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<?php function getCryptedPassword($plaintext, $salt = '', $encryption = 'crypt-blowfish', $show_encrypt = false) { // mimic the getSalt function so we can use it in the example. if ($salt) { $salt = substr(preg_replace('|^{crypt}|i', '', $salt), 0, 16); } else { if (function_exists('random_bytes')) { $salt = '$2$' . substr(md5(random_bytes(16)), 0, 12) . '$'; } else { // Fake the salt result (a previously generated salt using https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat ) $salt = '$2$9936b047ea8b$'; } } // Encrypt the password. switch ($encryption) { case 'plain': return $plaintext; case 'sha': $encrypted = base64_encode(mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $plaintext)); return ($show_encrypt) ? '{SHA}' . $encrypted : $encrypted; case 'crypt': case 'crypt-des': case 'crypt-md5': case 'crypt-blowfish': return ($show_encrypt ? '{crypt}' : '') . crypt($plaintext, $salt); case 'md5-hex': default: $encrypted = ($salt) ? md5($plaintext . $salt) : md5($plaintext); return ($show_encrypt) ? '{MD5}' . $encrypted : $encrypted; } } $plaintext = 'mySuperSecretPassword'; if (function_exists('random_bytes')) { $salt = '$2$' . substr(md5(random_bytes(16)), 0, 12) . '$'; //$salt = '$2y$09$anexampl$'; } else { // Fake the salt result (a randomly created salt using https://github.com/paragonie/random_compat ) // $salt = '$2$9936b047ea8b$'; $salt = '$2y$09$anexampl$'; } echo 'salt length = ' . strlen($salt) . "\n"; echo strlen(crypt($plaintext, $salt)) . "\n"; echo crypt('U*U', '$2a$CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.E5YPO9kmyuRGyh0XouQYb4YMJKvyOeW') . "\n"; echo crypt($plaintext, $salt) . "\n"; echo strlen(getCryptedPassword($plaintext, $salt, 'crypt-blowfish')) . "\n"; echo getCryptedPassword($plaintext, $salt, 'crypt-blowfish');

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