen; for ($x=0 ; $x<=$h1; $x=$x+1) { $rec=$s*($x-$w2)+$recen; $re=$rec; $im=$imc; $color=1000; $re2=$re*$re; $im2=$im*$im; while( ((($re2+$im2)<1000000) && $color>0)) { $im=$re*$im*2+$imc; $re=$re2-$im2+$rec; $re2=$re*$re; $im2=$im*$im; $color=$color-1; } if ( $color==0 ) { print "_"; } else { print "#"; } } print "<br>"; flush(); } } /****/ function mandel2() { $b = " .:,;!/>)|&IH%*#"; //float r, i, z, Z, t, c, C; for ($y=30; printf("\n"), $C = $y*0.1 - 1.5, $y--;){ for ($x=0; $c = $x*0.04 - 2, $z=0, $Z=0, $x++ < 75;){ for ($r=$c, $i=$C, $k=0; $t = $z*$z - $Z*$Z + $r, $Z = 2*$z*$Z + $i, $z=$t, $k<5000; $k++) if ($z*$z + $Z*$Z > 500000) break; echo $b[$k%16]; } } } /****/ function Ack($m, $n){ if($m == 0) return $n+1; if($n == 0) return Ack($m-1, 1); return Ack($m - 1, Ack($m, ($n - 1))); } function ackermann($n) { $r = Ack(3,$n); print "Ack(3,$n): $r\n"; } /****/ function ary($n) { for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $X[$i] = $i; } for ($i=$n-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; } $last = $n-1; print "$Y[$last]\n"; } /****/ function ary2($n) { for ($i=0; $i<$n;) { $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; $X[$i] = $i; ++$i; } for ($i=$n-1; $i>=0;) { $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; $Y[$i] = $X[$i]; --$i; } $last = $n-1; print "$Y[$last]\n"; } /****/ function ary3($n) { for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) { $X[$i] = $i + 1; $Y[$i] = 0; } for ($k=0; $k<1000; $k++) { for ($i=$n-1; $i>=0; $i--) { $Y[$i] += $X[$i]; } } $last = $n-1; print "$Y[0] $Y[$last]\n"; } /****/ function fibo_r($n){ return(($n < 2) ? 1 : fibo_r($n - 2) + fibo_r($n - 1)); } function fibo($n) { $r = fibo_r($n); print "$r\n"; } /****/ function hash1($n) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) { $X[dechex($i)] = $i; } $c = 0; for ($i = $n; $i > 0; $i--) { if ($X[dechex($i)]) { $c++; } } print "$c\n"; } /****/ function hash2($n) { for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $hash1["foo_$i"] = $i; $hash2["foo_$i"] = 0; } for ($i = $n; $i > 0; $i--) { foreach($hash1 as $key => $value) $hash2[$key] += $value; } $first = "foo_0"; $last = "foo_".($n-1); print "$hash1[$first] $hash1[$last] $hash2[$first] $hash2[$last]\n"; } /****/ function gen_random ($n) { global $LAST; return( ($n * ($LAST = ($LAST * IA + IC) % IM)) / IM ); } function heapsort_r($n, &$ra) { $l = ($n >> 1) + 1; $ir = $n; while (1) { if ($l > 1) { $rra = $ra[--$l]; } else { $rra = $ra[$ir]; $ra[$ir] = $ra[1]; if (--$ir == 1) { $ra[1] = $rra; return; } } $i = $l; $j = $l << 1; while ($j <= $ir) { if (($j < $ir) && ($ra[$j] < $ra[$j+1])) { $j++; } if ($rra < $ra[$j]) { $ra[$i] = $ra[$j]; $j += ($i = $j); } else { $j = $ir + 1; } } $ra[$i] = $rra; } } function heapsort($N) { global $LAST; define("IM", 139968); define("IA", 3877); define("IC", 29573); $LAST = 42; for ($i=1; $i<=$N; $i++) { $ary[$i] = gen_random(1); } heapsort_r($N, $ary); printf("%.10f\n", $ary[$N]); } /****/ function mkmatrix ($rows, $cols) { $count = 1; $mx = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$rows; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j<$cols; $j++) { $mx[$i][$j] = $count++; } } return($mx); } function mmult ($rows, $cols, $m1, $m2) { $m3 = array(); for ($i=0; $i<$rows; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j<$cols; $j++) { $x = 0; for ($k=0; $k<$cols; $k++) { $x += $m1[$i][$k] * $m2[$k][$j]; } $m3[$i][$j] = $x; } } return($m3); } function matrix($n) { $SIZE = 30; $m1 = mkmatrix($SIZE, $SIZE); $m2 = mkmatrix($SIZE, $SIZE); while ($n--) { $mm = mmult($SIZE, $SIZE, $m1, $m2); } print "{$mm[0][0]} {$mm[2][3]} {$mm[3][2]} {$mm[4][4]}\n"; } /****/ function nestedloop($n) { $x = 0; for ($a=0; $a<$n; $a++) for ($b=0; $b<$n; $b++) for ($c=0; $c<$n; $c++) for ($d=0; $d<$n; $d++) for ($e=0; $e<$n; $e++) for ($f=0; $f<$n; $f++) $x++; print "$x\n"; } /****/ function sieve($n) { $count = 0; while ($n-- > 0) { $count = 0; $flags = range (0,8192); for ($i=2; $i<8193; $i++) { if ($flags[$i] > 0) { for ($k=$i+$i; $k <= 8192; $k+=$i) { $flags[$k] = 0; } $count++; } } } print "Count: $count\n"; } /****/ function strcat($n) { $str = ""; while ($n-- > 0) { $str .= "hello\n"; } $len = strlen($str); print "$len\n"; } /*****/ function getmicrotime() { $t = gettimeofday(); return ($t['sec'] + $t['usec'] / 1000000); } function start_test() { ob_start(); return getmicrotime(); } function end_test($start, $name) { global $total; $end = getmicrotime(); ob_end_clean(); $total += $end-$start; $num = number_format($end-$start,3); $pad = str_repeat(" ", 24-strlen($name)-strlen($num)); echo $name.$pad.$num."\n"; ob_start(); return getmicrotime(); } function total() { global $total; $pad = str_repeat("-", 24); echo $pad."\n"; $num = number_format($total,3); $pad = str_repeat(" ", 24-strlen("Total")-strlen($num)); echo "Total".$pad.$num."\n"; } $t0 = $t = start_test(); simple(); $t = end_test($t, "simple"); simplecall(); $t = end_test($t, "simplecall"); simpleucall(); $t = end_test($t, "simpleucall"); simpleudcall(); $t = end_test($t, "simpleudcall"); mandel(); $t = end_test($t, "mandel"); mandel2(); $t = end_test($t, "mandel2"); ackermann(7); $t = end_test($t, "ackermann(7)"); ary(50000); $t = end_test($t, "ary(50000)"); ary2(50000); $t = end_test($t, "ary2(50000)"); ary3(2000); $t = end_test($t, "ary3(2000)"); fibo(30); $t = end_test($t, "fibo(30)"); hash1(50000); $t = end_test($t, "hash1(50000)"); hash2(500); $t = end_test($t, "hash2(500)"); heapsort(20000); $t = end_test($t, "heapsort(20000)"); matrix(20); $t = end_test($t, "matrix(20)"); nestedloop(12); $t = end_test($t, "nestedloop(12)"); sieve(30); $t = end_test($t, "sieve(30)"); strcat(200000); $t = end_test($t, "strcat(200000)"); total($t0, "Total"); ?>
Output for git.master
simple 0.008 simplecall 0.003 simpleucall 0.012 simpleudcall 0.014 mandel 0.092 mandel2 0.086 ackermann(7) 0.015 ary(50000) 0.003 ary2(50000) 0.002 ary3(2000) 0.027 fibo(30) 0.055 hash1(50000) 0.006 hash2(500) 0.008 heapsort(20000) 0.020 matrix(20) 0.016 nestedloop(12) 0.014 sieve(30) 0.010 strcat(200000) 0.003 ------------------------ Total 0.393
Output for git.master_jit
simple 0.008 simplecall 0.003 simpleucall 0.014 simpleudcall 0.015 mandel 0.092 mandel2 0.079 ackermann(7) 0.015 ary(50000) 0.003 ary2(50000) 0.002 ary3(2000) 0.028 fibo(30) 0.054 hash1(50000) 0.006 hash2(500) 0.007 heapsort(20000) 0.021 matrix(20) 0.016 nestedloop(12) 0.014 sieve(30) 0.010 strcat(200000) 0.003 ------------------------ Total 0.389
Output for rfc.property-hooks
simple 0.007 simplecall 0.003 simpleucall 0.010 simpleudcall 0.009 mandel 0.069 mandel2 0.070 ackermann(7) 0.011 ary(50000) 0.002 ary2(50000) 0.001 ary3(2000) 0.020 fibo(30) 0.043 hash1(50000) 0.004 hash2(500) 0.004 heapsort(20000) 0.015 matrix(20) 0.012 nestedloop(12) 0.017 sieve(30) 0.007 strcat(200000) 0.003 ------------------------ Total 0.307

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