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<?php enum Fruit { case APPLE; case ORANGE; case BANANA; } // Sample data foreach (["APPLE", "PEAR", "ORANGE", "LEMON", "BANANA", "STRAWBERRY"] as $fruit) { // Find matching fruit in all enum cases $fruits = Fruit::cases(); $matchingFruitIndex = array_search($fruit, array_column($fruits, "name")); // If found, eat it if ($matchingFruitIndex !== false) { $matchingFruit = $fruits[$matchingFruitIndex]; eatFruit($matchingFruit); } else { echo $fruit . " is not a valid Fruit\n"; } } function eatFruit(Fruit $fruit): void { if ($fruit === Fruit::APPLE) { echo "An apple a day keeps the doctor away\n"; } elseif ($fruit === Fruit::ORANGE) { echo "When life gives you oranges, make orange juice\n"; } elseif ($fruit === Fruit::BANANA) { echo "Banana for scale\n"; } }
Output for git.master_jit, git.master, rfc.property-hooks
An apple a day keeps the doctor away PEAR is not a valid Fruit When life gives you oranges, make orange juice LEMON is not a valid Fruit Banana for scale STRAWBERRY is not a valid Fruit

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