
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $a = null; $a ??= true; $a = [ ['a' => true, 'b' => true], ['a' => false, 'b' => true], ['a' => true, 'b' => true], ['a' => false, 'b' => true] ]; $a = 1; $a += 2 + 3; $a = null; var_dump((string) $a['test']['b']);
Output for 8.3.0 - 8.3.11
Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /in/KmSrM on line 19 Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /in/KmSrM on line 19 string(0) ""
Output for 8.1.0 - 8.1.29, 8.2.0 - 8.2.23
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /in/KmSrM on line 19 Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /in/KmSrM on line 19 string(0) ""

45.41 ms | 407 KiB | 5 Q