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<?php $spriteSpan=24; $tileSpan=8; $sheetSpan=64; include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/Classes/prettyClass.php"); $pretty = new prettyClass(); // Instantiate the mirrorsClass object $zeroSpan=0; $tileSpan=8; $doubleSpan=16; $spriteSpan=24; $sheetSpan=64; $blankpixel="0000007f"; $mirrors = new mirrorsClass(); $mirrors->initiate(); class mirrorsClass { public function __construct() { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $zeroSpan=0; $tileSpan=8; $doubleSpan=16; $spriteSpan=24; $sheetSpan=64; $blankpixel="0000007f"; } public function initiate() { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $Combo=[]; // Load the sprite sheet from a contiguous PNG file $sheet = imagecreatefrompng ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/Sprites/roe5/sheets/roe5-sheet.png"); // Load the sprite sheet metadata from a JSON file $sheetjson = json_decode(file_get_contents($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/Sprites/roe5/sheets/roe5-sheet.json"),true, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR); $p = array_keys($sheetjson["pre_"]); $s = array_keys($sheetjson["suf_"]); $parts = []; // Initialize $parts as an empty array $seq2=[]; // $D=""; for($pindex = $zeroSpan; $pindex < count( $p ); $pindex++) { for($sindex = $zeroSpan; $sindex < count( $s ); $sindex++) { // echo $p[$pindex].",".$s[$sindex]."<br>\r\n"; $pre = $p[$pindex]; $suf = $s[$sindex]; for($celly=$zeroSpan;$celly<$spriteSpan;$celly+=$tileSpan) { for($cellx=$zeroSpan;$cellx<$spriteSpan;$cellx+=$tileSpan) { $seq["$cellx,$celly"]=""; for($py=$zeroSpan;$py<$tileSpan;$py++) { for($px=$zeroSpan;$px<$tileSpan;$px++) { $colorIndex = imagecolorat($sheet, $pindex*$spriteSpan+$cellx+$px, $sindex*$spriteSpan+$celly+$py); // Get the RGBA values of the color $rgba = imagecolorsforindex($sheet, $colorIndex); $h = "" .str_pad(dechex($rgba['red']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad(dechex($rgba['green']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad(dechex($rgba['blue']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) .str_pad(dechex($rgba['alpha']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $seq["$cellx,$celly"].=$h; } } } } $seq2["$pre$suf"]=$seq; } } // Free up memory imagedestroy($sheet); unset($sheetjson); foreach($seq2 as $k1 => $seqA) { if($seqA== array( "$zeroSpan,$zeroSpan"=>str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan), "$tileSpan,$zeroSpan"=>str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan), "$doubleSpan,$zeroSpan"=>str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan), "$zeroSpan,$tileSpan"=>str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan), "$tileSpan,$tileSpan"=>str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan), "$doubleSpan,$tileSpan"=>str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan), "$zeroSpan,$doubleSpan"=>str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan), "$tileSpan,$doubleSpan"=>str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan), "$doubleSpan,$doubleSpan"=>str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan) )) {continue 1;} foreach($seqA as $A => $partA) { if($partA == str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan)) {continue 1;} $this->manip(array("exact"),$partA,$Combo); } $Combo = array_unique($Combo); $Combo = array_values($Combo); foreach($seqA as $A => $partA) { if($partA == str_repeat("$blankpixel",$tileSpan)) {continue 1;} $this->prune(array("flip_x","flip_y","flip_xy"),$partA,$Combo); } } $this->sheetRender($Combo); // Free memory imagedestroy($sheet); unset($sheetjson); } // Exact carbon copy public function exact($A, &$Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $Combo[] = $A; } // Horizontal flip public function flip_x($A, &$Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $Combo[] = implode("", array_reverse(array_map(fn ($file) => $file, str_split($A, $tileSpan)))); } // Vertical flip public function flip_y($A, &$Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $Combo[] = implode("", array_reverse(str_split($A, $tileSpan * $tileSpan))); } // Diagonal flip public function flip_xy($A, &$Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $Combo[] = implode("", array_reverse(str_split($A, $tileSpan))); } // 90 degrees counter-clockwise rotation public function rotate_90_counter_clockwise($A, &$Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; // Split the input string into rows and convert each row to an array of characters $rows = array_map('str_split', str_split($A, $tileSpan*$tileSpan)); // Transpose the matrix $transposed = array_map(null, ...$rows); // Reverse the rows to get the counter-clockwise rotation $rotated = array_map('array_reverse', $transposed); // Combine the rows back into a single string $result = implode('', array_map('implode', $rotated)); // Add the rotated result to the Combo array $Combo[] = $result; } // 90 degrees clockwise rotation public function rotate_90_clockwise($A, &$Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; // Split the input string into rows and convert each row to an array of characters $rows = array_map('str_split', str_split($A, $tileSpan*$tileSpan)); // Transpose the matrix $transposed = array_map(null, ...array_reverse($rows)); // Combine the rows back into a single string $result = implode('', array_map('implode', $transposed)); // Add the rotated result to the Combo array $Combo[] = $result; } // 270 degrees clockwise rotation public function rotate_270_clockwise($A, &$Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $this->rotate_90_counter_clockwise($A, $Combo); } // 270 degrees counter-clockwise rotation public function rotate_270_counter_clockwise($A, &$Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $this->rotate_90_clockwise($A, $Combo); } // 180 degrees rotation public function rotate_180($A, &$Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $this->flip_xy($A, $Combo); } // Render completed sprite sheet to PNG output public function sheetRender($Combo) { global $zeroSpan, $tileSpan, $doubleSpan, $spriteSpan, $sheetSpan, $blankpixel; $xcount=$sheetSpan; $ycount=ceil(count($Combo)/$xcount); $w=$xcount*$tileSpan; $h=$ycount*$tileSpan; // Load the sprite sheet from a contiguous PNG file $partsSheet = imagecreatetruecolor ($w,$h); // Allocate a color with alpha transparency $transparent_color = imagecolorallocatealpha($partsSheet, 0, 0, 0, 127); // Set background color to transparent imagefill($partsSheet, $zeroSpan, $zeroSpan, $transparent_color); // Enable alpha blending for the image imagealphablending($partsSheet, true); // Preserve transparency imagesavealpha($partsSheet, true); for($index=$zeroSpan;$index<count($Combo);$index++) { $x = floor($index % $sheetSpan)*$tileSpan; $y = floor($index / $sheetSpan)*$tileSpan; for($py=$zeroSpan;$py<$tileSpan;$py++) { for($px=$zeroSpan;$px<$tileSpan;$px++) { $row = str_split($Combo[$index], $tileSpan*$tileSpan)[$py]; $column = str_split($row, $tileSpan)[$px]; $colors = str_split($column, 2); $color["alpha"]=hexdec($colors[3]); $color["alpha"]=127*$color["alpha"]/255; if($color["alpha"]==0) { $color["red"]=hexdec($colors[0]); $color["green"]=hexdec($colors[1]); $color["blue"]=hexdec($colors[2]); // Allocate some color $pixelColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($partsSheet, $color["red"],$color["green"],$color["blue"],$color["alpha"]); // Draw pixels at specific coordinates imagesetpixel($partsSheet, $x+$px, $y+$py, $pixelColor); } } } } // Output the image header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($partsSheet); // Free up memory imagedestroy($partsSheet); } // Manipulate tiles using inline translations public function manip($functions,$partA,&$Combo) { foreach($functions as $function) {call_user_func_array(array($this, $function),array($partA,&$Combo));} $Combo=array_unique($Combo); $Combo=array_values($Combo); } // Prune tiles of which share geometric/planar redundancy public function prune($functions,$partA,&$Combo) { $counts=array_count_values($Combo); foreach($functions as $function) { $Combo_2=[]; call_user_func_array(array($this, $function),array($partA,&$Combo_2)); foreach ($Combo_2 as $combo){ if(array_search($combo, $Combo)!==false && isset($counts[$combo])) {unset($Combo[array_search($combo, $Combo)]);} }$Combo = array_values($Combo); } } /* Submitted by Rockwood 2024 05/10 23:14 // Prune tiles that exhibit geometric redundancy without consideration for number balance function prune($functions, $partA, &$Combo) { // Count occurrences of each tile $counts = array_count_values($Combo); // Iterate through each pruning function foreach ($functions as $function) { $prunedTiles = []; // Apply the pruning function to the current tile call_user_func_array(array($this, $function), array($partA, &$prunedTiles)); // Iterate through the pruned tiles foreach ($prunedTiles as $tile) { // Check if the tile exists in the Combo and if its count is greater than 1 if (array_search($tile, $Combo) !== false && $counts[$tile] > 1) { // Remove the tile from the Combo unset($Combo[array_search($tile, $Combo)]); } } // Re-index the Combo array $Combo = array_values($Combo); } } */ }
Output for 8.1.0 - 8.1.28, 8.2.0 - 8.2.19, 8.3.0 - 8.3.7
Warning: include_once(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/Classes/prettyClass.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/tmp:/in:/etc) in /in/D7nMh on line 7 Warning: include_once(/Classes/prettyClass.php): Failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /in/D7nMh on line 7 Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/Classes/prettyClass.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /in/D7nMh on line 7 Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "prettyClass" not found in /in/D7nMh:8 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /in/D7nMh on line 8
Process exited with code 255.

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