
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php $result2 = '{ "wg0": { "privateKey": "[hidden]", "publicKey": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "listenPort": 0, "peers": { "B3GtLuabWguXoG2Tz8KVukPXx3twn7A+X/SVT8=": { "endpoint": "", "latestHandshake": "Oct 28, 2020 1:58:32 UTC", "transferRx": "2.432 GB", "transferTx": "1.098 GB", "allowedIps": [ "" ] }, "2Uqo3X2ubogU92LS4mWsZtF04ah3qJ4gt1g0=": { "endpoint": "", "latestHandshake": "Oct 28, 2020 1:58:52 UTC", "transferRx": "32.239 MB", "transferTx": "220.852 MB", "allowedIps": [ "" ] } } } }'; $obj2 = json_decode($result2, true); $IPtoSearch = ""; foreach ($obj2['wg0']['peers'] as $peer) { if (in_array($IPtoSearch, $peer['allowedIps'])) { $latestHandshake = $peer['latestHandshake']; break; } } echo "Last handshake for $IPtoSearch was at $latestHandshake\n";
Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
Last handshake for was at Oct 28, 2020 1:58:32 UTC

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28.72 ms | 405 KiB | 5 Q