
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $a = [ // \h 0x0009 => 'horizontal tab', 0x0020 => 'space', 0x00a0 => 'nbsp', // \v 0x000a => 'LF', 0x000b => 'vertical tab', 0x000c => 'form feed', 0x000d => 'CR' ]; echo "hex\tdec\tdesc\tchr\tchr.utf8\n"; foreach($a as $code => $desc) { printf("%X\t%d\t%s: '%s'-'%s'\n", $code, $code, $desc, chr($code), utf8_encode(chr($code))); }
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
hex dec desc chr chr.utf8 Deprecated: Function utf8_encode() is deprecated in /in/MATQg on line 18 9 9 horizontal tab: ' '-' ' Deprecated: Function utf8_encode() is deprecated in /in/MATQg on line 18 20 32 space: ' '-' ' Deprecated: Function utf8_encode() is deprecated in /in/MATQg on line 18 A0 160 nbsp: '�'-' ' Deprecated: Function utf8_encode() is deprecated in /in/MATQg on line 18 A 10 LF: ' '-' ' Deprecated: Function utf8_encode() is deprecated in /in/MATQg on line 18 B 11 vertical tab: ' '-' ' Deprecated: Function utf8_encode() is deprecated in /in/MATQg on line 18 C 12 form feed: ' '-' ' Deprecated: Function utf8_encode() is deprecated in /in/MATQg on line 18 D 13 CR: ' '-' '

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