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<?php namespace appointments\controllers; class Settings extends AuthController { public function __construct($params = null) { parent::__construct($params); } public function index() { $biz = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getBusiness(); // get locations $locations = $biz->getLocations(); if (! empty($_POST) && $this->isValid()) { $this->save($biz); } // get types $builder = new \mimi\libs\WhereBuilder(); $builder->add('type', \appointments\models\BusinessTypes::TYPE_BUILTIN) ->add('deleted', \appointments\models\BusinessTypes::DELETED_NO) ->newGroup(\mimi\libs\WhereBuilder::OPERATOR_OR) ->add('added_by', $biz->getOwner()->getId()) ->newGroup(\mimi\libs\WhereBuilder::OPERATOR_OR) ->add('id', $biz->type_id); $types = \appointments\models\BusinessTypes::getAll($builder); $timezones = new \appointments\models\Timezones(); $uniqueTz = $timezones->getUniques(); if (count($uniqueTz) > 0) { $_timezones = []; foreach ($uniqueTz as $offset => $hour) { $_timezones[] = new \appointments\libs\SelectOption('UTC/GMT ' .$hour, $offset); } } $currenciesModel = new \appointments\models\Currencies(); $currencies = $currenciesModel->getUnique(); \mimi\View::render('business', [ 'item' => $biz, 'locations' => $locations, 'timezones' => $_timezones, 'businessTypes' => $types, 'currencies' => $currencies, ]); } public function bookings() { if (count($_POST) > 0) { if (isset($_POST['required_fields']) && $this->isValidRequired($_POST['required_fields'])) { $biz = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getBusiness(); $settings = new \appointments\libs\Settings(); $bizSettings = new \appointments\models\collections\Settings( $settings->setOwner($biz)->get() ); $bizSettings->updateValueByName('required_fields', $_POST['required_fields']); $bizSettings->save(); } // additional fields $this->updateFields($_POST['field']); \mimi\Http::r('/settings/bookings'); } // booking additional fields $biz = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getBusiness(); $additionalFields = $biz->getAdditionalFields(); \mimi\View::render('business/bookings', [ 'additionalFields' => $additionalFields, ]); } protected function updateFields($data = array()) { $ids = array(); if (! empty($data)) { $ids = \mimi\libs\SimpleArray::extract($data, 'id', true); } $biz = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getBusiness(); $additionalFields = $biz->getAdditionalFields(true); if (count($ids) > 0) { $additionalFields->removeMissing($ids); foreach ($data as $id => $field) { $item = $additionalFields->getById($id); if ($item->isLoaded()) { $item->label = $field['label']; if ($field['required'] && $field['required'] == 1) { $item->required = 1; } else { $item->required = 0; } $item->save(); } } } else { $additionalFields->dropAll(); } } protected function isValidRequired($data) { $valid = true; if (empty($data)) { $valid = false; \appointments\libs\SessionMessage::create('Please select one of the options for required fields'); } if (true === $valid) { $possibleOptions = ['pae', 'poe', 'p', 'e',]; if (! in_array($data, $possibleOptions)) { $valid = false; \appointments\libs\SessionMessage::create('Unknown required fields option'); } } return $valid; } public function hours() { $biz = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getBusiness(); if (! empty($_POST)) { // working hours $workingHours = new \appointments\models\WorkingHours(); if ($workingHours->saveAll((int) $biz->id)) { \mimi\View::addMessage(new \mimi\libs\Message( 'Business working hours saved' ), \mimi\View::MESSAGE_FLASH); \mimi\Http::r('/settings/hours'); } } \mimi\View::render('business/hours', [ 'item' => $biz, ]); } public function embedding() { $biz = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getBusiness(); $settings['color'] = $biz->getSettingValue('button_settings_color'); $settings['text'] = $biz->getSettingValue('button_settings_text'); $settings['size'] = $biz->getSettingValue('button_settings_size'); $settings['width'] = $biz->getSettingValue('widget_settings_width'); $settings['height'] = $biz->getSettingValue('widget_settings_height'); \mimi\View::render('business/embedding', ['settings' => $settings,]); } /** * @param \appointment\models\Business $biz */ protected function save(\appointments\models\Business $biz) { // basic biz info $biz->loadFormData(); $biz->owner_id = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->id; $biz->slug = $this->getCurrentSlug($biz); // check for user added type if (isset($_POST['user_type']) && ! empty($_POST['user_type']) && $_POST['type_id'] == -1) { $bizType = new \appointments\models\BusinessTypes(); $bizType->name = $_POST['user_type']; $bizType->type = \appointments\models\BusinessTypes::TYPE_USERADDED; $bizType->added_by = $biz->getOwner()->getId(); $bizType->save(); $biz->type_id = $bizType->getId(); } $biz->save(); // update business locations $this->updateLocations($biz); // update user data $this->updateUserData(); \appointments\libs\FlashMessage::create('Profile information saved'); \mimi\Http::r('/settings/'); } /** * Check if slug changed, if yes - return empty string * (model's save() method will generate new) * * @param \appointments\models\Business $biz * @return string */ protected function getCurrentSlug($biz) { $__slug = $biz->generateSlug($_POST['name'], true); if ($biz->getSlug() !== $__slug) { return ''; } return $biz->getSlug(); } /** * @return boolean */ private function updateUserData() { $updated = false; if ( ! empty($_POST['new_pass'])) { $user = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getUser(); $user->password = $_POST['new_pass']; $user->save(); // update core user's password $core = $user->getCoreUser(); $core->password = $user->password; $core->save(); // switch back to main db $user->setDbConnection(\appointments\libs\DbSwitcher::getConnection()); $updated = true; } return $updated; } /** * @param \appointments\models\Business $biz * @return boolean */ private function updateLogo(\appointments\models\Business $biz) { $updated = false; if (isset($_POST['uploadedFile']) && ! empty($_POST['uploadedFile'])) { // store association $businessFile = new \appointments\models\BusinessFiles(); $businessFile->getOneByFields([ 'business_id' => \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getBusiness()->getId(), ]); $businessFile->file_id = (int) $_POST['uploadedFile']; if ( ! $businessFile->isLoaded()) { $businessFile->business_id = $biz->getId(); } $businessFile->save(); $updated = true; } return $updated; } /** * @param \appointments\models\Business $biz * @return boolean */ private function deleteLogo(\appointments\models\Business $biz) { $removed = false; if (isset($_POST['dropLogo']) && (int) $_POST['dropLogo'] === 1) { $logo = $biz->getLogo(); if ($logo && $logo->isLoaded()) { $logo->delete(); // drop relation $businessFile = new \appointments\models\BusinessFiles(); $businessFile->getOneByFields([ 'file_id' => $logo->getId(), 'business_id' => $biz->getId(), ]); if ($businessFile->isLoaded()) { $businessFile->delete(); $removed = true; } } } return $removed; } protected function updateLocations(\appointments\models\Business $business) { $ids = []; $data = $_POST['locations']; if ( ! empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $id => $_location) { if (strstr($id, 'temp')) { // if this is first address for this business, set it as main $locationType = \appointments\models\BusinessLocations::TYPE_OTHER; $businessLocations = new \appointments\models\BusinessLocations(); $locationsCount = $businessLocations->getByFieldsCount([ 'business_id' => $business->getId(), ]); if ( ! $locationsCount) { $locationType = \appointments\models\BusinessLocations::TYPE_MAIN; } // new location $location = new \appointments\models\Locations(); $location->name = $_location['name']; $location->address = $_location['address']; $location->city = $_location['city']; $location->state = $_location['state']; $location->postal_code = $_location['postal_code']; $location->phone = $_location['phone']; $location->save(); // if this is main location, update existing services with location id if ($locationType === \appointments\models\BusinessLocations::TYPE_MAIN) { $services = $business->getServices(true); if ($services && count($services) > 0) { /** @todo test if this step is required, technically service location is not required */ $services->updateLocationForAll($location->getId()); } } // add relation $businessLocation = new \appointments\models\BusinessLocations(); $businessLocation->location_id = $location->getId(); $businessLocation->business_id = $business->getId(); $businessLocation->type = $locationType; $businessLocation->save(); // save location id for later $ids[] = $location->getId(); } else { // check location with this id $location = new \appointments\models\Locations(); $location->load($id); if ($location->isLoaded() && $location->belongsTo($business)) { $location->loadWith($_location); $location->save(); $ids[] = $location->getId(); } } } // check locations remover if (isset($_POST['location-remover-data']) && ! empty($_POST['location-remover-data'])) { $locationsRemover = json_decode($_POST['location-remover-data']); if (count($locationsRemover->removed) > 0) { $_clients = []; // get client ids foreach ($locationsRemover->removed as $locationId) { $location = new \appointments\models\Locations(); $location->load($locationId); if ($location->isLoaded()) { $appointments = $location->getActiveAppointments(); if (false !== $appointments && count($appointments) > 0) { // get unique client ids foreach ($appointments as $appointment) { $_clients[] = (int) $appointment->client_id; // change status to cancelled $appointment->cancel(); } } } } $this->sendAppointmentCancelledNotifications( $locationsRemover, $_clients); } } if (count($ids) > 0) { // drop locations not in $ids array $locations = $business->getLocations(); $this->dropLocations($locations, $ids); } } } /** * @param array $locationsRemover * @param array $_clients * @return boolean */ protected function sendAppointmentCancelledNotifications($locationsRemover, $_clients = array()) { $sent = false; if (count($_clients) > 0 && $locationsRemover->type === 'send-delete') { $clients = array_unique($_clients); // notify clients foreach ($clients as $clientId) { $client = new \appointments\models\Clients(); $client->load($clientId); if ($client->isLoaded()) { // notify $email = new \appointments\models\emails\AppointmentCancelled(); $email->setMessageBody($locationsRemover->message); $email->send($client); $sent = true; } } } return $sent; } protected function dropLocations($locations, $ids) { $removed = false; if ($locations->isLoaded()) { foreach ($locations as $location) { if ( ! in_array($location->getId(), $ids)) { $location->delete(); $removed = true; } } } return $removed; } /** * @return boolean */ protected function isValid() { $valid = true; if (\mimi\App::getInstance()->getVar(\appointments\libs\States::SITE_DISABLED)) { $valid = false; \appointments\libs\SessionMessage::create('This account has expired'); } if (true === $valid) { $email = filter_input(\INPUT_POST, 'email'); if ( ! empty($email) && ! \filter_var($email, \FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $valid = false; \mimi\View::addMessage(new \mimi\libs\Message( "E-mail address is invalid", \mimi\libs\Message::TYPE_ERROR)); } } // validate password change (if there's any) if (true === $valid) { $current = filter_input(\INPUT_POST, 'current_pass'); $new = filter_input(\INPUT_POST, 'new_pass'); $repeated = filter_input(\INPUT_POST, 'repeated_pass'); if ( ! empty($current) && ! empty($new)) { // ok, user is trying to change password; check current $logged = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getUser(); if ($logged->getPassword() !== $current) { $valid = false; \appointments\libs\SessionMessage::create('Current password is incorrect'); } else if ($new !== $repeated) { $valid = false; \appointments\libs\SessionMessage::create( 'New password must be identical with repeated password'); } } } // validate e-mail - is it free or taken (in the system) if (true === $valid) { $email = filter_input(\INPUT_POST, 'email'); $loggedUser = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getUser(); if ($loggedUser->getBusiness()->getEmail() !== $email) { // email's changed, check if unique $biz = new \appointments\models\Business(); $biz->getOneByFields(['email' => $email,]); if ($biz->isLoaded()) { // sorry, email taken $valid = false; \appointments\libs\SessionMessage::create( 'Sorry, but this e-mail address is already taken' ); } } } return $valid; } public function notifications() { $biz = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getBusiness(); if (isset($_POST) && ! empty($_POST)) { /** @todo settings object with default values for settings? */ if (isset($_POST['settings_list']) && ! empty($_POST['settings_list'])) { $settingsList = explode(',', $_POST['settings_list']); } $biz->updateSettings(($_POST['settings']) ?: [], $settingsList); } \mimi\View::render('business/notifications', [ 'item' => $biz, ]); } public function cancelSubscription() { $user = \appointments\models\CurrentUser::getInstance()->getUser(); $user->cancelSubscription(); \appointments\libs\FlashMessage::create('Subscription has been cancelled'); \mimi\Http::r('/settings'); } }

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