
run code in 300+ PHP versions simultaneously
<?php class MyClass { public function myMethod($foo) { $reflection = new ReflectionMethod(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); $arg_names = []; foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $parameter) { $arg_names[] = $parameter->name; } if (!in_array('args', $arg_names)) { echo "This is where the deprecation message would be set"; $args = func_get_args(); unset($args[0]); } echo $foo . "\n"; print_r($args); } } class ChildClass extends MyClass { public function myMethod($foo, ...$args) { $reflection = new ReflectionMethod(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__); $arg_names = []; foreach ($reflection->getParameters() as $parameter) { $arg_names[] = $parameter->name; } if (!in_array('args', $arg_names)) { echo "This is where the deprecation message would be set"; $args = func_get_args(); unset($args[0]); } echo $foo . "\n"; print_r($args); } } $myClass = new MyClass(); $myClass->myMethod("Hi", "here", "are","some", "args"); echo "\n"; $childClass = new ChildClass(); $childClass->myMethod("Hi", "here", "are","some", "args");

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