
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php // run the callback a lot, return average run time in ms function clock(\Closure $callback, $iterations = 100000) { $begin = microtime(true); for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) { $callback(); } $end = microtime(true) - $begin; return ($end / $iterations)*1000; } // nicely show me how long the name ran, and percent increase/decrease over last function report($name, $time) { static $last = null; printf("%-12s: %.8fms", $name, $time); if (null !== $last) { printf(", %.1f%%", (($time - $last)/$last)*100); } echo PHP_EOL; $last = $time; } // fixtures $a = str_repeat('a', 2<<8); class Os { public static function strcmp($a) { strcmp($a, $a); } } class Om { public function strcmp($a) { strcmp($a, $a); } } // do it report('direct call', clock(function () use ($a) { strcmp($a, $a); })); report('static call', clock(function () use ($a) { Os::strcmp($a); })); report('object call', clock(function () use ($a) { $o = new Om(); $o->strcmp($a); })); report('voodoo call', clock(function () use ($a) { $o = unserialize('O:2:"Om":0:{}'); $o->strcmp($a); }));

39.75 ms | 408 KiB | 5 Q