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<?php function to_ascii($text,$encoding="UTF-8") { if (is_string($text)) { // Includes combinations of characters that present as a single glyph $text = preg_replace_callback('/\X/u', __FUNCTION__, $text); } elseif (is_array($text) && count($text) == 1 && is_string($text[0])) { // IGNORE characters that can't be TRANSLITerated to ASCII $text = @iconv($encoding, "ASCII//IGNORE//TRANSLIT", $text[0]); // The documentation says that iconv() returns false on failure but it returns '' if ($text === '' || !is_string($text)) { $text = '?'; } elseif (preg_match('/\w/', $text)) { // If the text contains any letters... $text = preg_replace('/\W+/', '', $text); // ...then remove all non-letters } } else { // $text was not a string $text = ''; } return $text; } function find_similar3($needle,$str,$keep_needle_order=false){ if(!is_string($needle)||!is_string($str)) { return false; } $valid=array(); //get encodings and words from haystack and needle setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 'en_GB.UTF8'); $encoding_s=mb_detect_encoding($str); $encoding_n=mb_detect_encoding($needle); mb_regex_encoding ($encoding_n); $pneed=array_filter(mb_split('\W',$needle)); mb_regex_encoding ($encoding_s); $pstr=array_filter(mb_split('\W',$str)); foreach($pneed as $k=>$word)//loop trough needle's words { foreach($pstr as $key=>$w) { if($encoding_n!==$encoding_s) {//if $encodings are not the same make some transliteration $tmp_word=($encoding_n!=='ASCII')?to_ascii($word,$encoding_n):$word; $tmp_w=($encoding_s!=='ASCII')?to_ascii($w,$encoding_s):$w; }else { $tmp_word=$word; $tmp_w=$w; } $tmp[$tmp_w]=levenshtein($tmp_w,$tmp_word);//collect levenshtein distances $keys[$tmp_w]=array($key,$w); } $nominees=array_flip(array_keys($tmp,min($tmp)));//get the nominees $tmp=10000; foreach($nominees as $nominee=>$idx) {//test sound like to get more precision $idx=levenshtein(metaphone($nominee),metaphone($tmp_word)); if($idx<$tmp){ $answer=$nominee;//get the winner } unset($nominees[$nominee]); } if(!$keep_needle_order){ $valid[$keys[$answer][0]]=$keys[$answer][1];//get the right form of the winner } else{ $valid[$k]=$keys[$answer][1]; } $tmp=$nominees=array();//clean a little for the next iteration } if(!$keep_needle_order) { ksort($valid); } $valid=array_values($valid);//get only the values /*return the array of the closest value to the needle according to this algorithm of course*/ return $valid; } var_dump(find_similar3('i knew you love me','finally i know you loved me and all my pets')); var_dump(find_similar3('I you love','This is a demo text and I love you about this')); var_dump(find_similar3('a unik idia','I have a unique idea. Do you need?')); var_dump(find_similar3("Goebel, Weiss, Goethe, Goethe und Goetz",'Weiß, Goldmann, Göbel, Weiss, Göthe, Goethe und Götz')); var_dump(find_similar3('Ḽơᶉëᶆ ȋṕšᶙṁ ḍỡḽǭᵳ ʂǐť ӓṁệẗ, ĉṓɲṩḙċťᶒțûɾ ấɖḯƥĭṩčįɳġ ḝłįʈ', 'Ḽơᶉëᶆ ȋṕšᶙṁ ḍỡḽǭᵳ ʂǐť ӓṁệẗ, ĉṓɲṩḙċťᶒțûɾ ấɖḯƥĭṩčįɳġ ḝłįʈ, șếᶑ ᶁⱺ ẽḭŭŝḿꝋď ṫĕᶆᶈṓɍ ỉñḉīḑȋᵭṵńť ṷŧ ḹẩḇőꝛế éȶ đꝍꞎôꝛȇ ᵯáꞡᶇā ąⱡîɋṹẵ.'));

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