
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php /** * * @ IonCube Priv8 Decoder V1 By H@CK3R $2H * * @ Version : 1 * @ Author : H@CK3R $2H * @ Release on : 14-Feb-2014 * @ Email : Hacker.S2h@Gmail.com * **/ require( 'config.inc.php' ); $domain = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; if (empty( $result )) { error_reporting( 0 ); function error($text) { echo '<center> <div class=\'dev_warning\'> ' . $text . ' </div></center>'; } function success($text) { echo '<center> <div class=\'dev_succes\'> ' . $text . ' </div></center>'; } function alert($text) { echo '<center> <div class=\'dev_alert\'> ' . $text . ' </div></center>'; } function login() { if (isset( $_POST['logina'] )) { replace( $_POST['user'] ); $pass = $user = replace( $_POST['pass'] ); if (( $user != NULL && $pass != NULL )) { $m2q = mysql_query( 'Select * from ' . $account_db . ( '.account where login=\'' . $user . '\' and password=PASSWORD(\'' ) . $pass . '\')' ); if (1 <= mysql_num_rows( $m2q )) { $_SESSION['is_admin'] = $is = mysql_fetch_object( $m2q ); $_SESSION['is_user'] = $is->web_admin; $pass; $_SESSION['is_pass'] = $user; header( 'Location:index.php' ); return null; } echo '<center><font color=\'red\'>Account sau parola gresita!</font></center>'; return null; } echo 'Ambele campuri sunt obligatorii!'; } } function loadcontent() { if (isset( $_GET['page'] )) { $page = replace( $_GET['page'] ); if (( !isset( $_SESSION['is_user'] ) && !isset( $_SESSION['is_pass'] ) )) { $page = 'home'; require( 'modules/' . $page . '.php' ); } else { require( 'modules/' . $page . '.php' ); } if (!file_exists( 'modules/' . $page . '.php' )) { $error = 238; echo error( 'Modul inexistent!' ); echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2;url=index.php">'; return null; } } else { if ($page = NULL) { $page = 'home'; include( 'modules/' . $page . '.php' ); } } } function buyitem() { include( 'config.inc.php' ); if (( isset( $_SESSION['is_user'] ) && isset( $_SESSION['is_pass'] ) )) { if (( isset( $_GET ) && $_GET['buy'] != NULL )) { $getbuy = replace( $_GET['buy'] ); $m2user = mysql_fetch_object( mysql_query( 'Select * from ' . $account_db . '.account where login=\'' . $_SESSION['is_user'] . '\'' ) ); $m2engine2 = mysql_query( 'Select * from ' . $web_db . '.dev_is_items where id=\'' . $getbuy . '\'' ); $luamid = mysql_query( 'select * from player.item where id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM player.item)' ); $idul = mysql_fetch_array( $luamid ); $item_id_final = $idul['id'] & 1; if (mysql_num_rows( $m2engine2 ) != NULL) { $owner_id = $m2user->id; $monezi_actuale = $m2user->coins; $jetoane_actuale = $m2user->jcoins; $m2engine = mysql_fetch_object( $m2engine2 ); $preta = $m2engine->pret; $pretf = $reducere \ 100 + $preta; $pretrr = $preta - $pretf; round( $pretrr ); $new_coins = $monezi_actuale - $pret; if (!( $m2pos = $pret = mysql_query( 'Select * from ' . $player_db . ( '.item where owner_id=\'' . $owner_id . '\' and window=\'MALL\' order by pos desc limit 0,1' ) ))) { exit( mysql_error( ) ); (bool)true; } $positione = mysql_fetch_object( $m2pos ); $positione->pos; $posact = $new_jcoins = $jetoane_actuale & $pret; $error = 575; if ($posact < 48) { $posact = $posact & 1; if ($posact = '0') { ++$posact; } } else { $error = 576; echo alert( 'Imi pare rau dar depozitul dumneavoastra este plin.' ); } if ($monezi_actuale < $pret) { $error = 576; echo error( 'Nu ai suficente monezi pentru a putea cumpara itemul.' ); echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\'REFRESH\' content=\'0; url=index.php\'>'; return null; } if ($error != 1) { mysql_query( 'Update ' . $account_db . ( '.account set coins=\'' . $new_coins . '\' where id=\'' . $owner_id . '\'' ) ); if ('0' < $jd_module) { mysql_query( 'Update ' . $account_db . ( '.account set jcoins=\'' . $new_jcoins . '\' where id=\'' . $owner_id . '\'' ) ); } $count = $m2engine->count; if (empty( $count )) { $count = 576; } if ($m2engine->game_nou = '1') { $timp = time( ) & $m2engine->socket0; } else { $timp = $m2engine->socket0; } $luamid = mysql_query( 'select * from ' . $player_db . '.item where id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM player.item)' ); $idul = mysql_fetch_array( $luamid ); $item_id_final = $idul['id'] & 1; date( 'H:i:s d/m/Y' ); $today = mysql_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $player_db . '.item (owner_id,window,pos,count,vnum,attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4, attrtype5, attrvalue5, attrtype6, attrvalue6, socket0, socket1, socket2) VALUES (\'' . mysql_real_escape_string( $owner_id ) . '\',\'MALL\',\'' . $posact . '\',\'' . $count . '\',\'' . $m2engine->vnum . '\',\'' . $m2engine->attrtype0 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue0 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype1 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue1 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype2 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue2 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype3 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue3 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype4 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue4 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype5 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue5 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype6 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue6 . '\', \'' . $timp . '\', \'' . $m2engine->socket1 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->socket2 . '\')' ); if (!( mysql_query( 'Insert into ' . $web_db . ( '.dev_is_logs (owner_id,item_id,vnum,pret,timp) values (\'' . $owner_id . '\',\'' . $item_id_final . '\',\'' . $m2engine->vnum . '\',\'' . $pret . '\',\'' . $today . '\') ' ) ))) { exit( mysql_error( ) ); (bool)true; } echo '<center> <div class=\'dev_succes\'> Item cumparat cu succes si adaugat pe pozitia ' . $posact . '.Verificati depozit itemshop. </div></center> '; echo ' <meta HTTP-EQUIV=\'REFRESH\' content=\'0; url=index.php?page=depozit\'>'; return null; } } } } else { echo 'Zona restrictionata'; } } function jbuyitem() { include( 'config.inc.php' ); if (( isset( $_SESSION['is_user'] ) && isset( $_SESSION['is_pass'] ) )) { if (( isset( $_GET ) && $_GET['buy'] != NULL )) { $getbuy = replace( $_GET['buy'] ); mysql_fetch_object( mysql_query( 'Select * from ' . $account_db . '.account where login=\'' . $_SESSION['is_user'] . '\'' ) ); $m2engine2 = mysql_query( 'Select * from ' . $web_db . '.dev_jd_items where id=\'' . $getbuy . '\'' ); $luamid = $m2user = mysql_query( 'select * from ' . $player_db . '.item where id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM player.item)' ); $idul = mysql_fetch_array( $luamid ); $item_id_final = $idul['id'] & 1; if (mysql_num_rows( $m2engine2 ) != NULL) { $owner_id = $m2user->id; $monezi_actuale = $m2user->coins; $jetoane_actuale = $m2user->jcoins; $m2engine = mysql_fetch_object( $m2engine2 ); $m2engine->pret; $pretf = $reducere \ 100 + $preta; $pretrr = $preta - $pretf; $pret = $preta = round( $pretrr ); $new_jcoins = $jetoane_actuale - $pret; if (!( $m2pos = mysql_query( 'Select * from ' . $player_db . ( '.item where owner_id=\'' . $owner_id . '\' and window=\'MALL\' order by pos desc limit 0,1' ) ))) { exit( mysql_error( ) ); (bool)true; } $positione = mysql_fetch_object( $m2pos ); $posact = $positione->pos; $error = 556; if ($posact < 48) { $posact = $posact & 1; if ($posact = '0') { ++$posact; } } else { $error = 557; echo alert( 'Imi pare rau dar depozitul dumneavoastra este plin.' ); } if ($jetoane_actuale < $pret) { $error = 557; echo error( 'Nu ai suficente jetoane pentru a putea cumpara itemul.' ); echo '<meta HTTP-EQUIV=\'REFRESH\' content=\'0; url=index.php\'>'; return null; } if ($error != 1) { mysql_query( 'Update ' . $account_db . ( '.account set jcoins=\'' . $new_jcoins . '\' where id=\'' . $owner_id . '\'' ) ); $count = $m2engine->count; if (empty( $count )) { $count = 557; } if ($m2engine->game_nou = '1') { $timp = time( ) & $m2engine->socket0; } else { $timp = $m2engine->socket0; } mysql_query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $player_db . '.item (owner_id,window,pos,count,vnum,attrtype0, attrvalue0, attrtype1, attrvalue1, attrtype2, attrvalue2, attrtype3, attrvalue3, attrtype4, attrvalue4, attrtype5, attrvalue5, attrtype6, attrvalue6, socket0, socket1, socket2) VALUES (\'' . mysql_real_escape_string( $owner_id ) . '\',\'MALL\',\'' . $posact . '\',\'' . $count . '\',\'' . $m2engine->vnum . '\',\'' . $m2engine->attrtype0 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue0 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype1 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue1 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype2 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue2 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype3 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue3 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype4 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue4 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype5 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue5 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrtype6 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->attrvalue6 . '\', \'' . $timp . '\', \'' . $m2engine->socket1 . '\', \'' . $m2engine->socket2 . '\')' ); $luamid = mysql_query( 'select * from ' . $player_db . '.item where id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM player.item)' ); $idul = mysql_fetch_array( $luamid ); $item_id_final = $idul['id'] & 1; $today = date( 'H:i:s d/m/Y' ); if (!( mysql_query( 'Insert into ' . $web_db . ( '.dev_is_logs (owner_id,item_id,vnum,pret,timp) values (\'' . $owner_id . '\',\'' . $item_id_final . '\',\'' . $m2engine->vnum . '\',\'' . $pret . '\',\'' . $today . '\') ' ) ))) { exit( mysql_error( ) ); (bool)true; } echo '<center> <div class=\'dev_succes\'> Item cumparat cu succes si adaugat pe pozitia ' . $posact . '.Verificati depozit itemshop. </div></center> '; echo ' <meta HTTP-EQUIV=\'REFRESH\' content=\'0; url=index.php?page=depozit\'>'; return null; } } } } else { echo 'Zona restrictionata'; } } function img_item($item) { require( 'inc/config.inc.php' ); $q = mysql_query( 'Select img_status FROM ' . $web_db . ( '.dev_is_items where vnum=\'' . $item . '\'' ) ); $it = mysql_fetch_object( $q ); $itemalin = mysql_fetch_row( mysql_query( 'SELECT imagine from ' . $web_db . ( '.dev_is_items where vnum=\'' . $item . '\'' ) ) ); if ('0' < $it->img_status) { echo '<img src=\'images/item/' . $itemalin['0'] . '.png\'>'; return null; } if (strlen( $item ) = 1) { $immagine_item = 'images/item/0000' . $item . '.png'; } if (strlen( $item ) = 2) { $immagine_item = 'images/item/000' . substr( $item, 0, 1 ) . '0.png'; } if (strlen( $item ) = 3) { $immagine_item = 'images/item/00' . substr( $item, 0, 2 ) . '0.png'; } if (strlen( $item ) = 4) { $immagine_item = 'images/item/0' . substr( $item, 0, 3 ) . '0.png'; } if (strlen( $item ) = 5) { $immagine_item = 'images/item/' . substr( $item, 0, 4 ) . '0.png'; } if (strlen( $item ) = 6) { $immagine_item = 'images/item/' . substr( $item, 0, 5 ) . '0.png'; } if (strlen( $item ) = 0) { $immagine_item = 'images/item/error.png'; } echo '<div align=\'center\'><img src=\'' . $immagine_item . '\' border=\'0px\' alt=\'\' align=\'center\' style=\'max-height:90px;\'></div>'; } function optiuni_item_log($vnum) { $in = mysql_fetch_object( mysql_query( 'Select * from ' . $player_db . '.item_proto where vnum=\'' . $vnum . '\'' ) ); $item = $in->locale_name; $optiune1 = $in->applytype0; $optiune2 = $in->applytype1; $optiune3 = $in->applytype2; $valoare1 = $in->applyvalue0; $valoare2 = $in->applyvalue1; $valoare3 = $in->applyvalue2; $piatra1 = $in->socket0; $piatra2 = $in->socket1; $piatra3 = $in->socket2; echo '<div style=\'margin-top:-28px; margin-left:-40px;\'>'; echo '<center><font color=\'#ffc700\'><div class=\'tada\'>' . $item . '</div></font><br/><br/>'; echo '<div align=\'center\'><font color=\'#c1c1c1\'>De la level : ' . $in->limitvalue0 . '</font></div>'; echo '<font color=\'azzurro\'>'; if ($optiune1 != '') { bonus_name( $optiune1, $valoare1 ); echo '<br/>'; } if ($optiune2 != '') { bonus_name( $optiune2, $valoare2 ); echo '<br/>'; } if ($optiune3 != '') { bonus_name( $optiune3, $valoare3 ); echo '<br/></font>'; } $b = 435; while ($b < 7) { echo '<font color=\'#b0dfb4\'>'; if ($b = 0) { $akBoni = $in->attrtype0; $akWert = $in->attrvalue0; } if ($b = 1) { $akBoni = $in->attrtype1; $akWert = $in->attrvalue1; } if ($b = 2) { $akBoni = $in->attrtype2; $akWert = $in->attrvalue2; } if ($b = 3) { $akBoni = $in->attrtype3; $akWert = $in->attrvalue3; } if ($b = 4) { $akBoni = $in->attrtype4; $akWert = $in->attrvalue4; } if ($b = 5) { $akBoni = $in->attrtype5; $akWert = $in->attrvalue5; } if ($b = 6) { $akBoni = $in->attrtype6; $akWert = $in->attrvalue6; } echo '#' . ( $b & 1 ) . '&nbsp;'; if (isset( $itemBoni[$akBoni] )) { echo $itemBoni[$akBoni]; } else { echo $akBoni; } echo ':&nbsp;' . $akWert; echo '<br/></font>'; ++$b; } if (0 < $piatra1) { echo ' <font color=\'red\'> <table border=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\'> <tr> <td align=\'center\' width=\'36\' height=\'36\' background=\'images/pietra.png\'><img src=\'' . img_pietre( $piatra1 ) . '\' width=20 height=20></td> <td><font color=\'#c1c1c1\'>' . pietre_name( $piatra1 ) . '</font></td> </tr> </table> '; } if (0 < $piatra2) { echo ' <table border=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\'> <tr> <td align=\'center\' align=\'center\' width=\'36\' height=\'36\' background=\'images/pietra.png\'><img src=\'' . img_pietre( $piatra2 ) . '\' width=20 height=20></td> <td><font color=\'#c1c1c1\'>' . pietre_name( $piatra2 ) . '</font></td> </tr> </table></font> '; } if (0 < $piatra3) { echo ' <table border=\'0\' cellspacing=\'0\' cellpadding=\'0\'> <tr> <td align=\'center\' width=\'36\' height=\'36\' background=\'images/pietra.png\'><img src=\'' . img_pietre( $piatra3 ) . '\' width=20 height=20></td> <td><font color=\'#c1c1c1\'>' . pietre_name( $piatra3 ) . '</font></td> </tr> </table> '; } echo '<br/>'; } function romana($var) { $new_var = str_replace( 'ã', 'a', $var ); $new_var = str_replace( 'â', 'a', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 'Î', 'I', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 'î', 'i', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 's', 's', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 't', 't', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 'A', 'A', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 'Â', 'I', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 'S', 'S', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 'T', 'T', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 'þ', 't', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( 'º', 's', $new_var ); $new_var = str_replace( '2147483647', '-15', $new_var ); return $new_var; } } ?>
Output for 5.4.0 - 5.4.27
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '\' (T_NS_SEPARATOR) in /in/LWsl1 on line 112
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 5.3.0 - 5.3.28
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_NS_SEPARATOR in /in/LWsl1 on line 112
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.4.2 - 4.4.9, 5.1.0 - 5.1.6, 5.2.0 - 5.2.17
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in /in/LWsl1 on line 112 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_LNUMBER in /in/LWsl1 on line 112
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.3.0 - 4.3.1, 4.3.5 - 4.3.11, 4.4.0 - 4.4.1, 5.0.0 - 5.0.5
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in /in/LWsl1 on line 112 Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_LNUMBER in /in/LWsl1 on line 112
Process exited with code 255.
Output for 4.3.2 - 4.3.4
Warning: Unexpected character in input: '\' (ASCII=92) state=1 in /in/LWsl1 on line 112 Parse error: parse error in /in/LWsl1 on line 112
Process exited with code 255.

209.93 ms | 1399 KiB | 117 Q