
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php var_dump((DOM\HTMLDocument::createEmpty())->relaxNgValidateSource("<p><a href=\"/foo\">Text here</p>"));
Output for git.master, git.master_jit
Warning: Dom\Document::relaxNgValidateSource(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Opening and ending tag mismatch: a line 1 and p in /in/IhHj3 on line 3 Warning: Dom\Document::relaxNgValidateSource(): <p><a href="/foo">Text here</p> in /in/IhHj3 on line 3 Warning: Dom\Document::relaxNgValidateSource(): ^ in /in/IhHj3 on line 3 Warning: Dom\Document::relaxNgValidateSource(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Premature end of data in tag p line 1 in /in/IhHj3 on line 3 Warning: Dom\Document::relaxNgValidateSource(): <p><a href="/foo">Text here</p> in /in/IhHj3 on line 3 Warning: Dom\Document::relaxNgValidateSource(): ^ in /in/IhHj3 on line 3 Warning: Dom\Document::relaxNgValidateSource(): xmlRelaxNGParse: could not parse schemas in /in/IhHj3 on line 3 Warning: Dom\Document::relaxNgValidateSource(): Invalid RelaxNG in /in/IhHj3 on line 3 bool(false)

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