
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $start = microtime( true ); $fp = fopen('', 'r' ); $open = microtime( true ); stream_set_blocking( $fp, 1 ); $block = microtime( true ); $data = fread( $fp, 2048 ); $read = microtime( true ); // the time taken to open the url echo "Open: " . ($open-$start) . "\n"; // the time taken to set the stream to blocking echo "Block: " . ($block-$open) . "\n"; // the time taken to read from the the stream echo "Read: " . ($read-$block) . "\n"; // the amount of data read echo "Data Read: " . strlen( $data ) . "\n";
Output for 7.2.0
Open: 1.1920928955078E-5 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.1.7
Open: 5.9604644775391E-6 Block: 4.0531158447266E-6 Read: 0 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.1.6
Open: 1.2874603271484E-5 Block: 8.1062316894531E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.1.5
Open: 1.3113021850586E-5 Block: 6.9141387939453E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.5.25, 5.5.27, 7.1.0
Open: 7.8678131103516E-6 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.0.20
Open: 8.1062316894531E-6 Block: 3.814697265625E-6 Read: 1.1920928955078E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.0.14
Open: 6.9141387939453E-6 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.0.6
Open: 5.0067901611328E-6 Block: 1.1920928955078E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.0.5
Open: 7.1525573730469E-6 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.0.4
Open: 5.9604644775391E-6 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.0.3
Open: 5.9604644775391E-6 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 0 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.0.2
Open: 7.8678131103516E-6 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 0 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.0.1
Open: 8.1062316894531E-6 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 7.0.0
Open: 9.0599060058594E-6 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.6.28
Open: 9.7751617431641E-6 Block: 1.1920928955078E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.23, 5.6.21
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.11, 5.6.20
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.21, 5.6.15, 5.6.19
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.32, 5.5.29, 5.6.18
Open: 9.0599060058594E-6 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.6.17
Open: 6.9141387939453E-6 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 1.1920928955078E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.6.11, 5.6.16
Open: 8.8214874267578E-6 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.6.14
Open: 6.1988830566406E-6 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.6.13
Open: 9.0599060058594E-6 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 1.1920928955078E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.31, 5.6.12
Open: 9.0599060058594E-6 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.6.10
Open: 9.0599060058594E-6 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.6.9
Open: 8.8214874267578E-6 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.3, 5.4.6, 5.4.16, 5.5.34, 5.6.8
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.5.28, 5.5.35
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.8, 5.4.26, 5.5.33
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.5.32
Open: 7.8678131103516E-6 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.5.31
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 1.1920928955078E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.5.30
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 1.1920928955078E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.5.26
Open: 5.9604644775391E-6 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.5.24
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 9.5367431640625E-7 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.45
Open: 1.7881393432617E-5 Block: 4.0531158447266E-6 Read: 3.0994415283203E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.44
Open: 1.9073486328125E-5 Block: 5.0067901611328E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.43
Open: 2.0980834960938E-5 Block: 5.0067901611328E-6 Read: 3.814697265625E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.42
Open: 1.7166137695312E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 3.0994415283203E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.41
Open: 1.1920928955078E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.40
Open: 1.4066696166992E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 2.6941299438477E-5 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.39
Open: 1.5974044799805E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 3.0994415283203E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.38
Open: 1.5020370483398E-5 Block: 4.0531158447266E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.15, 5.4.37
Open: 1.5974044799805E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.36
Open: 1.4066696166992E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.35
Open: 1.4066696166992E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.34
Open: 1.3828277587891E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.30
Open: 1.3113021850586E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.29
Open: 1.3113021850586E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.28
Open: 1.1920928955078E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.27
Open: 9.0599060058594E-6 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.25
Open: 1.215934753418E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.9, 5.4.24
Open: 1.3113021850586E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.22
Open: 1.215934753418E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.20
Open: 1.2874603271484E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.19
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.18
Open: 1.3113021850586E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.17
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.15
Open: 9.7751617431641E-6 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.14
Open: 1.3828277587891E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.13
Open: 1.3113021850586E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 1.1920928955078E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.12
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 1.1920928955078E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.10
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 1.1920928955078E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.7
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.5
Open: 1.5020370483398E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.4
Open: 1.1205673217773E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.17, 5.3.18, 5.4.2
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.4.1
Open: 1.5020370483398E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.4, 5.4.0
Open: 1.1920928955078E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.29
Open: 9.0599060058594E-6 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 5.0067901611328E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.16, 5.3.28
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 4.0531158447266E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.27
Open: 3.8862228393555E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 5.0067901611328E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.26
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 4.0531158447266E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.25
Open: 1.5020370483398E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 1.0967254638672E-5 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.3, 5.3.24
Open: 1.2874603271484E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 5.0067901611328E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.23
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 4.0531158447266E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.22
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 3.0994415283203E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.13, 5.3.17, 5.3.21
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 4.0531158447266E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.20
Open: 1.8119812011719E-5 Block: 3.814697265625E-6 Read: 7.1525573730469E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.19
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 3.814697265625E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.2, 5.3.15
Open: 1.0013580322266E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 3.814697265625E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.14
Open: 1.4066696166992E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 5.9604644775391E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.12
Open: 1.4066696166992E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 5.0067901611328E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.11
Open: 1.2874603271484E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 4.0531158447266E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.10
Open: 1.5974044799805E-5 Block: 4.0531158447266E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.9
Open: 1.4781951904297E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.8
Open: 1.3113021850586E-5 Block: 3.814697265625E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.7
Open: 1.7166137695312E-5 Block: 4.7683715820312E-6 Read: 3.0994415283203E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.6
Open: 1.7881393432617E-5 Block: 4.0531158447266E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.5
Open: 1.2874603271484E-5 Block: 2.1457672119141E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.1
Open: 1.5020370483398E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.3.0
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.16
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.14
Open: 2.5033950805664E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.13
Open: 1.4066696166992E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 1.9073486328125E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.12
Open: 1.1205673217773E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 2.1457672119141E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.11
Open: 1.6927719116211E-5 Block: 4.0531158447266E-6 Read: 5.9604644775391E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.10
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 2.8610229492188E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.9
Open: 1.5020370483398E-5 Block: 4.0531158447266E-6 Read: 5.9604644775391E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.8
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 4.0531158447266E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.7
Open: 1.0967254638672E-5 Block: 1.9073486328125E-6 Read: 4.0531158447266E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.6
Open: 1.1205673217773E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 9.5367431640625E-7 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.5
Open: 1.7881393432617E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 3.0994415283203E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.4
Open: 1.215934753418E-5 Block: 2.8610229492188E-6 Read: 1.1920928955078E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.3
Open: 1.7881393432617E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 5.9604644775391E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.2
Open: 1.4066696166992E-5 Block: 3.0994415283203E-6 Read: 3.814697265625E-6 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.1
Open: 1.3113021850586E-05 Block: 2.8610229492188E-06 Read: 3.0994415283203E-06 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.2.0
Open: 1.2874603271484E-05 Block: 2.1457672119141E-06 Read: 3.814697265625E-06 Data Read: 68
Output for 5.1.6
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 5.5074691772461E-05 Block: 6.9141387939453E-06 Read: 0.00010299682617188 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.1.5
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 8.392333984375E-05 Block: 7.1525573730469E-06 Read: 5.0067901611328E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.1.3 - 5.1.4
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 6.1988830566406E-05 Block: 6.9141387939453E-06 Read: 4.0531158447266E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.1.2
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.00010299682617188 Block: 3.0040740966797E-05 Read: 2.0027160644531E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.1.1
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 9.4890594482422E-05 Block: 2.0980834960938E-05 Read: 1.1920928955078E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.1.0
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.00016903877258301 Block: 2.0980834960938E-05 Read: 1.1920928955078E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.0.5
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.00010895729064941 Block: 2.2172927856445E-05 Read: 1.1920928955078E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.0.4
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.00012087821960449 Block: 2.8133392333984E-05 Read: 1.6927719116211E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.0.3
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.0001060962677002 Block: 2.7894973754883E-05 Read: 1.8119812011719E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.0.2
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 5.4121017456055E-05 Block: 6.9141387939453E-06 Read: 5.0067901611328E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.0.1
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 5.6982040405273E-05 Block: 7.1525573730469E-06 Read: 5.0067901611328E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 5.0.0
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 5.2928924560547E-05 Block: 8.1062316894531E-06 Read: 4.0531158447266E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.9
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.00012 Block: 2.1E-05 Read: 1.3E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.8
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.000104 Block: 2.9E-05 Read: 1.5E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.7
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 8E-05 Block: 8E-06 Read: 5E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.6
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 6.2E-05 Block: 8E-06 Read: 4E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.5
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 6.6E-05 Block: 7E-06 Read: 4E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.4
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.000123 Block: 2E-05 Read: 1.3E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.3
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 7.7E-05 Block: 8E-06 Read: 5E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.2
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 6.8E-05 Block: 7E-06 Read: 6E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.1
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.00014 Block: 3.1E-05 Read: 2.1E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.4.0
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.000124 Block: 2.2E-05 Read: 1.3E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.11
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 7.6E-05 Block: 8E-06 Read: 5E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.10
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.000166 Block: 3.4E-05 Read: 5.4E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.9
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 6.5E-05 Block: 9E-06 Read: 5E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.8
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.000113 Block: 2.2E-05 Read: 1.5E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.7
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.000116 Block: 3.2E-05 Read: 2.6E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.6
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.000147 Block: 3.3E-05 Read: 2.2E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.5
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.000137 Block: 2.6E-05 Read: 2.2E-05 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.4
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 7.8E-05 Block: 9E-06 Read: 6E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.3
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 6.6E-05 Block: 9E-06 Read: 5E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.2
Warning: fopen(): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 9.7E-05 Block: 1.4E-05 Read: 9E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.1
Warning: fopen() [http://www.php.net/function.fopen]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 8.5E-05 Block: 1E-05 Read: 5E-06 Data Read: 0
Output for 4.3.0
Warning: fopen() [http://www.php.net/function.fopen]: failed to create stream: No such file or directory in /in/HAPLq on line 4 Warning: stream_set_blocking(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 7 Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /in/HAPLq on line 10 Open: 0.00013399999999997 Block: 1.8000000000018E-05 Read: 1.2000000000012E-05 Data Read: 0

163.41 ms | 402 KiB | 174 Q