- Output for git.master, git.master_jit, rfc.property-hooks
- Testing type1 bool(true) hello world! hello world! Testing type2 bool(true) Hello Child! Hello Child! Testing type3 bool(true) Hello Child! Hello Child! Testing type6 bool(true) Hello Invokable Hello Invokable Testing type7 bool(true) Hello Closure Hello Closure Testing type4 bool(true) Hello Child! Hello Child! Testing type5 Deprecated: Callables of the form ["MyClass", "parent::myCallbackMethod"] are deprecated in /in/C28tc on line 42 bool(true) Deprecated: Callables of the form ["MyClass", "parent::myCallbackMethod"] are deprecated in /in/C28tc on line 43 Hello Parent! Call to undefined method MyClass::parent::myCallbackMethod()
This tab shows result from various feature-branches currently under review by the php developers. Contact me to have additional branches featured.
Active branches
Archived branches
Once feature-branches are merged or declined, they are no longer available. Their functionality (when merged) can be viewed from the main output page
- 2020-03-21 RFC: Is_Literal - declined
- 2020-12-04 Enumerations - included in PHP 8.1
- 2018-06-15 Typed Properties v2 - implemented in PHP 7.4
- 2016-08-12 Object typehint - included in PHP 7.2
- 2016-08-14 Arrow functions - withdrawn
- 2016-05-29 array_change_keys() - withdrawn
- 2016-04-19 Lexical scope support for anonymous classes - suspended
- 2016-04-17 Functional Interfaces - declined
- 2016-03-16 Typed Properties - superseded in favor of Typed Properties 2.0
- 2015-08-27 Callable Prototypes - declined
- 2015-05-01 Short Closures - declined / withdrawn in favor of Arrow Functions
- 2015-02-18 Scalar type hints v5 - included in PHP 7
- 2015-02-14 Union Types - declined
- 2013-09-22 Anonymous classes - included in PHP 7